Town Board Audit/Workshop Meeting – January 2021

The January 28,2021 Audit/Workshop Meeting was held via Livestream Broadcast on YouTube
Listening Dial in Number +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 827 3544 2888 Password: 182836



Councilwoman Bea Haugen-Depuy Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Chris Hewitt Councilman Adam Paddock
Supervisor Michael Baden Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg


The Town board held an interview with Joanne Mariner for a vacancy to the HPC.

Resolution # 72-2021:

A Motion was made by Supervisor Baden that The Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes the Budget Officer to fund General Fund budget line item A8160.112, Refuse and Garbage, Laborer, in the amount of $18,000 to be funded from fund balance.
Second: Councilwoman Enouen
Discussion: Supervisor Baden stated he figured this is based on a 24 hour per week at $ 15.00 per hour.
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy asked how long the RRA representative will be there?
Councilwoman Enouen stated approximately 2 weeks to help with training. Councilwoman Enouen brought up concerns the Transfer Station Operator had in regards to the hours of operations. One solution that was discussed was staggered work schedules that would be posted ahead of time.
Councilman Paddock reiterated to Councilwoman Enouen that this is an elegant solution to the scheduling.

A Motion was made by Supervisor Baden and seconded by Councilwoman Enouen that;

Town Board authorizes the Budget Officer to fund General Fund budget line item A8160.112, Refuse and Garbage, Laborer, in the amount of $18,000 to be funded from fund balance until such time as further determined.


Councilwoman Enouen aye
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy aye
Councilman Hewitt aye
Councilman Paddock aye
Supervisor Baden aye
5-0 motion carried


Zoning Coordinator position:
Supervisor Baden has been in contact with civil service to discuss the guidelines required for hiring this position given the fact that is it civil service. We are waiting to hear back if the personnel department will allow the reopening of the list. Declaration letters were mailed to those currently on the list. In the short term we have bumped our part-time clerk to more hours and Brianna in planning and zoning is helping with the permitting.
Fire Alarm System;
Supervisor Baden stated that approximately 6 companies have toured the site for the bid. This bid is not based on best value.
Mill Hook Bridge:
Specs for the bridge have been put together though Attorney Christiana has not reviewed it at this time. The bid will be due 3/8/21.

Plan for Operations in the Event of a Declared Public Health Emergency Involving a Communicable Disease :
Supervisor Baden stated that he held 2 meetings with Michael Richardson and Attorney Christiana to draft this plan.
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy asked if department heads have been brought in on it?
Supervisor Baden stated no, however we did have to reach out to the union and they responded with no issues to the policy.
Councilman Hewitt stated aside from some spelling errors he was concerned about there being no hold harmless clause.
Councilwoman Enouen stated that some verbiage is too specific in some areas making it covid based and not just communicable disease.
The Board agreed to send mike any additional information to be discussed next week.

Economic Enterprise Overlay Zone Referral from CEO: Walnut Brook:
Supervisor Baden stated that he would email the Board the PDF on Economic overlay zone. It is a two step review.If the Town Board approves the application the Town Board will rezone the district and then the application will go before the Planning Board. A public hearing must be held by the Town Board and by the Planning Board. Supervisor Baden stated that he was hoping for possibly February 11, 2021. The Board agreed to discuss it further at the Regular February Town Board meeting.

Councilman Paddock stated that there are so many possibilities on how we want to lay out the criteria for the playground equipment bid. ( square footage, events, age range, etc). The Board agreed that the Town will lay out the criteria and the companies will give their best efforts to meet the criteria. Councilman Paddock discussed wheel-chair assessable swings, auditory equipment and outdoor art. Salvageable equipment will be moved to the community center.
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy asked about tire chipping being placed at the park. We have so many tires that we pay to get rid of it would be nice to recycle them and chip them for the park.
Councilwoman Enouen stated she spoke with Madeline from the ECC regarding tire chipping, bags to benches and how recycled plastics can be used as bonus points on best value.

Agriculture Advisory Committee:
Supervisor Baden stated that in our comprehensive plan there is a model committee resolution regarding Agriculture Advisory Committee. This would be a citizen committee review board that generate ideas, promote, and preserve agriculture heritage. Agriculture lands are highly valued in our Town and important to maintain that into future proposal. We would have to decide if this is an ad hoc committee.
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy asked what the purpose of this and what time do we stop governing and start using common sense.
Councilwoman Enouen stated that it is good to have a body that will protect Agriculture resources in our Town.

Littering Law:
Supervisor Baden asked the Board to review the request from the planning Board regarding the litter law in the Town of Rochester.

Comprehensive Plan Addendum:
Supervisor Baden asked how the Board wanted to go about this? Do we want to reschedule the hearing? Based on the comments received many brought more questions that need to be resolved.
Councilwoman Enouen stated she would like to see the Board reschedule the public hearing and allow conversation to happen for discussion.
Councilman Paddock stated he has questions because he doesn’t understand the uproar and pushback.
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy asked that the comments received not be discussed because those comments were withdrawn from public comment.

Local Law 5-2020, Short Term Rental Law:

Supervisor Baden stated based on the comments made at the public hearing he made some changes to the proposed law. The Board reviewed the redraft of the short-term rentals.


A Motion was made by Supervisor Baden to enter into executive session at 8:31pm for the purposes of discussion of Boards and Commissions member appointments.
Second: Councilman Paddock


Councilwoman Enouen aye
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy aye
Councilman Hewitt aye
Councilman Paddock aye
Supervisor Baden aye
5-0 motion carried

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen to reconvene the meeting at 8:57pm with no action taken nor monies expended.
Second: Councilman Hewitt


Councilwoman Enouen aye
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy aye
Councilman Hewitt aye
Councilman Paddock aye
Supervisor Baden aye
5-0 motion carried

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen to adjourn the meeting at 8:59pm in memory of Ed Baden.
Second: Councilman Hewitt. Motion carried