Town Board Workshop Meeting Agenda – 1-11-2024

Town of Rochester Town Board
Workshop Meeting
January 11, 2024 immediately following public hearing
Harold Lipton Community Center
15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY
As of 1-7-2024

To View the Meeting
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

I. Call to Order – Roll Call

II. Resolutions
A. Acceptance of Agenda
Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board accepts the agenda as prepared by the Town Supervisor

III. Executive Session (approximately 7pm after public hearing)
B. Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board motions to enter into Executive Session at ______pm for the purposes of interviews leading to potential appointment of particular persons to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Board of Assessment Review.

C. Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board motions to exit Executive Session at _______ pm

IV. Discussion – possible resolutions
D. BridgeNY – 2024 Application
E. Ambulance District Contracts (attorney Christiana)
F. Security Consultant Contract (attorney Christiana)
G. Councilwomen Enouen and Smiseth proposal for subcommittee
H. Subdivision/Zoning codes – next steps and dates for discussion

V. Resolutions
TBD if needed

VI. Executive Session
I. Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board motions to enter into Executive Session at ______pm for the purposes of interviews leading to potential appointment of particular persons.

J. Recommended Resolution: The Town of Rochester Town Board motions to exit Executive Session at _______ pm

VII. Resolutions
TBD if needed

VIII. Adjournment