Town Board Special Meeting Agenda – 7-16-2024

Town of Rochester Town Board
Special Meeting
July 16, 2024 6:30 pm
Harold Lipton Community Center
15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY
As of 7-14-2024

To View the Meeting
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

I. Call to Order, Pledge to Flag, Roll Call

II. Resolutions
A. Acceptance of Agenda
Recommended Resolution: The Town Board accepts the agenda, as prepared by the Town Supervisor.

III. SEQRA for Local Laws G, H, and I

IV. Discussion
A. Local Law G
B. Local Law H
C. Local Law I
D. Zoning Code & Subdivision Code revision presentation of updated drafts
E. Timesheet and Attendance application presentation of quote

V. Resolutions
A. Appointment of constables

VI. Adjournment