2008 March Town Board Minutes

March 6, 2008                                                3446


The Town Board Meeting was held on March 6, 2008 at 7:00pm at the
Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman         
Councilwoman Archer      
Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu   
Councilman Spano         
Attorney Christiana
Deputy Clerk Gundberg


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and Councilman Spano led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag.




Carol Dennin, Youth Director & Community Director gave recommendations regarding background checks.


A resident asked that the Rondout Valley Girls Basketball team be congratulated for reaching Section Finals.




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to approve the following
minutes as submitted:


February  7, 2008   Town Board Meeting
February 21, 2008   Special Meeting w/Acting Assessor
February 27, 2008   Audit/Workshop Meeting


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Unanimously approved


SUPERVISOR’S REPORT:  Filed with the Town Clerk.


CORRESPONDENCE:  Filed with the Supervisor.




Supervisor Chipman read the resignation received from Nadine Carney,
Planning Board Member.  She was a valuable member and will be missed.


A thank you was received from the Senior Group for the Town’s donation.


LEGAL MATTERS:  No report.




Supervisor Chipman and the Councilpersons shared the highlights of the
meetings they attended as liaisons and committee members.




Resolution #56_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Town Board of the Town of Rochester create the Commercial Development & Support Committee.  This
Committee is charged with the responsibility of assisting perspective
businesses interested in establishing themselves within the Town of Rochester by guiding them through the regulatory interactive process with local government deemed necessary for such establishment.  The Commercial
Development and Support Committee is also further charged with assisting established businesses within the Town of Rochester with the interaction of the local government necessary for continued operation and expansion
within the Town.  The intent of the creation of this committee is not to
replace the roll of the local Chamber of Commerce, but to create an intermediary between local government as well as the local Chamber of Commerce for business enterprises to support commercial development within the Town.  This committee shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Town Board as prescribed as per the guidelines for selection of boards and commissions.  This commission shall serve as long
as deemed necessary by the Town Board.  The Town Board may expand this
committee at any time to add new members.
March 6, 2008                                                3447


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu
Discussion:  Councilwoman Archer asked if this is a directional for businesses?  Supervisor Chipman said it will help developers and businesses. Councilman Spano asked if this is going to cost money for
commercial businesses.  He was told this would be a complimentary service for the people.
                                                       Unanimously approved




Resolution #57_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that the Town Board of the Town of Rochester create the Budget Review Committee.  This committee is charged with the responsibility of assisting the Town Board in making the budget reports and budget process more understandable to local taxpayers, via its recommendations to the Town Board.  It is not the intent of the creation of this committee to lessen or replace the responsibility of the Budget Officer, but to advise the Town Board in its efforts to inform the
tax paying public.  Budget development is the responsibility of the Supervisor, who is the Budget Officer, with the budget approval, the responsibility of the Town Board.  This committee shall consist of up to
five (5) members, appointed by the Town Board as prescribed by the guidelines set forth per selection of members of boards and commissions. This committee shall serve as long as deemed necessary by the Town Board.
The Town Board may expand this committee at any time to add new members.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu
Discussion:  Councilwoman Archer asked if this is being used as a communication tool to help understand budget process.  She was told yes.


                                                       Unanimously approved






Resolution #58_2008


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that the Town Board appoint
Philip Cataldi, Special Prosecutor for the Town of Rochester Town Court at the rate of $150.00 per hour.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved




Resolution #59_2008


Each Councilperson submitted two names to be considered for this committee:


Councilwoman Archer          Jeff Davis & Martha Tardibuono
Councilman Cilenti           David O’Halloran & Frank Kortright
Councilwoman Michailescu     Alonzo Grace & Gerry Fornino
Councilman Spano             Robert Rominger & Michael Baden
Supervisor Chipman           Imre Beke, Jr. & Diana Puglisi


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the following be the members
of the Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Code & Map Task Force Committee:
Jeff Davis, Martha Tardibuono, David O’Halloran, Frank Kortright, Alonzo
Grace, Gerry Fornino, Robert Rominger, Michael Baden, Imre Beke, Jr. & Diana Puglisi.  Also included as non voting members are the Code Enforcement Officer, CEO Secretary and DCO.  The Committee to determine
Chair and Vice Chair.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved
March 6, 2008                                                3448




After a lengthy discussion regarding background checks, pro and con,
the following was adopted.


Resolution #60_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that background checks for volunteers be done by Criminal Watchdog, an internet service paid for by
the Town.


