Notice of Planning Board Hearing Nov. 10th 7PM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Town Law, the Planning Board of the
Town of Rochester, will a hold public hearing at its meeting on the 10th day
of November 2014, commencing at 7:00PM, at the Town Hall, 50 Scenic Drive,
Accord, NY, on the following matters:

Minor Subdivision for Regina Risa Ender. Applicant proposes to
divide one 2.75 acre lot into two lots, 40 Nutmeg Rd and Ginger Rd, S/B/L
#77.2-3-37, 'R-5' and 'FD Overlay' zoning districts.

Applicant was granted an area variance for density on Sept. 18, 2014 by the

The above noted application is open for inspection at the offices of the
Town Clerk and the Zoning Board of Appeals, Accord, NY.

Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person or by attorney
or other representative."