Town Board Regular Meeting – May 2024

The Town of Rochester Town Board held the Regular Meeting on May 2, 2024 at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, New York 12404
To View the Meeting
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube


Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Emily Dindial
Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth Deputy Supervisor Erin Enouen
Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg Town Attorney Marylou Christiana

Deputy Supervisor Enouen opened the meeting and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


• Councilwoman Enouen filed with the Town Clerk her resignation for Town Council effective 5/2/2024 at 6:30pm.

Resolution # 175-2024:

Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Councilman Coleman

The Town Board accepts the agenda, as prepared by the acting Town Supervisor with amendments to remove items F,G,J and M on the agenda and add a discussion of the reval proposal, add discussion of local law allowing virtual attendance.
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried


Councilman Coleman to chair the meeting

Resolution # 176 -2024:

Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Councilwoman Dindial

The Town Board appoints Erin Enouen to the office of Town Supervisor effective May 2, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

Councilman Coleman aye
Councilwoman Dindial aye
Councilwoman Smiseth aye
Aye: 3 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried


Town Clerk Gundberg swore in Supervisor Enouen.

Councilman Coleman stated that this is a great choice, Erin has shown a tremendous amount of Town leadership especially in the last few weeks.

Supervisor Enouen thanked the Board and the public for the support and looks forward to working with everyone. “ I love this Town and want to do right by all.”


The Town Board was presented with a zoning change amendment by the owners of 40 Old Mine Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 request to change from Industrial (I) to Hamlet (H).
The Board agreed to move forward with drafting a local law and going to public hearing.


John Messerschmidt, Chair of the Environmental Conservation Commission requested that the Town Board contract with Michael Gaige of Know Your Land to perform an inventory on town own land located behind the solar panel. The cost of the full inventory would be $ 1,800.00.
Councilwoman Smiseth stated that she will reach out to Legislator Hewitt to see if he is aware of any funding available.
The Board agreed to review the scope of the work and will be in touch with the ECC.


April 2024 Financials
Revenue April 2024
General Fund $ 80,918. 94
Highway Fund $ 49,706.05

Total Expenditures April 2024
General Fund $ 184,030.16
Highway Fund $ 133,930.30
Street Lighting Fund $ 440.01
Capital Fund $ 54,833.50
Ambulance Fund $ 0
Escrow Fund $ 1,293.40

Abstract 4-2024
General Fund $ 91,529.58
Highway Fund $ 90,462.14
Capital Fund $ 54,833.50
Street Lighting Fund $ 440.01
Ambulance Fund $ 0.00
Escrow Fund $ 3,094.21 refund of escrow: $ 752.57


2024 County Agricultural District Inclusion Application:

Rochester has one application requesting land be included in a statecertified agricultural district. Below is a summary. In about a month,another email will be sent, letting the town know what the Ulster County
Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board (AFPB) recommends for inclusion in a state certified agricultural district.

Other correspondence: there will be filming taking place in the Town of Rochester and Route 209 will be shut down for a period of time. When more information is available we will get that out to the public.
Jill Shufeldt, Dog Control officer asked for the Town of purchase a truck cap which is needed for the transportation of dogs. The board discussed the idea of a shared service agreement with the others Towns Jill is contracted with.


Working with the Building department on a case.

Town Clerk: We are just finishing up monthly reports, waiting on department monthly income reports.

Records Management:

Our building department records have been converted to the docuware software where they can now be retrieved. Alyssa, Courtney and I sat in on the training of retrieval. The large wide screen scanner with be connected to the software next week allowing us the ability to enter documents ourselves moving forward.
Once the Building records are entered we will move on to the next department.

Alex Jente- HMEO
Erin Enouen- Town Council

Tax Collector:

To date: $ 7,314,579.07 has been collected, with 1.3 million left to collect.Reminder notices were sent last week to residents with unpaid parcels. Last day to collect taxes will be 6/3/2024. The County has started the process of a new tax software program, I will be learning more about that next week.

Ulster County tax foreclosure online auction will be held on 5/8 @ 10am.


Fantinekill Bridge Closure starting May 13, 2024: Will be closed until further notice
The Highway Supt. will provide more information regarding the detour route after having the discussions with the county.


Town Clerk Gundberg:

HPC: working on updates to the Historic resources reconnaissance survey, The Alligerville and the Clove hamlet talk series will take place on 5/19 at 1pm at the Alligerville Firehouse. June 1st: Ash tree Arts festival will be held on the Rail trail. 6/23: Mombaccus and Tabasco series will take place at the Rochester 2 firehouse.