Seconded by:  Supervisor Chipman            Motion carried 4_0
                                                       Spano _ nay


Resolution #61_2008


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu that the Board appoint
Pamela Stocking and Toni Sindone to the Youth Commission Board.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                           Motion carried           3_2




Resolution #62_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that a public hearing be scheduled
on April 3, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall regarding: A Local Law
amending Chapter 128 of the Code of the Town of Rochester (Taxation) increasing the maximum Veteran’s Exemption pursuant to Section 458_A of the Real Property Tax Law, and further authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Motion carried 4_0
                                                     Cilenti _ recused himself




Resolution #63_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that a public hearing be scheduled
on April 3, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall regarding: A Local Law re:
Chapter 17 of the Code of the Town of Rochester Board of Ethics.  This hearing will immediately follow the public hearing re: Veteran’s Exemptions at 7:00pm, and further authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved






Resolution #64_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to create a Building and Grounds
Assessment Task Force Committee with a membership of three to five members, and further authorize the Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Unanimously approved
March 6, 2008                                                3449




Resolution #65_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti authorizing the Supervisor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Rochester and O.S.C. Inc. for Conservation Easement on the Domino Farm as per the NYS Department of Agriculture protection program.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




Resolution #66_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Board create a Communication Committee with a minimum of five members, with additional
members added at the will of the Board.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Unanimously approved




Resolution #67_2008


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Michael Baden be appointed to fill vacancy on the Planning Board, the term to expire 12/31/2008.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              
Councilwoman Archer      aye
Councilman Cilenti       nay
Councilwoman Michailescu nay
Councilman Spano         aye
Supervisor Chipman       nay
                                           Motion not carried       2_3


Resolution #68_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Leon Smith be appointed to
fill the vacancy on the Planning Board, the term to expire 12/31/2011.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu  


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         aye
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                           Motion carried 4_1




The new Youth Commission members thanked the Board for their
appointments, and questioned the Background check procedures.


Clarification was given regarding the Veteran’s Exemption proposed local law.


An Accord resident thinks the Town should stick with the market value price of the scrap metal.


Also asked was that the Commercial Development Committee take in account the water resources in our Town.


A resident asked when a new Assessor will be appointed.




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to enter into executive session
at 9:00pm to discuss hiring of a new Assessor.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Unanimously approved


March 6, 2008                                                3450




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to reconvene the meeting at 9:20pm with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken nor monies expended.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to adjourn the meeting at 9:21pm.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC
March 24, 2008                                               3451


A Special Meeting of the Town Board was held on March 24, 2008 at
9:00am at the Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman (9:15am)  Councilwoman Archer    
Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu      Councilman Spano


Councilman Cilenti opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


It was explained that the reason for this meeting was to interview applicants for the Assessor’s position.


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to ajourn the meeting at


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC
March 24, 2008                                               3452


A Special Meeting of the Town Board was held on March 24, 2008 at
6:00pm at the Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman         
Councilwoman Archer      
Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu   
Councilman Spano


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and led the the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


The reason for this meeting was to interview applicants for the Assessor’s position.


A Motion was made by Councilsoman Archer to adjourn the meeting at 8:27pm.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC


March 26, 2008                                               3453


The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on March 26, 2008 at 7:00pm at
the Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman    Councilwoman Archer    
Councilwoman Michailescu
Councilman Spano      Town Clerk Sommer




Councilman Cilenti


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting at 7:00pm and Councilman Spano
led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to approve the following bills
as audited this date:


                    General Fund        $106,229.14
                    Highway Fund          87,338.22
                    Street Lighting          324.17


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Motion carried 4_0
                                                       Cilenti _ absent




Bond Brumgard presented his bid for a Towpath Run to be held on 10/12/08.
He asked for advice and Town approval.  After discussion, it was agreed
that he come back to the Board in a few months with everything in place
for this worthwhile fundraiser for Little Ones Learning Center.


The Board also discussed Website problems and the Work Fair Program sponsored by Social Services.


It was also suggested by Little League Coaches that the inmates from the
Ulster Facility clean up the ballfield.




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that the Town Board meet on
April 3, 2008 at 6:00pm regarding the Assessor’s position.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Motion carried 4_0
                                                       Cilenti _ absent




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to adjourn the meeting at 6:45pm.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer            Motion carried 4_0
                                                       Cilenti _ absent
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC