Town Board Regular Meeting – 5/5/2022

Town of Rochester Town Board
Regular Meeting
May 5, 2022 6:30pm

Harold Lipton Community Center
15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY
As of 5-2-2022

To View the Meeting
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

I. Call to Order – Pledge to the Flag – Roll Call

II. Resolutions
A. Acceptance of Agenda
Recommended Resolution: The Town Board accepts the agenda, as prepared by the Town Supervisor.

III. Presentation
Walnut Brook LLC: EEO Request for Zoning Designation
Request by Walnut Brook LLC for Adaptive Re-use of an Existing Facility grant a zoning district overlay designation of Economic Enterprise Overlay (EEO) for the parcel located at 5688 Route 209, Accord NY [SBL 76.2-2-10]. Walnut Brook LLC proposes adaptive reuse of the former Maybrook Lodge facility to construct a multifamily housing community with a mix of one family, two family and multifamily rental housing units totaling 24 units and 40 bedrooms. A Zoning Change and Zoning Map Amendment are collectively being pursued by the Applicant. An Economic Enterprise Overlay (EEO) zoning district designation is requested by the applicant. If granted, the applicant will be directed to present application to the Town of Rochester Planning Board for Site Plan review.

IV. Supervisor’s Financial Report
• April 2022 report – Filed with the Town Clerk

April 2022 Financials
Revenue April 2022
General Fund $ TBD
Highway Fund $ TBD

Abstract 4-2022
General Fund $ 59,676.47
Highway Fund $ 46,048.71 (correction from audit meeting amount)
Street Lighting Fund $ 0.00
Escrow Account $ 6,947.97

Total Expenditures April 2022
General Fund $ TBD
Highway Fund $ TBD
Street Lighting Fund $ 0.00
Escrow Account $ 6,947.97

• 2021 AUD (Annual Update Document)
V. Town Clerk/Tax Collector Report

VI. Highway Supt. Report

VII. Supervisor’s Correspondence Report

VIII. Supervisor’s Update
a. COVID-19 report
b. Grant Updates
1. NY Rising – Alligerville Firehouse, Harold Lipton Community Center
2. BridgeNY – Boice Mill Road Bridge
3. LGRMIF – Building Dept./Code Enforcement record conversion
4. JCAP – Courthouse bathroom ADA compliance reconstruction
5. ARPA Funding
c. Ulster County updates
d. May 25, 2022 7:00pm Public Hearings
1. local law # B-2022: Accessory Dwellings
2. addendum to Comprehensive Plan

IX. Dept. Updates/Liaison Reports

X. Town Board Member Time

XI. Public Comment
To Comment in the Meeting
Dialin Number: 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 884 5223 7557 Passscode: 289553

XII. Resolutions
B. Action on Minutes
Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board accepts the minutes of the April 7, 2022 Regular meeting, April 20, 2022 Workshop meeting, April 28, 2022 Audit meeting, April 20, 2022 Public Hearing, April 28, 2022 public hearings, April 22, 2022 Special Meeting, and April 28, 2022 Special Meeting.

C. Resolution Amending Approval of Abstract 4-2022
Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes amendment of resolution XXX of 2022 approving payment of abstract 4-2022, with the following corrections:
Highway Fund $46,048.71 replacing approved payment $46,308.32

D. Acceptance of Donation of Goods
Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board accepts donation of chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Peeps, and cookies from Jessica Knapp in the amount of $172.28 for the Easter Egg Hunt.

E. Acceptance of Donations
Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board accepts donation of $2,500 from the Michael Oremus Foundation for the Summer Program 2022.

F. Adult Paint Classes
Recommended Resolution: On request of the Recreation Department, The Town of Rochester Town Board approves use of the Harold Lipton Community Center for the scheduling of 2 Adult Paint Classes. Funding to come from Adult Recreation, Supplies and Materials budget line.

G. Request for Appointment
Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board appoints Brian Buchbinder to the Trails Committee.

