Planning Board Minutes June 28th, 2021

(845) 626-2434

MINUTES OF June 28th, 2021 WORKSHOP MEETING OF the Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD, held at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Rd., Accord, NY and Streamed on Youtube.

Chairperson Lindstrom called the meeting to order and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge to the Flag.

The Secretary did roll call attendance.

Maren Lindstrom, Chairperson Zorian Pinsky
Sam Zurofsky, Vice Chairperson Patrick Williams
Ann Marie Maloney Rick Jones
Marc Grasso
Zachary Jarvis, Alternate

Also present:
Nicole Knapp, Secretary

1. PB 2021-08 SBD Pre Application
Montalvo/Visconti (Owners & Applicants)
Applicants propose a series of lot line adjustments and a subdivision of lands. S/B/L’s 69.3-3-33, 69.3-3-32, 69.3-3-35.230, 69.3-3-35.240, 69.3-3-30. Parcels are located at 22/28 Pine Ridge Road (a Private Road) and 4779/4785 Route 209, Accord, NY and are in the R-2 zoning district.

Mr. Terry Ringler was present on behalf of the applicant.
The Board requested Mr. Ringler describe in detail the reason for the lot line adjustments. The Montalvo’s would like to give part of their land to John and Terry Visconti, which would increase the Visconti’s two lots. The increase will require the Visconti’s to do their own LLA due to the positioning of their properties. Adjustments would make all properties conforming to the R3 zone behind them. Robert (son of Pete and Muriel Montalvo) and Angela Montalvo’s lot, will increase their lot another 1+ acres. Original lot 3, belonging to Gina Montalvo (daughter of Pete and Muriel), to be moved so if the parcel is to be sold in the future, privacy can be maintained for all.
Mr. Grasso inquired as to any issues among neighbors regarding road maintenance agreement (RMA).
Mr. Ringler stated there are no new lots and Robert Montalvo is already on the current application and RMA. Discussion continued regarding waivers for the non-applicable provisions.
Chairperson Lindstrom made a motion to set this item for the Public Hearing on July 12, 2021 contingent on receiving the following by July 9, 2021:
1. A copy of the RMA letter and proof it was sent to the person not on the application 7 days prior to the Public Hearing date, providing proof notice and survey plan was received.
2. Waiver from the non-applicable provisions of Subdivision code Sections 125-12 through 125-17 regarding major subdivision plan submission and review requirements as the application will not create any new building lots, etc.
3. Well and Septic and potential principal structure location on “new/relocated” lot 3
4. Proposed access drive for lot 3.
Mr. Zurofsky seconded the motion. All Board members in favor. None against, none abstained.
Waiver to be signed by Mr. Ringler, as he is representative for the Montalvo’s.
Mr. Zurofsky pointed out typos on the map for the “lines to be deleted”, which Mr. Ringler will fix.
Mr. Ringler expressed his frustration regarding having all necessary documents for this application back in April and was expecting to be on the agenda for the June 14th meeting. He also expressed frustration regarding another application and receiving determination at 3pm on the day the Planning Board application was due.
Chairperson Lindstrom made a motion to adjourn at 6:48pm, seconded by Mr. Zurofsky, all Board members in favor, none against, none abstained.