Planning Board Minutes August 30th, 2023


MEETING MINUTES OF August 30th, 2023,WORKSHOP MEETING OF Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD held at 6:30PM at the Harold Lipton Community Center and streamed live via YouTube.

Chair Grasso called the meeting to order at 6:30PM and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Wilhelmdid roll call attendance.

Marc Grasso Zorian Pinsky
Patrick Williams Ann Marie Maloney
Maren Lindstrom
Rick Jones
Zachary Jarvis

ALSO PRESENT:Secretary Jazmyne Wilhelm, Attorney Dave Gordon, Greg, and Meghan

Application # PB 2021-516 Applicant/Owner: DeJager Realty LLC
Type: Major SBD Representative: Nadine Carney / Peak Engineering
Zoning: AR-3 Property Location: Lucas Ave / Peninsula Lane
SBL: 77.1-2-33.510 SEQRA: Type I (Oct 22)PB lead Agency (Dec 22)
Status: ContinuedApplication

DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a 13 – lot conservationsubdivision. The newsubmission packet includesan updated wetland study, revised maps, SWPPP,revised lot sizes and road structure.

Chair Grasso went over the list of recently submitted items as well as explained that the goal of this meeting is to make a declaration of significance. Ms. Carney went over the responses and the decision to reduce the number of buildable lots, as well as explained that future lot 13 has been removed as a buildable lot and added to the conservation area. The applicant’s attorney has submitted a new HOA document to our attorney for review and we will discuss after our attorney has had time to review it.

Me. Carney explained that ground water has been coordinated with the department of health and one test well will be drilled and tested as well as neighboring wells, if the neighbors decline to have their wells tested the applicant is prepared to drill a second test well on his property. Mr. Jones is glad to hear that the concerns about ground water are being addressed, he wants to review the new HOA document after our attorney makes any comments he has and suggests the Rondout Esopus land trust handles the conservation area or the town higher a outside expert to review and address the conservation area.

Ms. Lindstrom asked if a test well would have to be drilled on each perspective buildable lot. Greg explained that only one test well is necessary for the whole parcel because it will show how the ground water handles on the parcel and if it can sustain the proposed number of homes.

The board expressed concern about the amount of soil that will be disturbed. Greg explained that no more than 5 acres of soil will be disturbed at a time, and they will not be moving onto the next 5 acres until the first area is addressed and stabilized. Ms. Carney explained that this issue is thoroughly addressed in the SWPP. Chair Grasso explained that this will all be updated and addressed in the updated SWPP that we will be receiving due to the decrease in the number of lots.

Ms. Lindstrom expressed concern about the soil being disturbed and left in a massive pile. Greg and Ms. Carney explained that that will not happen any soil that is being disturbed will be moved into where it needs to be moved to and not left in a pile. Ms. Lindstrom asked what will the procedure be if soil is needed to be brought in from a separate location to fill in the swamp how will it be checked to make sure it does not contain any invasive species? Chair Grasso explained that locally mined soil is compacted and tested to make sure that does not happen.

Ms. Carney explained that some changes may be made during road construction such as additional drainage to prevent any issues with water runoff.

Ms. Lindstrom expressed concern about use of pesticides during the construction of the roadways. Ms. Carney agreed that no pesticides will be used during the construction of the roads. This agreement will be added to the conditions of approval.

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion to accept CPL’s negative declaration of significance. Mr. Jones 2nd. Roll call vote Mr. Grasso yes, Mr. Williams yes, Mr. Jones yes, Ms. Lindstrom yes, Mr. Jarvis yes.

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion to send the application to DEC, Army core, department of health, Ulster County Planning Board, Ulster County Public Works, And AGG and market. 2nd? All in favor, 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion to set for public hearing for October 11th, 2023.
Motion 2nd by Mr. Williams. All in favor 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.

Subdivision Code Review:
All board members will email comments to Chair Grasso, and he will compile into a letter for the board to review at the September 11th,2023 meeting.

Ms. Lindstrom made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 PM. Mr. Williams 2nd. All in favor 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.

Respectfully submitted,