H. Establishing a Housing Committee
Recommended Resolution: On presentation by Councilwoman Smiseth
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Rochester desires to create a Housing Advisory
Committee to review and analyze the housing needs of the citizens of Rochester, to advise on housing policies and initiatives, to develop strategies to improve housing options, and to recommend zoning changes or the adoption of local ordinances that best serve the housing needs of Rochester’s citizens; and

WHEREAS encouraging the availability of a diverse range of housing opportunities for every income level is vital to the social and economic sustainability of our community and to ensuring that residents at all stages of life, including seniors, families with and without children, and individual members of the community who collectively comprise our local workforce continue to have opportunities to rent or own housing in town; and

WHEREAS housing equity improves our neighborhoods by maintaining diversity, promoting stability, and assuring the quality of the built environment and neighborhood character.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Rochester establish a
Housing Advisory Committee to,
• Advise the Town Board, when requested on housing issues.
• Review land use policies, zoning, and legislation to make recommendations to the Town Board on how to encourage development of affordable senior and workforce housing.
• Engage the community to determine current housing needs and encourage meaningful support for diverse housing options.
• Work with policy leaders to ensure that present and future policies further the goals of encouraging and maintaining a stock of affordable housing.
• Assist in the identification and development of potential sites for affordable senior and
sustainable housing that preserve the character of the Town.
• Coordinate with Ulster County to identify ways to collaborate on opportunities to increase the stock of affordable housing and other forms of housing.
• Partnering with other housing agencies.
• Creation of educational materials, fact sheets, and/or technical assistance to help residents navigate the zoning and building permitting process.
Membership of the Housing Advisory Committee shall be comprised no less than five (5) no more than seven (7) full members, who are residents of the Town of Rochester, who shall be appointed by the Town Board to serve two-year (2) terms. The Chairperson will be selected by members of the Committee at the first meeting of each calendar year or additional to be decided by the Committee; and
The Housing Advisory Committee shall meet a once per month and shall provide quarterly updates to the Town Board to include the following:
• Housing inventory and median price changes over the previous quarter
• A summary of activities over the previous quarter
• Copies of all meeting minutes for the previous quarter
• An annual report no later than March 1st
• Any drafts of resolutions recommending changes to existing code
• Costs associated with mandatory training shall be reimbursable by the Town on the condition that they have been approved a minimum of two weeks in advance by the Town Supervisor or Town Board.

I. Authorizing The Update Of Eldercare Program Form
Recommended Resolution: On presentation by Councilwomen Enouen and Smiseth, the Town of Rochester Town Board approves recommended changes to the Town of Rochester Eldercare Program form.

J. Authorizing the Supervisor to Make an Offer of Opportunity for Contract
Recommended Resolution: Pursuant to the Town of Rochester Procurement Policy and Best Value implementation of vendor selection, the Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to make an offer of opportunity for contract to ______________ to provide municipal website design, implementation, client support, and hosting services for the website.

K. Authorizing Co-Sponsoring Heritage Day
Recommended Resolution: On request of the Town Clerk/Historian, the Town of Rochester Town Board agrees to co-sponsor the Friends of Historic Rochester Heritage Day to be held October 1, 2022 and authorizes the use of the Harold Lipton Community Center, Town Hall, and Town Park facilities and properties. The Town Board further authorizes the Town Supervisor to utilize the Town insurance policy as an additional insured policy for the purposes of the closure of Main Street, Accord from Scenic Road to Granite Road for the event, at no additional cost to the Town, provided a COI is received from all vendors and/or organizations who will be utilizing the closed road. The Town Clerk, Recreation Director, and Town Supervisor shall coordinate with Friends of Historic Rochester on this.

L. Authorizing Co-Sponsoring Historic Barn Tour
Recommended Resolution: On request of the Town Clerk and Historic Preservation Commission, the Town of Rochester Town Board agrees to co-sponsor with the Friends of Historic Rochester of the Historic Barn Tour to be held July 23, 2022. The Town Board further authorizes the Town Supervisor to utilize the Town insurance policy as an additional insured policy. The Town Clerk and Town Supervisor shall coordinate with Friends of Historic Rochester on this.

XIII. Discussion Items with Attorney
M. 2023 Ambulance Improvement Districts
N. Granary SEQRA
O. Video Participation for Meetings Local Law

XIV. Discussion Items
P. Child Safety ID Kits
Q. Municipal Planner employee
R. Broadband Mapping
S. Local Law – Moratorium Public Hearing continuation date
T. Local Law – Solid Waste/Littering
U. Local Law – Zoning/Subdivision Revisions
V. Climate Smart Communities Grant Program

XV. In Memoriam
Norman Gray (retired HMEO – Town Highway Dept.)
Carrie Gemmell
Barry Van Demark
Robert A. Smith Sr.
Geraldine Stone
Meredith Pomeroy
Peter P. Rzeszewicz, III
Paul T. Cunningham
Mary Margaret Ayasse
Christine A. Ferrari
The people of Ukraine
All suffering worldwide from the COVID-19 virus

XVI. Adjournment