Town Board Pubic Hearing – 4/28/2022

Town of Rochester Town Board Public Hearings
April 28, 2022 7:00pm
Harold Lipton Community Center 15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY
or Virtual on Zoom
As of 04-26-2022

To Participate in the Public Hearings Virtually
Dialin Number: 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 871 0057 4393 Passcode: None

To View the Meeting
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

I. Call to Order – Pledge to the Flag – Roll Call

II. Public Hearings
A. Local Law 2-2022, A Local Law amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Rochester

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Rochester Town Board has scheduled a public
hearing on proposed local law # 2-2022: amending the Town of Rochester Zoning Map, to be
held on April 28, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Rd,
Accord, NY 12404. Public comments can be made in person or via zoom: 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 871 0057 4393.

The Zoning Map of the Town of Rochester shall be amended to reflect that the property contained in Ulster County Tax Map known as SBL 69.3-3-16, 62 Kyserike Road, Stone Ridge, NY and located in the Rural Conservation (R-5) zoning district shall be rezoned to be located in the Residential Agricultural
(AR-3) zoning district

B. Local Law 3-2022, Establishing Chapter 40, Recreation Commission, of the Code of the Town of Rochester

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Rochester Town Board has scheduled a public
hearing on proposed local law # 3-2022, Establishing Chapter 40 of the Town of Rochester
Town Code, establishing a Recreation Commission, to be held on April 28, 2022, immediately
following the 7:00pm scheduled public hearing on proposed local law # 2. Meeting is to be held
at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Rd, Accord, NY 12404. Public comments
can be made in person or via zoom:
Phone: 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 871 0057 4393

C. Local Law A-2022, A Local Law Providing for a Moratorium On Actions Subject To
Building Permits, Site Plan, Special Use Permits, or Subdivision Review for a Period of One-Hundred Eighty Days

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Rochester Town Board has scheduled a public hearing on
proposed local law A: providing for a Moratorium on actions subject to building permits, site plan,
special use permits, or subdivision review for a period of one-hundred eighty days to be held on
4/28/2022 immediately following the 7:00pm scheduled public hearings on proposed local law 2 & 3.
Meeting to be held at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, Due to public health concerns, in-person attendance will be permitted, however the public will be fully able to observe the meetings via computer, smartphone, tablet, or other electronic device via YouTube:
Participants who wish to offer comment at the public hearing may do so in one of 4 ways.
1. Appearance in person
2. Appearance by calling +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 871 0057 4393
3. By mail to the Town Clerk Town of Rochester, PO Box 65, Accord, NY 12404
4. Prior to 3:00pm April 28, 2022 written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk in person or via email to

III. Adjournment