Planning Board Minutes November 8th, 2021

(845) 626-2434

MINUTES OF November 8th, 2021 REGULAR MEETING OF the Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD, held at 7:00pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center and streamed live via YouTube.

Chair Jones called the meeting to order and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge to the Flag.

The Secretary did roll call attendance.

Rick Jones, Chairperson
Sam Zurofsky, Vice Chairperson
Patrick Williams
Maren Lindstrom
Ann Marie Moloney
Marc Grasso
Zorian Pinsky
Zachary Jarvis- Alternate

Mary Lou Christiana-Town Attorney
Nicole Knapp-Secretary
Erin Enouen – Councilwomen (to facilitate livestream)
Elizabeth Axelson, Planning Consultant, CPL


November 29th Workshop Meeting Decision:

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion to cancel the November workshop meeting. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions


Chair Jones discussed Attorney for the Town will be conducting a training in 2022, which will count for credit hours.


Mr. Pinsky made a motion to accept the Planning Board Regular Meeting minutes from 10/14/21. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Mr. Williams made a motion to accept the Planning Board Workshop minutes from 10/25/21. Mr. Zurofsky seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions


PB 2021-11 LLI Robert Kilpert & Jeffrey DaPuzzo

Robert Kilpert was present on behalf of the application.

Mr. Kilpert explained the project, stating half of the property they own has more difficult soils to work with. He stated is not interesting in developing the land but would like to have some of it available for his daughter eventually or for someone else to farm in the future.

Ms. Lindstrom states she thought it should be a subdivision application instead of a lot line improvement.

Mr. Grasso suggested adding a 50ft right of way from Krum Rd. to the deed. An attorney would re-write the deed to give access to the Dunn Farm Rd. property.

Ms. Christiana stated Planning Board approval is not required for this change. The LLI application will be withdrawn. Mr. Kilpert decided to pursue another avenue of providing additional access from Krum Rd.

PB 2021-06 SBD Continued Application/Public Hearing
Frank Kortright
S/B/L 68.3-2-14/NR
Minor Subdivision

Kyle Kortright was present on behalf of his application.

Mr. Kortright described his wish to combine the three parcels he currently owns into one parcel.

Mr. Zurofsky asked about the intent of the project. Mr. Kortright stated he plans on building one home, maintain privacy, and has no plans to subdivide in the future.

Ms. Christiana addressed the new law regarding motions/resolutions. The state requires the information be posted on the website 24 hours prior to the meeting/public hearing. This project complied with this new law in that the certification below was included in the meeting agenda for this November 8th meeting thus well within the 24-hour requirement.

Chair Jones read the certification:

Decision: PB 2021-15 LLI

Lot Improvement – Certification
*Pursuant to Chapter 125 and Chapter 140 of the Code of the Town of Rochester.

Applicant: Kyle Kortright
Owner: Kyle Kortright

Reason for Request:
Applicant proposes a lot line deletion to combine parcel S/B/L 67-1-26.110 (+/- 5.6 acres) with parcel S/B/L 67-1-26.210 (+/-6.328 acres), and parcel S/B/L 67-1-26.300 (+/- 9.736 acres) into one parcel of +/- 21.692 acres. Parcels are located in the AR-3 zoning district at 633 Cherrytown Road, Kerhonkson, NY

Location: 633 Cherrytown Road, Kerhonkson, NY
S/B/L: 67-1-26.110, 67-1-26.210 and 67-1-26.300
Zoning District: AR-3 (residential agricultural zoning district).

Zoning Permit filed: 10/18/2021 SEQR Type: Type II by definition
Planning Board Application #: 2021-16 LLI PB Application filed: 10/18/2021

* * * * *

The Planning Board has reviewed the plat and certifies the lot improvement proposed will meet Town of Rochester lot requirements for the AR-3 zoning districts and, for recording purposes only, further represents an exempt lot improvement in accordance with Section § 125-18 of the Town of Rochester Subdivision Regulations. No subdivision approval is required or given by the Planning Board. The Planning Board further grants the authority to the Chairman to sign the plat certifying the lot improvement for filing purposes without further resolution upon receipt and the Chairman’s determination such plat meets the requirements of the code is in agreement with the sketch plan provided for review.

