Planning Board Minutes October 25th, 2021

(845) 626-2434

MINUTES OF October 25th, 2021 WORKSHOP MEETING OF the Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD, held at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Rd., Accord, NY and Streamed on YouTube.

Chair Jones called the meeting to order and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge to the Flag.

The Secretary did roll call attendance.

Rick Jones, Chair Ann Marie Moloney
Sam Zurofsky, Vice Chairperson
Maren Lindstrom
Marc Grasso
Zorian Pinsky
Patrick Williams
Zachary Jarvis, Alternate

Also present:
Christina Ferrara, Deputy Town Clerk, filling in for Secretary
Mary Lou Christiana, Attorney for the Town
Liz Axelson, CPL, Town of Rochester consulting engineer
Erin Enouen, Councilwoman, (facilitating YouTube livestream)

PB 2021-17 SBD New Application
DeJager Realty, LLC
Major Subdivision
Applicant proposes the subdivision of parcel S/B/L 77.1-2-33.510 (+/- 93.4 acres) into 14-lot residential subdivision with: septic/wells, new private road extending from Lucas Avenue to Peninsula Lane. The parcel is in the AR-3 (residential agriculture) zoning district.

Nadine Carney, from Peak Engineering, was present on behalf of the application.

Chair Jones stated under the Conservation Subdivision standards the Board can ask for the project to be done in accordance with the normal zoning in that particular area. The project sets aside 42 acres in a conservation easement, concentrating the homes in one section of the parcel.

Ms. Lindstrom asked for the total acreage of the parcel, which was reported as 93.4 acres.

Ms. Lindstrom referenced the Town’s code regarding re-subdivision of lands. Ms. Carney stated the parcel is part of the remaining lands of a previous subdivision. Ms. Christiana was consulted and stated the Board can allow the current application without worrying that it was a resubdivision.

Ms. Carney stated the subdivision has significant frontage on Lucas Ave. and also has frontage on the private road, Peninsula Ln. The current deed allows access to the parcel in question from Peninsula Ln. There is a current work between the parties in which the new owners of the DeJager parcels would be included in the HOA of the existing properties on Peninsula Ln.

Ms. Christiana stated she looked at the deed which states the new owners have to pay into the Peninsula Ln. association and follow rules associated with it.

Ms. Carney stated the goal of the project to disturb the least amount of sensitive areas on the property so as not to change the landscape too much. The wetlands have been delineated by the DEC, located by Medenbach and Eggers. The wetlands will not be disturbed at all. There will be some walking trails developed. The goal is for the homes to be built and then sold that way.

Ms. Carney noted there are a couple of shared driveways to limit disturbance anywhere possible (i.e. lots 3 & 4).

Chair Jones expressed he did not care for lot #13, which sits right in the middle of the conservation easement. He stated it would be a perfect place for an amenity that the community could share.

Ms. Carney expressed the desire to have the Planning Board members come and walk the site. She addressed that CPL consultant Liz Axelson pointed out the need for a lot of grading, which Ms. Carney stated is to be expected.

Mr. Zurofsky reviewed the process of a conservation subdivision with the rest of the Board members as described in Section 125-13 of the Conservation Subdivision rules.

Mr. Grasso stated he would like to see lots 9-11 be turned into 2 lots instead of 3.

Ms. Lindstrom stated there is a need for a hydrological study for this subdivision.

Chair Jones stated traffic study along Lucas Ave. intersection, wetlands study, threatened and endangered species study, ECC input in the future, viewshed analysis are needed.

Ms. Carney stated the main reason for the conservation subdivision is to provide activities for residents’ recreation.

The Planning Board scheduled appointments to walk the property.

Ms. Christiana stated after everyone does the site visits, the Board can approve sketch plans at the November meeting.


The Chair discussed keeping the meeting time for 7pm instead of changing it to 6:30pm. This allows the public more time to get to the meeting.

The Chair described the post-meeting letter process where the Chair and the Planning Board Secretary sends a letter describing what is required to be submitted prior to getting on the next agenda. These items MUST be addressed prior to the applicant being approved to come to the next meeting.

The Chair stated the agenda will come out a week prior to the meeting and will be labeled “draft” in case there are last-minute changes to the agenda.

Lot Line certifications will be done by either the Chair or Ms. Lindstrom, who volunteered to do them. Subdivisions, Special Use, Site Plans, etc. will be completed by the consulting planner, Liz Axelson. The applicants for these types of applications will be asked to provide escrow up front to cover costs of the consultant to review the projects and write the final decisions.

Mr. Grasso inquired about a price sheet being available, particularly for larger projects. Ms. Christiana stated this would have to have Town Board approval.

The Chair stated there will be a future training on SEQR by Ms. Christiana in a future workshop meeting. The Board was encouraged to send questions.

Ms. Christiana also stated there is a new law requiring resolutions to be posted on the website 24 hours before a meeting. Going forward, any decisions will be posted on the website prior to the meeting. The implications of this new law are that findings and decisions cannot be rendered at the meeting during which the public hearing takes place, as they are often done now. They must wait until after all input, changes made as a result of public hearing (if any) and then be posted to the Town’s website at least 24 hours before the next meeting.

Mr. Zurofsky made a motion to adjourn at 8:15pm. Mr. Grasso seconded the motion.
Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Abstentions: 0
All in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Nicole Knapp