Friends of Historic Rochester: Will be open the last Saturday on the Month from May-October from 10-1pm, all welcome. We will also be hosting a History Rocks fundraiser at the museum on July 27th more information to follow

Councilwoman Dindial:
Court: the Town Board will be holding a meeting to discuss the security issues with the Town Court.
Little ones Library: has an event scheduled for this weekend.

Councilman Coleman:

EMS: attended the KAFAS yearly dinner and awards.
Parks: would like to move forward with the fencing of the Town Park , transfer station and the Community Center. Also the rental of a dumpster to dispose the rubble in the back of the community center.
Constabulary: The Constabulary answered 14 direct calls for service and other duties in April of 2024.
These included:
• 8 Neighbor to Neighbor and Quality of Life Complaints
• 3 Resident Traffic Complaints (Clay Hill Rd, Whitfield Rd., Upper Cherrytown Rd.)
• 3 Environmental Complaints, (Clay Hill Rd., Samsonville Rd,, Cheryytown Rd.)
• 1 New Building Department Violations
• 0 New Court Cases Opened
• 9 Court Proceedings Remain Open
• 0 Court Proceedings Closed

Councilwoman Smiseth:
Eldercare: 1 call for wellness check
Housing Committee: gave an update on what the housing committee is working on and reminded the Board the cap for short term rentals must be set by August.
Rec Dept: The town of Rochester Recreation Department would like to thank everyone who volunteered for Earth Day this year as well as Ulster County Legislator Chris Hewitt for making delicious pizzas in the brick oven out back for all the volunteers. Also, Thank you Robin Clearwater from “Robins Cookie Closet” for donating Earth Day themed cookies for all who helped out and Thank you to the Town of Rochester Highway Department for picking up all the bags on the side of the road. There were 64bags, 32 tires and one chair collected! Great job everyone!
The Recreation Department will be holding a Spring Fling Luncheon on Friday May 10th at the Harold Lipton Community. Please call 845-626-2115 ext. 1 to make a reservation.
Friday, May 17th the Ulster County Office for the Aging will be sending someone to the Harold Lipton Community Center to do a presentation on “Estate Planning: From a legal standpoint point” at 1pm. You must call the Office for the Aging to register at 845-340-3456.

If you take a look around the community center, you will notice beautiful windchimes hanging that were made by the Town of Rochester After School Program. Thank you to After School Counselor, Lisa Babcock for facilitating this project! We love them! They will also be sent home with children for Mothers Day.
Lastly, Line dancing has resumed on Wednesday mornings at 11am!!! We are very excited to have Goldie back! You do not have to register to be a part of this class. Walk ins are welcome and this class is free to attend!
You will also notice in the back corner of the community center that we are incubating eggs with the kids in the After School Program. Thank you to Bethany Dennin for setting this all up. The children are participating every step on the way by observing and journaling the progress. We hope to have chicks by the beginning of next week! Super exciting! Check out our Facebook page for updates!

Supervisor Enouen:
ECC: continue to work on education on pollinator gardens, looking into laws regarding dumping of tires.
This Saturday is plastics collection at the transfer station.
Ag Committee: the committee is discussing ideas associated with fundraising.


Charlie Fischer: Congratulations to Erin!


Supervisor Enouen wanted to address the huge population of spong moths in the area, currently there is no county plans on how to handle this situation .

On 4/19 a Waste Management truck had a spill on Town and County Roads. A environmental group was hired to clean up the spill. Since receiving written complaints the Highway Suprintendent has had the Town Road swept 3 times.

Councilwoman Smiseth addressed the issue at the Town park with the fencing being pulled back. Ther are concerns of children running into the side access road with there being n fencing.

Councilman Coleman asked for an update to the pump on Towpath Road. Supervisoer Enouen stated the entire Electrical box has been replaced and plan to follow up. The Board agreed to there needed to be a process when issues like this arise.


Resolution # 177-2024:

Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Councilwoman Dindial

The Town of Rochester Town Board accepts the minutes of the April 4, 2024 regular business meeting, the April 17, 2024 Workshop meeting, and April 25, 2024 Audit meeting, as presented.
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Resolution # 178-2024:

Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Councilman Coleman

The Town of Rochester Town Board accepts donations of cash donations from the Easter Egg Hunt in the amount of $ 27.00, Martha Smith $ 25.00 from the easter egg hunt, Alice Gray for the adult paint class in the amount of $ 25.00, Michael Oremus foundation in the amount of $ 2,500.00 towards Summer program and St Pauly textile in the amount of $ 94.04.
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Resolution # 179 -2024:

Motion: Supervisor Enouen
Second: Councilman Coleman

Town of Rochester Town Board reschedules the May 9, 2024 worshop meeting for Wednesday May 15, 2024, at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, NY 12404.