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion to certify the Lot Line Improvement application. Mr. Grasso seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

PB 2021-18SBD New Application
Krom-Stone LLC
S/B/L 69.1-1-23.100/AR-3
Natural Subdivision

Heather Gabriel of Medenbach & Eggers and Kevin Meehan present on behalf of the application.

Planning Board discussion occurred regarding confusion of the goal of the project. Ms. Christiana stated there were two options for the applicant. Either the natural subdivision application would get withdrawn and the application process would proceed with the previously submitted minor subdivision application or they could continue with the natural subdivision application, making changes to the map. A public hearing would be set for 12/13/21 contingent upon receipt of additional information and updated map if they decided to continue with the minor subdivision process. Due to the property’s proximity to a historic home, SHPO would need to be asked for input regarding the project, if the minor subdivision route was followed, but not if the Lot Line option was followed.

Ms. Lindstrom moved to set the public hearing for the 12/13/21 meeting contingent on receipt of required documents and an updated map. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion. Mr. Zurofsky opposed the motion, stating he did not think the Board had enough information to set the public hearing.

Majority in Favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 1 nays, 0 abstentions

PB 2021–13 SBD Continued Application
Rock Mountain Farms (Karen & Howard Osterhoudt)
S/B/L 68.4-6-1.117/R2/R1
Minor Subdivision

John Post, Karen & Howard Osterhoudt present on behalf of the application.

Chair Jones announced the typing of the subdivision application was correct and the property had not been subdivided prior to this most recent request, which would have caused this application to have to be retyped as a Major Subdivision. There was no need to follow the new law regarding decisions being posted 24 hours in advance, since this project approval had already been read into the record at the October 14th meeting and the Board agreed that this project was ‘grandfathered’ for purposes of the new law regarding 24-hour notification.

The Board voted on the findings at the last meeting. The conditions of approval were then read at this meeting.

Full decision below:

Decision: PB 2021-13 SBD
Minor Subdivision Conditional Final Approval

Applicant: Karen & Howard Osterhoudt d/b/a Rock Mountain Farms, Inc.

Reason for Request: The subdivision of parcel S/B/L 68.4-6-1.117 (+/- 6.6 acres) into two lots: lot 1 of +/- 1 acres and lot 2 of +/- 5.6 acres. Lots are to be accessed by Cathy Jo Place. Accord, NY. Parcel contains farmland of state-wide importance; the far rear of the current parcel is in the FD Overlay District (FEMA 100 year flood plain); Parcel contains hydric soils and probable wetlands and is in the TOR AP Overlay District.

Location: Cathy Jo Place, Accord, NY
Total Acreage: ±5.6 acres
S/B/L: S/B/L 68.4-6-1.117
Zoning District: R-1 (neighbourhood residential) and R-2 (Low Density Residential)

Code Enforcement Determination: Minor Subdivision
Zoning Permit: 257 of 2021

Planning Board Application: 2021-13 SBD
PB Application filed: 7/26/2021 EAF filed: 7/26/2021

SEQR Type: Unlisted, Uncoordinated –10/14/2021
SEQR Determination: Negative Declaration – 10/14/2021
Other Agency Referrals: N/A

Documents considered by the Planning Board for review

1. Zoning Permit 257 of 2021 determination of Minor Subdivision received 5/27/2021 & dated 5/27/2021
2. Code Enforcement determination letter received 5/27/2021
3. Letter of representation from Karen Osterhoudt to John Post dated 7/26/2021
4. Planning Board Subdivision application 2021-13 SBD received & dated 7/26/2021
5. Short Form EAF Part 1 received 7/26/2021
6. UCDOH waste disposal permit dated 2/23/2021 & septic plan by Medenbach & Eggers received 8/30/2021 for lot one.
7. Preliminary Site Plan dated 3/14/2021. Received 7/12/2021, Revised 8/30/2021

Notice of Public Hearing:

1. Published in the September 23rd, 2021 edition of the Shawangunk Journal.
2. Notice by mail to known landowners within 500’.
3. Posted on the T/ Rochester Clerk bulletin board and Town of Rochester website.

