(845) 626-2434
MINUTES of the June 20th, 2024, Town of Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals, held at 6:00PM at the Harold Lipton Community Center and streamed live via YouTube.
Chair Zurofsky called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.
The Board Members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The secretary did roll call attendance.
Chair Sam Zurofsky Member Harley Davis
Vice Chair Clayton Haugen Alternate Hans Fetcherin
Member Ken Stephens
Member Charlie Fischer
ALSO PRESENT: Board Secretary Jazmyne Wilhelm
Continued Applications:
Application # ZBA 2023-06 Applicant/Owner: Friendly Acres Homeowners Association
Type: UV Representative: Yura Makarov Zoning: R2 Property Location: 708 Granite Road
SBL: 76.3-3-22.900 DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes permanently parking
recreational vehicle on vacant land. Status: Continued Application
Chair Zurofsky explained why this application needed to be put back on the agenda, there was an error with sending out the public hearing making the decision invalid due to not having proper public notification.
Chair Zurofsky made a motion to rescind the decision. Member Fischer 2nd the motion. All in favor, 4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Chair Zurofsky made a motion to set public hearing for the July 18th meeting. Vice Chair Haugen 2nd the motion. All in favor, 4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
New Applications:
Application # ZBA 2024-03 Applicant/Owner: Elizabeth Elkin Type: AV Representative: Elizabeth Elkin Zoning: R2 Property Location: 5917 Route 44/55 SBL: 76.3-2-33 DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes a 5’ fence located 5’ off state route 44/55 and is requesting a 1’ height variance. Status: New Application
The applicant explained why she is applying for this variance and the history of the property. She is asking for a 4ft height variance. The gate for the fence will be 20ft into the driveway to allow vehicles to safely pull into the driveway to open the gate. Vice Chair Haugen brought up that this will need NYS DOT approval due to it being located on NYS route 44/55. The board requests a letter from NYS DOT approving of this fence prior to appearing on a future agenda. Member Stephens mentioned that the applicant might consider other materials to ensure the safety from vehicles crashing into the house again.
Application # ZBA 2024-04 Applicant/Owner: Tavan Novi Type: AV Representative: Tavan Novi Zoning: R2 Property Location: 600 Cherry Hill Road SBL: 77.2-3-14.200 DESCRIPTION: Applicant is proposing a 952 square foot detached garage 25’ from the property line and is requesting a 15’ area variance. Status: New Application
The applicant explained his need for a garage and the process he went through to get to this point. Chair Zurofsky asked why they can’t decrease the size of the garage to meet the setbacks.
The applicant explained that the number of things and the sizes of his vehicles will only work with the garage being this size. The board requested that the applicant submit more photos of the property and the location of the proposed garage.
Member Stephens made a motion to set Public Hearing for the July 18th meeting. Chair Zurofsky 2nd the motion. All in favor, 4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
• 3-21-24 Meeting Minutes
• 5-16-24 Meeting Minutes
Chair Zurofsky made a motion to approve the 3-21-24 and 5-16-24 meeting minutes. Member Fischer 2nd the motion. All in favor, 4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Chair Zurofsky made a motion to adjourn at 7:02PM. Vice Chair Haugen 2nd the motion. All in favor, 4 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jazmyne Wilhelm, Secretary