Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 08/10/04

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson, Marijane Knudsen.


        Present:        Beatrice Haugen-De Puy, Vice Chair.     Absent:  Brian Belile           
                        Stanley Hudson                                          James Kingston, Alternate
                        Marijane Knudsen, Chairperson
                        Elizabeth Kawalchuck
Pledge to the Flag.


Mr. Hudson motioned to approve as submitted the minutes of July 14, 2004. Motion seconded by Mrs. Haugen-Depuy. No discussion.
Vote:   Belile          –       Absent          Kawalchuck      –       Yes
        Hudson  –       Yes                     Knudsen –       Yes
        Haugen De Puy-  Yes                     Kingston, Alt.  –       Absent
EUGENE KRUCHOWY-        15’ Area Variance  for residential addition, Polyana Lane off of Upper Granite                                  Road, Tax Map # 76.3-3-2.2, R-1 District


At 7:05 PM, Chairperson Knudsen called Mr. Kruchowy forward for his Public Hearing. She summarized that Mr. Kruchowy had come before the Board at its July Meeting and he presented his application. He owns the two adjoining lots and he was going to build a 20’ x 24’ addition on his house to be utilized as a family room. He is applying for a 15’ Area Variance because the proposed addition would encroach on the required 40’ side yard setback leaving the distance of +/- 25’ between the addition and the property line. She recalled that Mr. Kruchowy was not interested in deleting the lot line to create one (1) lot; it would remain two (2) separate parcels which would give him an option at a later date to utilize the second lot if he needed to. To adjust the lot line would create two (2) undersized lots as they each exist at just one (1) acre each. There was also an issue with the layout of the property in regards to septic and the position of the house that would prohibit achieving his request by other means.


Mr. Kruchowy submitted pictures of his two (2) parcels to the Board displaying the layout and landscaping of the two (2) parcels and explained why the Area Variance was his only option.


The Chairperson noted that Mr. Kruchowy’s neighbors were notified of his application as well as being advertised in the Daily Freeman.


Mr. Kruchowy indicated where the septic and the well and other items were on the map that would prohibit him from achieving his request by other means.


The Chairperson went through the criteria to achieve the Area Variance.


Mr. Kruchowy noted that he had brought an adjoining neighbor to the meeting to speak on his behalf.


Mr. Kruchowy also submitted letter dated August 10, 2004 from W. A. Scribner stating that as a neighbor, he had no objection and recommended that the Area Variance be granted.


Mr. Kruchowy noted that there are only 3 existing houses on Polyana Lane. There is Mr. Kruchowy’s family, the Atkinsens’ and Mr. Scribner being the eighth lot down on Polyana Lane.


Mr. Kruchowy explained the photos that he submitted to the Board. He also wanted to show how he landscaped the property to create more privacy. He explained that the way the properties are landscaped he would never be able to sell the lot to someone else. Instead he could see a family member maybe building a house on the other parcel in the future.


The Board noted that from looking at the pictures Mr. Kruchowy put a lot of pride into his property as it was very well maintained and landscaped.


Mr. Kruchowy noted that after he received the variance he would probably begin construction in September or October. The proposed addition would be the same style as his house and would fit into the surrounding neighborhood as there is a neighboring home that is also the same style.


Mrs. Haugen-De Puy noted that the driveway encompasses both of Mr. Kruchowy’s parcels, which would make it difficult to sell the other parcel.


The Chairperson opened the hearing to the public.


Mr. Tomaszewski of 746 Granite Road spoke in favor of the Variance noting that he had nothing against the request.


At 7:20 Mrs. Kawalchuck motioned to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Haugen-De Puy. No discussion.
Vote:   Belile          –       Absent          Kawalchuck      –       Yes
        Hudson  –       Yes                     Knudsen –       Yes
        Haugen De Puy-  Yes                     Kingston, Alt.  –       Absent
Mrs. Haugen-De Puy motioned for the Town of Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals to act as Lead Agency and that this addition has a Negative Declaration on the environment. Motion Seconded by Mrs. Kawalchuck. No Discussion.
Vote:   Belile          –       Absent          Kawalchuck      –       Yes
        Hudson  –       Yes                     Knudsen –       Yes
        Haugen De Puy-  Yes                     Kingston, Alt.  –       Absent


Mrs. Kawalchuck motioned to grant the 15’ side yard Area Variance for the proposed addition, conditions being that he meets all of the requirements. Mr. Hudson seconded the motion. Mrs. Haugen-De Puy asked that the addition meet all local, County, State, fire, and electrical codes and permits.
Vote:   Belile          –       Absent          Kawalchuck      –       Yes
        Hudson  –       Yes                     Knudsen –       Yes
        Haugen De Puy-  Yes                     Kingston, Alt.  –       Absent


The Chairperson noted that she was going on vacation and may not have the opportunity to prepare the decision until she returns. The Secretary will tell the Code Enforcement Office that Mr. Kruchowy has been approved for his requested 15’ variance and can proceed with the Building Permit process.


Mrs. Kawalchuck motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Hudson. No Discussion.
Vote:   Belile          –       Absent          Kawalchuck      –       Yes
        Hudson  –       Yes                     Knudsen –       Yes
        Haugen De Puy-  Yes                     Kingston, Alt.  –       Absent
As there was nothing further to discuss, at 7:30 Chairperson Knudsen Adjourned the Meeting.
                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Rebecca Paddock Stange