Date of Public Hearing: 10/14/2021
Place: Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Rd Accord, NY 12404
Public Comment: (see Minutes of Town of Rochester Planning Board, 10/14/2021)
* * * *
Findings of the Planning Board
1. The Planning Board received a zoning referral and determination letter for a minor subdivision from the Code Enforcement Officer.
2. Applicant proposes the subdivision of parcel S/B/L 68.4-6-1.117 (+/- 6.6 acres) into two lots; lot 1 of +/- 1 acres and lot 2 of +/- 5.6 acres. The new lots are to be accessed by Cathy Jo Place, Accord, NY. The larger lot 2 of 5.6 acres can also be accessed by Roberts Drive, which is not proposed. Parcel contains farmland of state-wide importance; the far rear of the current parcel is in the FD Overlay District (FEMA 100 year flood plain); parcel contains hydric soils and small probable wetlands in the rear along/within the FD Overlay District. The parcel is further within the TOR Aquifer Protection Overlay District.
3. The applicant’s representative met with the Planning Board and presented the subdivision map for review. The Board discussed and reviewed the proposed subdivision and requested additional map details: neighboring parcel owners listed on map; location map; location of proposed dwellings, driveways, well and septic; topography; and delineation of FD Overlay (FEMA Floodplain area).
4. The parcel is in the R-1 and R-2 zoning districts.
5. The existing plat is filed with the Ulster County Clerk.
6. The current use of the parcel is vacant land. Proposed lot one will be a +/- 1 acre lot incorporated into a community water system and will need septic, plans which were submitted and for which DOH approval exists. Proposed lot 2 will need well and septic. Parcel is partially highly sloping dropping to flat lands, is in the AP Overlay District and is partially within the FP Overlay district. No land disturbance is proposed within the FD Overlay portion of the parcel to the rear. The proposed land uses meet the regulations of the FD and AP Overlay Districts.
7. Rochester R-1 zoned districts are neighborhood residential districts designed to preserve the predominantly moderate density residential areas of the Town and to protect them from incompatible uses. Rochester R-2 zoned districts are Low Density Residential Districts, this district is intended to recognize and preserve the integrity of predominantly low density rural residential areas of the Town and to protect them from incompatible uses.
8. The application was determined to meet the requirements of an Unlisted SEQRA action.
• A Negative Declaration was determined upon review.
9. A Public Hearing was held.
10. The Board reviewed if the proposed lot has safe and legal access.
• The Board concludes that proposed lots will have adequate >/= 50 foot frontage on the Town Highway.
11. The parcel is in the R-1 and R-2 zoning districts. Upon review, the Board concludes that the 2 proposed parcels meet or exceed the bulk standards requirements for the R-2 zoning district.
12. The Board reviewed if the proposed lots could support water and septic. Lot 1 will connect to a community water system and has UCDOH approved septic. The Planning Board will need engineer certification or UCDOH approval that the new lot 2 can support water and septic. This shall be a condition of approval.

Draft findings were prepared by the Chairman and were read and discussed by the Planning Board in public meeting at the time of adoption.

Adopted October 14th, 2021 by the following vote:
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Absent: 1

Motion to adopt findings by Ann Marie Moloney
Second by Patrick Williams
* * * *
The Town of Rochester Planning Board grants Minor Subdivision- Conditional Final Approval permitting the subdivision of lands situated at: Cathy Jo Place, Accord, NY.

The subdivision plan dated March 14, 2021 and revised August 21, 2021 is approved with the following conditions.