Resolution # 180 -2024:

Motion: Councilwoman Enouen
Second: Councilwoman Smiseth
Discussion: The Board agreed to table the resolution until the workshop meeting where more information can be gathered.
Whereas Town Highway Superintendent has indicated a need for two additional stop signs to be added at the Boice Mill and Dunn Farm Road intersection creating a 3-way Stop intersection, and whereas, the safety of those traveling on these roads will be enhanced by making this 3-way Stop intersection, and now, be it therefore reolved that the Town Board of the Town of Rochester concurs with the Highway Superintendent recommendation that a 3-way Stop intersection Boice Mill and Dunn Farm Roads and authorizes the 3-way stop intersection Boice Mill and Dunn Farm Roads and directs the Highway Superintendent to install the appropriate signage.

Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Supervisor Enouen

The Town of Rochester Town Board amends resolution # 180-2024 to table resolution until further information could be gathered.
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried


Town Attorney Christiana stated the 284 agreement doesn’t specify if this is for materials and labor.
The board agreed to table the discussion until the workshop meeting.


Proposed Resolution:
The Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes the use of certain Town roadways as presented for the charity bike ride event “The Ride for Mental Health” to be held June 22, 2024 and June 23, 2024. A Certificate of Liability Insurance certificate naming the Town of Rochester as an additional insured party has been presented.

Town Attorney Christiana stated that the Board should look into seeing if there is an vehicles involved in the race if so auto insurance should also be requested.


Draft Lease Proposal for use of municipal parking spaces:

The Board reviewed the proposed lease agreement with the applicants of the Granary. Town Attorney Christiana stated she would like to talk to the applicants attorney to address the concerns in the agreement.

Transfer station vacancies – staffing requests:
There is a request to hire 2 more employees. Supervisor Enouen stated that we currently have budgeted for a laborer position and management position. It was agreed that Supervisor Enouen and Town Clerk Gundberg with conduct interviews and report back to the board.

Constable positions duties statements:

The Board agreed to invite the constabulary to the workshop meeting to discuss position duties outlined by Ulster County civil service.

Liaison assignments and expectations:

Creation of process for handling correspondance addressed to the Town Board:

The Board agreed to policy being put in place to address complaints. Councilwoman Smiseth and Councilwoman Dindial agreed to research sample policies. Town Clerk Gundberg stated she would reach out to the Town Clerks.

Kerhonkson Ambulance Improvement District check in:
No financials have been submitted as of now. The Board thanked the staff for there hard work and dedication, the call volume and response rate is fantastic however we need financials in order to contract with KAFAS. Further discussing will take place at the workshop meeting.

Zoning Map Review / Zoning Code Updates:

The Board agreed to have an timeline by the workshop meeting to discuss next steps for information session and public hearing.

Town Council Vacancy:

The Board discussed the procedure of how they think the process for appointing a board member should take place.

Resolution # 180-2024:

Motion: Councilman Coleman
Second: Councilwoman Smiseth

The Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to prepare letter of interest for those eligible to fill the vacany on the Town Board and for the Town Clerk to advertise the same.
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Boards and Commissions appointment procedure:

The Board is going to look to see if there is a policy in place regarding interview process for Boards and Commissions. There was a discussion regarding interview processes. The discussion will be tabled until more information is gathered.


The Board reviewed the request from Town Assessor regarding the goals he sees in data collection and the structure of the office as a whole.


It was agreed to put together a local law allowing Town Board members to zoom in on meetings.

Meeting cadence and upcoming meeting goals


Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Councilwoman Dindial

The Town of Rochester Town Board motions to enter into Executive Session at 10:25pm for the purposes of:
Discussion of advice of counsel litigation settlement offer. Discussion of matters leading to the employment, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person

The Town of Rochester Town Board motions to exit Executive Session at 10:46 pm


The Town of Rochester Town Board adjourns the meeting at 10:50pm in the memory of;

Larry Shufeldt
Sarah Langer
Lovi Redding
Donna Lyons
Virginia Barringer
Marica Silverman-McCabe
Allen Mansfield
Alberta Fox
All those suffering from COVID and gun and war violence
Motion carried