Town Board Meeting Minutes – September 2015

The September Town Board Meeting was held on September 3, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.

Supervisor Chipman Councilwoman Chachkin Councilwoman Fornino
Councilman Drabkin Councilman Spano Attorney Christiana
Town Clerk Gundberg

No comments made.


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to approve the minutes of the 8/06/2015 Town Board Meeting.
Seconded by: Councilman Spano 5-0aye, motion carried

SUPERVISORS REPORT: will be filed on Monday


Contract with RRA is complete. 14 Towns signed on and there is no change in figures for the 2016 year. Still working on long range management plan for solid waste. It is estimated that 35% of organic material is compacted with solid waste so composting organic material will not only be safe for the environment but more cost effective.
Supervisor Chipman attended a Farm Land Preservation meeting in regards to state funding in the Hudson Valley area. He will continue to update the board on this matter.
Supervisor Chipman received a correspondence from the RV federation for a $ 500 donation to the Recreation Department. Supervisor Chipman stated the Youth Director would like to put this donation towards needy families during the holidays. Supervisor Chipman discussed this with the Auditor and the Auditor suggested the Town expand the youth commission contractual budget by $ 500.
Resolution # 102 -2015:
A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to expand the contractual budget line to $ 500 to accept donation.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin 5-0aye, motion carried
LEGAL UPDATES: nothing to report
Councilwoman Chachkin: HPC no meeting held. Planning Board: 8/10 4th public hearing on Crested Hen. A meeting is scheduled for next week on new site plan based on a new entrance. The Planning Board met to discuss SEQRA and preparing part 3. SEQRA was approved for the Accord Train station for events with additional approval for conditions. Negative declaration for used car lot on Route 209 was approved.
Councilwoman Fornino: nothing to report
Councilman Spano: 9/11 at 7pm at the Accord Firehouse a 9/11 memorial will be held
Councilman Drabkin: nothing to report
Supervisor Chipman: Assessor’s office is working on a data verification project if all properties in the Town. Also currently working on updated all property cards. 75 % of all 911 addresses are placed on all tax maps. BOAR: 9/30/15 there will be a vacancy on the BOAR.
ECC: 9/20/15 creek week, this year we are working with surrounding towns.

Legislator Archer gave a synopsis of the progress being made on the County level.
She discussed the Rochester Rail Trail, Local Law 11&12 creating an animal abuse registry, Broadband to the Town of Rochester, looking at projects dealing with aging infrastructures, and the challenges faced dealing with no federal funding. She stated “the last 18 months have been a real learning curve and feels good about the accomplishments made.”


The Rochester Rail Trail committee meets regularly on ideas of connecting the trail. Some problems the committee is facing are connecting the trail because of splits due to property easements and the committee is looking for alternatives. Legislator Archer on behalf of Steve Rice and the Rochester Rail Trail committee presented to the board the idea of putting a map together to see what they are working with. “It’s hard to come up with alternatives when u can’t even see on paper.” The committee is asking if there are funds available for trial work that can be used to help put the plan together to make maps connecting the trail. “This way we can see what we are looking at and what direction we can go in.” The expense of the maps is $ 10,000.00 and the Rondout Land Conservancy is willing to pay half of the cost, so the committee is asking the town to cover the other half out of the rail and trail account. Supervisor Chipman stated we have a capital fund account for the rail trail with $ 14,209.51 available.
Councilman Drabkin stated that he would like to see some fundraising efforts for the Rail Trail.
Legislator Archer agreed, “But it is impossible to promote without having a plan in place and we can’t have a plan in place without a map to figure out our options. The committee knows there are going to be bumps in the road and obstacles to face and it’s going to cost money upfront to see what we are going to do and look at where real challenges are.”

Resolution #103 -2015:

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to take $ 5,000.00 from the capital fund account provided that it is matched with Rondout Land Conservancy upon receiving contract and contingent to attorney Christiana’s approval.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin 5-0aye, motion carried


Legislator Archer stated, “ it’s has taken time but things are happening.” There is a Broadband information meeting scheduled for September 15, 2015 at 7pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.

Resolution # 104-2015:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Fornino to schedule volunteer day for October 3, 2015 at 12 pm at the Town Park. The board is to invite all boards and commission, fire companies and rescue squad, and businesses throughout the town who have helped.

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 5-0aye, motion carried


A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to approve the following bills;

General Abstract 8 of 2015 $ 60,816.29
Highway Abstract 8 of 2015 $ 103,649.36
Street Lighting $ 409.04
$ 164,874.69

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin 5-0aye, motion carried
No comments made

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to adjourn the meeting at 8:08pm.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin 5-0aye, motion carried

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen A. Gundberg
Town Clerk