1. All fees due to the Town of Rochester involving this application shall be paid in full prior to the Chair’s signature on the Final Plat.
2. The applicant shall present a Final Plat for signature. The Final Plat shall show updated plan revision date(s) and shall include a location map.
3. The following plat notes shall be included on the recorded Final Plat Map:
(1) “Any further subdivision shall be treated as a major subdivision under TOR subdivision law §125-12”.
(2) “This property contains land within the 100-year floodplain as depicted by FEMA on plate 36111C0570F effective as of 11/18/2016.. Any construction or disturbance within the FEMA designated 100-year floodplain shall adhere to the Code of the Town of Rochester Chapter 81, Flood Damage Prevention, or its successors.”
4. Certification shall be provided indicating lot 2 is capable of supporting onsite water and septic in the form of preliminary or final approval by the Ulster County Health Department or a signed letter by a NYS licensed engineer.
5. All required Local, County, State or Federal permits shall be secured for the current and future use of these lands, specifically local driveway permits.

This Conditional Final Approval shall expire 180 days from this approval date unless the Final Plat is presented and signed by the Chair. This period may be extended for two additional 90 day periods upon application to and resolution by the T/ Rochester Planning Board.

The Town of Rochester Planning Board further grants Minor Subdivision- Conditional Final Approval permitting the subdivision of lands upon satisfactory completion of the conditions of approval 1 – 4 and grants the authority to the Chair to certify that the conditions have been met and review, sign and date the plat without further resolution at such time.


1. The owner shall file in the office of the Ulster County Clerk such approved plat bearing the Chair’s signature and any other related documents within 62 days from the date of signature or such approval shall be deemed to expire without further notice in accordance with NYS Town Law §276.
2. The owner shall have the responsibility to return three (3) Ulster County Clerk certified copies of the filed plat and any other related documents to the T/ Rochester Planning Board within 30 days of such filing.

Adopted November 8, 2021 by the following vote:
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Absent: 0

Motion made by Marc Grasso
Second by Sam Zurofsky

PB 2021-06 SBD Continued Application/Public Hearing
Frank Kortright
S/B/L 68.3-2-14/NR
Minor Subdivision

Heather Gabriel of Medenbach & Eggers and Frank Kortright present on behalf of the application.

The Board completed a SEQRA EAF Part 2 review.

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion declaring an unlisted, uncoordinated action, no negative environmental impact. Mr. Williams seconded the motion.

Roll Call:
Chair Lindstrom- Yes Ms. Moloney- Yes
Mr. Zurofsky- Yes Mr. Grasso- Yes
Mr. Williams- Yes
Mr. Jones- Yes
Mr. Pinsky- Yes
All in Favor. Motion Carried.

Chair Jones opened the Public Hearing.

Flynn O’Connor spoke regarding the application as the closest neighbor to the proposed project site. He asked if the zoning was changing for any other part of the parcel besides the area that was being subdivided. The Board responded that the rest of the property would keep its existing zoning. No further comments were made.

Mr. Zurofsky motioned to close the public hearing. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Chair Jones advised the decision would be prepared for approval at the next meeting, 12/13/21

Ms. Gabriel asked for the specific language to be used for the special use part of the project to be provided. This information will be provided in the follow-up letter sent out by the secretary following the meeting.

PB 2021-15SBD Continued Application/Public Hearing
Reginald Solcberg/David Demorest
S/B/L 68.2-1-74.200/R2
Minor Subdivision

Reginald Solcberg, David Demorest, and John Post present on behalf of the application.

The Board completed a SEQRA EAF Part 2 review.

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion declaring an unlisted, uncoordinated action, no negative environmental impact. Mr. Pinsky seconded the motion.

Chair Jones opened the Public Hearing.

No members of the public present to speak and no correspondence received regarding the application.

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Mr. Grasso seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Chair Jones advised the decision would be prepared for approval at the next meeting, 12/13/21

PB 2021-19SBD Continued Application Einar Normann
S/B/L 68.1-2-22.110/R5
Minor Subdivision

Einar and Marta Normann present on belief of the application.

