Youth Commission Minutes Nov. 2014

November 20, 2014

The meeting started at 9:40 am.

Present: Pam Stocking (acting as Chair), Sandy Chipman, Manuela Michailescu,
Recreation/Youth Department Director Carol Dennin, and Town Board liaison
Cindy Fornino.
Absent: Jessica Knapp, Sue Matson

After establishing that there is a quorum for the meeting, the minutes of
the October 16, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Sandy Chipman made a motion to
approve the minutes and Manuela Michailescu seconded the motion, which was
approved unanimously.

Director Carol Dennin indicated to Town Board liaison Cindy Fornino that a
sign is needed for the Community Center and stressed also that we all have
to continue working towards buying a new(er) bus, together with Richard
Miller (who knows a place for buying online). She added that there are no
winter trips.

The Director’s report was then presented. Among the highlights:

— After School program – 46 kids are registered, but not all come at once

— Basketball program – about 140 kids registered, program is full

— This October 25th “Haunted Barn” was the last in the barn (there are
problems with the roof, holes, it’s becoming too risky); something different
would be done for Halloween, inside the Center

— Thanksgiving – a $300 donation was received from the Rochester Residents
Association; lots of turkeys were also donated. The same “crew” as before
helped. Probably 80 people participated.

— Summer Program
The surveys (which have been sent separately to parents and kids) keep
coming and they are very positive.

— For the Halloween Party on October 30, a lady wrote a grant and a special
Michael Jackson number was presented (despite having only 3 kids as dancers
and only 6 days of practice, 1 day/week for 6 weeks!)

— DECEMBER 13, 2014 Holiday events:
10 am – 11:30 am – the Annual Holiday Brunch (expected to be packed, as the
Youth Awards recipients have their guests participating)
12 noon – presentation of the 2014 YOUTH AWARDS:
~U the “Mary Lee Friend of Youth Award” – to Tana Miller
the “Sue Matson Distinguished Youth Award” – to Dylan Kajkowski

The meeting adjourned around 10:10 am.
There is no December meeting. Next meeting: January 22, 2015, 9:30 am at the
Community Center
Submitted by
Manuela Michailescu