Planning Board Minutes February 24th, 2020

(845) 626-2434

MINUTES OF February 24th, 2020 WORKSHOP MEETING OF the Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD, held at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center , Accord, NY.

Vice Chair Williams asked everyone to stand for the Pledge to the Flag.

The Secretary did roll call attendance.

Patrick Williams, Vice Chair Maren Lindstrom, Chair
Rick Jones Brian Buchbinder
Sam Zurofsky Ann Marie Maloney
Zorian Pinsky

Also Present:
Mary Lou Christiana, Attorney for the Town. Brianna Tetro, Secretary.


PB 2020-02 LLI New Application
Town of Rochester (Applicant)
Accord Fire District (Owner)
Proposes the upgrade of a firestation with apparatus bay for current firetruck technology. Building will also be used for an emergency shelter for local area with shower, kitchen, areas for recharging devices, and sleeping area. Project requires the addition of a portion of Creek Road Right of Way for the improved apparatus bay. Town of Rochester will sell approximant 0.089 acres of land to the Fire company at fair market price. Located at 4 Creek Road, High Falls, NY, S/B/L 77.2-2-17.
SEQRA: Type II by Code

Mr. Bob Garrett and Town Supervisor Mike Baden were present on behalf of the application.

Mr. Garrett explained what the application was all about.

Supervisor Baden explained why it was a necessary and stated it had been discussed during the review of the Site Plan application.

The Board reviewed the maps provided and discussed. They did not find anything concerning or needing further information.

Mr. Jones made the motion to certify the lot line. Mr. Pinsky seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion Carried.
4 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent, 0 abstentions.

PB 2019-01 SUP/SPA Continued Application
Wayward Ranch Animal Sanctuary, LLC (Applicant)
CWC Loosestrife, LLC (Owner)
Proposes the establishment of a farm animal sanctuary and construction of a 90’x 60’ dog & cat kennel, on the +/- 63.5 acre parcel located at 30 Loosestrife Lane, Kerhonkson, NY, S/B/L 76.1-2-2.111. Parcel is presently used as a farm and equestrian facility with barn, stables, paddocks, etc. also including a single family residence. AR-3 zoned, AG-3 district, ACOE national wetlands on property and within 500 ft of a registered historic property.
SEQRA: Type I, Negative Declaration 02/10/2020

Mr. Williams recused himself as Chair for this application at 6:43pm. Mr. Jones stepped in as Acting Chair.

The Board discussed and went over the first draft of a conditional approval for the application.

The Board took a 5 minute recess at 8:53pm.

Acting Chair Jones called the meeting back to session at 8:58pm.

The Board continued to go through the first draft of the conditional approval for the application and made many edits and changes. It was decided to table any further action until the March 9th, 2020 regular meeting.


Acting Chair Jones made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:57pm. Mr. Zurofsky seconded the motion.
All in Favor . Motion Carried.
4 ayes, 0 nays, 3 absent, 0 abstentions.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brianna Tetro, Secretary