Mr. Zurofsky asked a question, (though this issue was addressed in the DEC report stating the need for a bridge or culvert to be constructed in order to cross the stream with a vehicle), regarding if fording was against fire code regarding the stream that must be crossed to get onto the property. Ms. Christiana stated it would be included in the conditions to abide by all state regulations, referring to aforementioned DEC report.

No other Board members had comments.

Mr. Grasso motioned for the Public Hearing to be set for 12/13/21. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

PB 2021-20SBD New Application
Peter Venezia
S/B/L 67.-1-58/R2

Peter Venezia present on behalf of the application.

Chair Jones stated all information provided in the application packet checklist must be provided on the map once a surveyor is secured. A copy was provided for the applicant.

Mr. Venezia presented an escrow check for $1000 to the Planning Board secretary to set up an account needed for the Planning consultant.

Ms. Lindstrom advised the SEAF form must be completed. Ms. Christiana advised to have the surveyor assist in completing this form.

Mr. Venezia was advised that he would be placed back on the agenda when he came back with the complete package and notified the Board in writing that he wished to be considered for the appropriate upcoming agenda. He acknowledged this.

PB 2021-16 SBD Continued Application
Francesco Malatesta, Marco Gentilucci, & Alessio Pigazzi (Applicants & Owners)
S/B/L 67-1-6
Minor Subdivision

Heather Gabriel of Medenbach & Eggers present on behalf of the application.

Chair Jones summarized everything the Board requested had been received up to this point. The grading study is needed for the next meeting. The Board also requires proof the post project flow of water would not exceed the current before flow of water and if it did, there would have to be mitigation of this flow so that the before and after flows were the same.

Chair Jones raised a question regarding lot 3 and the shared driveway. The Chair stated he did not have a problem with lot 3 having its own driveway. The Chair stated there was push back from the applicant and their representatives regarding the consolidation of the lands in the back of each lot into a conservation easement. The Chair stated he did not have an opinion about this either way.

Chair Jones spoke about the Threatened & Endangered species report and that expert Mike Nowicki stated there was not concern about Timber rattlesnakes in the area due to the lack of exposed rock in the area that would provide appropriate habitat. Barriers for the rattlesnakes must be in place during a specific time period in the warmer weather during construction, details of which were presented in Mr. Nowicki’s report.

Ms. Moloney commented on the amount of water on the property.

Ms. Lindstrom commented about the whole property in the front is wet and there is no way to determine the wetness remaining in the same spot forever. She stated the Board’s job is to protect the health and well-being of the land in our area. She stated it should be a restriction on the property to build upon the wetlands that exist.

Mr. Grasso commented on the shared driveway. Ms. Gabriel stated the applicants were against it and brought up the lot sizes being around 20 acres. Mr. Grasso pointed out the land is flooded right now.
Ms. Lindstrom agreed with the Chair stating there should be conservation area in the wetlands area.

Ms. Christiana stated a map note would have to exist stating no further development on these areas.

Ms. Gabriel was amenable to adding this information on the map to the effect that there would be a voluntary 100ft buffer around the wetland areas, thus preventing any new structures or disturbance within 100ft of the wetlands.

Ms. Lindstrom asked why the home can’t be moved further away from the wetlands area.

Ms. Gabriel pointed out the health department has approved the locations of the septic areas.

Ms. Lindstrom reiterated the agricultural data statement is necessary for this application. There needs to be a notation on the map about nearby farmland.

The Board will require comment from Accord Fire Dept, Ag & Markets, Ulster County Planning Board, and will need a road maintenance agreement for review by Ms. Christiana. No sight distances are necessary, but profiles will be required.

