Town Board Audit/Workshop Agenda – 9-24-2020

September 24, 2020 6:00PM
As of 9/21/2020

Livestream Broadcast on YouTube
Listening Dialin Number +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 896 6972 6895 Password: 744101

AUDIT MEETING – Board to audit monthly abstract

I. Call to Order – Pledge to the Flag – Roll Call

II. Information Presented to Board to be Voted on October 1, 2020
A. 2021 Health Insurance Proposals
B. Request from Code Enforcement to Construct Storage Space

III. Resolution
A. Approval to Defend Article 78: Allison and Sean Hoots v. Town of Rochester ZBA
RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: The Town Board authorizes the expenditure of up to $10,000 to be paid to MaryLou Christiana to answer and defend the Article 78, with reimbursement for fees made via Selective Insurance upon presentation of vouchers.

B. Shared Work Program
RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to extend the Shared Work Program until November 1, 2020 as follows:
Clerks to Justices will continue work at 25% reduction of weekly hours
Recreation Dept./Assessor Field Worker will continue work at 40% reduction of weekly hours

IV. Executive Session (expected time to be 90 minutes)
A. RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: The Town Board motions to enter into executive session at ____pm for the purposes of
1. Holding interviews with the top five scoring firms for the Building Conditions Survey RFP
2. Discussion about matters leading to employment of a particular candidate
3. Discussion regarding current litigation

B. RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: The Town Board motions to exit executive session at _____pm

V. Resolution
A. Authorizing the Supervisor to Initiate a Contract
RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to initiate contract with _____________ for the purposes of conducting a Building Conditions Survey (BCS) and to develop a Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan. Such contract shall require final approval by the Town Board prior to initiation of any services.

B. Appointment of Clerk (PT)
RECOMMENDED RESOLUTION: Upon recommendation by the Code Enforcement Office, the Town Board approves the employment of________ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬for the vacant position of Temporary Clerk (PT), effective September 27, 2020 until December 19, 2020 (12 weeks). The position to be for a maximum of 15 hours per week or 180 hours in total, and to be compensated at the rate of $15.00 per hour. The position to be managed, and hours and duties established, by the Code Enforcement Officer and the Zoning Coordinator.

VI. Adjournment