ZBA Minutes – February 2024

(845) 626-2434

MINUTES of the February 15th, 2024, Town of Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals, held at 6:00PM at the Harold Lipton Community Center and streamed live via YouTube.

Vice Chair Haugen called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

The Board Members stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

The secretary did roll call attendance.

Vice Chair Clayton Haugen Chair Sam Zurofsky
Member Ken Stephens Member Harley Davis
Member Charlie Fischer

ALSO PRESENT: Board Secretary Jazmyne Wilhelm


Continued Applications:

Application # ZBA 2023-06 Applicant/Owner: Friendly Acres Homeowners Association
Type: UV Representative: Yura Makarov Zoning: R2 Property Location: 708 Granite Road
SBL: 76.3-3-22.900 DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes permanently parking recreational vehicle on vacant land. Status: Continued Application/ Public Hearing

Member Fischer made a motion to type as an unlisted action. Member Stephens 2nd motion. Roll call vote Vice chair Haugen yes, Member Stephens yes, Member Fischer yes. Vice Chair Haugen made a motion to open the public hearing. Member Fischer 2nd the motion. All in favor 3 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.

Wendy “in favor.” Judy “We do not have the adequate space on our properties I am in favor of this application.” Patricia “in favor.” George “Normal homeowners have the ability to park their RV’s for more than 30 days. Due to our clustered housing we do not have the space on our properties due to the size of them. This will give us the ability to have the same privilege.” The applicant brought in a letter in favor of the application that each board member read.

Vice Chair Haugen made a motion to close the public hearing. Member Fischer 2nd the motion. All in favor 3 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.

Member Fischer asked the applicant if he owns one of the homes. The applicant stated that he does not and is a tenant. Member Stephens asked where the designated space is located? The applicant explained that there is currently only one designated space on the property due to their not being other requests. Member Fischer asked if there is fire access. The applicant explained that there is if they can drive over the small creek that his car drives over. Member Stephens asked if the RV is being occupied while on the property? The applicant explained that it is still under construction and will not be lived in on the property. Member Stephens asked of there is anything in their bylaws preventing someone to live in the RV on the property? The applicant explained that is not their intention and there is nothing in the bylaws for or against it and that it is illegal to do in the town so they will not be living in it.
The board went through the decision questions. The board had a 2-1 vote to deny the application which means the board will have to wait until the next meeting to vote again. Member Fischer and Vice chair Haugen voted no; Member Stephens voted yes.

New Applications:

Application # ZBA 2024-01 Applicant/Owner: Lisa & Bruce Hansen Type: AV Representative: Lisa & Bruce Hansen Zoning: R2 Property Location: 402 Mettacahonts Road
SBL: 68.4-2-11 DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes a shed located 22’ from the creek that runs through the parcel. Applicant would need a 78’ variance. Status: New Application

The applicant explained their need for the shed due to the collapse of their barn. The applicant states that the proposed location never floods due to the stream. The board discussed with the applicant the application process as well as the need for more information on the application.


Member Fischer made a motion to approve the 1-18-2024 meeting minutes. Member Stephens 2nd the motion. All in favor 3 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.


Member Stephens made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 PM. Vice Chair Haugen 2nd the motion. All in favor 3 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jazmyne Wilhelm, Secretary