Mr. Grasso motioned to set the Public Hearing for 12/13/21. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion authorizing Liz Axelson of CPL and Heather Gabriel of Medenbach & Eggers to speak directly.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
7 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

PB 2021-17 SBD Continued Application
DeJager Realty, LLC
S/B/L 77.1-2-33.510
Major Subdivision

Nadine Carney and Andrew Davis of PEAK Engineering present on behalf of the application.

Chair Jones stated that the first step in considering the Conservation Subdivision, Section 125-23 L1 is almost complete.

Ms. Carney remarked that she would like the Board to decide whether they would discuss waiving tree marking over a certain required caliper for removal/non-removal and whether they would discuss waiving a visual impact analysis. Regarding this, the road must be marked out to be able to see where it is going on the property. A location map has been included showing a two-mile radius of what is around the area.

The Chair then went around the table to get input from the Board:

Mr. Williams said he did not have any major issues with the proposed site.

Ms. Lindstrom stated she did not like where house #13 is, stating it would interfere with the view. Fill will need to be brought in for this lot. She stated there should be a conservation area around house 3 & 4. These are the two houses that sit right on the Rondout Creek.

Mr. Grasso stated the area by the Rondout needed an additional homesite and the trees nearby need to come down. He stated where 11 and 12 are, it is too wet, and they are too close to each other in respect to septic issues. He suggested 11 be moved to the area by the Rondout Creek or a better area.

Mr. Pinsky did not have a problem with lot 3 and 4 and stated there will be no view issues with lot 13.

Ms. Moloney stated the trees should be preserved and spoke about potential septic issues where Mr. Grasso was talking about.

Mr. Zurofsky stated the importance of preserving open space. He stated the area by the Rondout Creek should be preserved. The core forest area should be conserved, as well. He pointed out there is primary conservation area which cannot be developed anyway. He brought up the possibility of shared septic for lots 1, 3, & 4.

Chair Jones stated he was ok with lot 13, would like to see it moved back further, and also has a problem with 1 being in the core forest area. There are also important trees around lot 3 & 4 used to cool the creek in the summertime, allowing for trout hatchlings to develop. He stated he is fine with moving the homes to a different area and potentially be smaller than 4-bedroom homes.

Ms. Carney pointed out shared septic is not allowed for single-family dwellings. She stated a 4 bedroom is the largest home the property can support but does not mean every home will be 4 bedrooms.

Mr. Williams asked about putting a house between lots 2 & 8.

The Board then went through an extensive discussion of the positioning of the houses on sites #1, 3, 4, and 13.

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion that “since and regarding the area of lots 3 & 4 being a secondary conservation area, because it is adjacent to the river, has a large growth of trees, and the Board views it as scenic because it is adjacent to the river and its inherent natural beauty, these lots should be moved away from the Rondout Creek.”

Chair Jones asked for a vote to make this change.
Majority in favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 1 nay, 0 abstentions

A suggestion was made for the Board members to walk the property again.

Ms. Lindstrom recused (left) herself from the remainder of the meeting due to a personal commitment. (10:30pm)

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion, pursuant to provision 125-23 L2 a & b of that the Board adopts the tentative house sites and tentative conservation area boundaries as illustrated on the map that was edited by the Board during the meeting. Mr. Williams seconded the motion These changes were primarily to lots 3 and 4 which were agreed to be moved away from the Rondout Creek and moved further uphill, leaving the area bordering the Rondout as an extension of the Conservation Easement area.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion to grant waiver request regarding the viewshed analysis requirements for lot #13 after agreeing to move it back slightly. Mr. Grasso seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion to grant request for waiver regarding tree caliper analysis within the conservation area and any other areas where steep slopes are above 25%. Chair Jones seconded the motion. (Only in the conservation areas)
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

Ms. Carney asked if the traffic study was necessary. The Board answered in the negative upon the advice of their consultant, Ms. Axelson.

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion to grand request for waiver for the traffic study analysis on Lucas Ave. and Peninsula Ln. Ms. Moloney seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions

No other matters to be addressed.


Chair Jones made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:47PM. Mr. Williams seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions