MEETING MINUTES of August 26th, 2024, Workshop MEETING OF Town of Rochester PLANNING BOARD held at 6:30PM at the Harold Lipton Community Center and streamed live via YouTube.
Chair Grasso called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Wilhelm did roll call attendance.
Chair Marc Grasso Member Ann Marie Maloney
Member Rick Jones
Member Zachary Jarvis
Member Zorian Pinsky
Member Peter Nelson
Alternate Halina Duda
ALSO PRESENT: Secretary Jazmyne Wilhelm, Dave Gordon Attorney for PB, and Dave Church Planner for PB
Chair Grasso made Alternate Halina Duda an acting member for this meeting.
Application # PB 2024-375 Applicant/Owner: Troy & Jacalyn Dunn / Dunn Family Trust
Type: LLI Representative: Bill Eggers, Medenbach, Eggers & Carr PC Zoning: AR-3 Property Location: 225/229 Clay Hill Rd SBL: 76.1-1-16 / 76.1-1-10 SEQRA: Type II
Status: NEW APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a Lot Line Improvement from 2 existing single-family dwelling lots that are both owned by the applicant.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Mr. Eggers explained the need for the lot line improvement. The board discussed necessary corrections that need to be made to the map before they can be signed. Member Jones made a motion to certify the lot line improvement. Member Jarvis 2nd the motion. All in favor 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Application # PB 2024-03 Applicant/Owner: Big Net LLC Type: SUP Representative: James O’Shea, Bjorn Quenomoen Zoning: B Property Location: 5164 Rte. 209 SBL: 76.2-2-20.200 SEQRA: Undecided Status: Continued Application/ DECISION DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a Light Manufacturing expansion of 10,000 sq. ft. located inside the existing vacant storage portion of Skate Time 209.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Mr. O’Shea explained that the truck traffic will not interfere with the electronic vehicle charging station. Member Pinsky made a motion to approve the decision. Member Nelson 2nd the motion. All in favor, 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Application # PB 2024-20 Applicant/Owner: Peter Sutherland Type: Minor SBD Representative: Bill Eggers, Medenbach, Eggers & Carr PC Zoning: R2 Property Location: 304 Stony Kill Road SBL: 76.4-3-21.200 SEQRA: Undecided Status: Continued Application/ PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a 3-lot subdivision, which includes frontage on the Stony Kill and an existing dwelling.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Chair Grasso opened the public hearing.
Stephen Ward- “I am concerned about traffic; our road isn’t safe. The one driveway on that property floods. Will the vein for our well be impacted. Our electric grid is maxed out on our road and cannot handle an increase in electrical demand. The increase of development does help the value of our homes; however, it makes it more expensive for us.”
Donald Hasbrouck- “The traffic is horrible. There are no shoulders on this road, people speed down this road, it is not safe.”
Connie Rzeszwilz- Brought a photo of the road condition to show the board.
Member Jones stated that the board should send a letter to the town board regarding these concerns.
Member Jarvis made a motion to close the public hearing. Member Duda 2nd the motion. All in favor, 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Member Pinsky asked if the board received the feasibility study. Chair Grasso let him that they have. Member Duda asked why the soil types are not listed. Chair Grasso asked that Mr. Eggers add that to the map. Member Jones asked that CPL review the drainage concerns. The board agreed that CPL will review the drainage, and the secretary will send a post meeting letter.
Application # PB 2024-19 Applicant/Owner: William Danford Type: Minor SBD Representative: Matthew Towne, Willingham Engineering Zoning: AR-3 Property Location: 120 Upper Whitfield Road SBL: 68.4-3-34 SEQRA: Undecided Status: Continued Application DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a 4-lot subdivision with all lots having ample road frontage, and the creation of 1 flag lot.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Mr. Towne explained the proposal. Member Jones “Is the conservation space separate or included in the lots?” Mr. Towne “They are part of lot 2 and 3 as conservation area that they can not develop on.” The board discussed the difference between conservation areas and conservation subdivisions. Chair Grasso set ESCROW for $5,000.
Application # PB 2024-18 Applicant/Owner: Ridgeview Realty LLC c/o Abraham Kleinman
Type: SUP Representative: Jeff Kaplan, Kalter, Kaplan, Zeigler & Forman Zoning: AR-3 Property Location: 5 Ridgeview Rd SBL: 68.1-1-27.700 SEQRA: Undecided Status: NEW
APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposed a year-round resort, with education facilities. This previous site was used for substance and alcohol rehabilitation and is proposed to have a change of use.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Ms. Swinden explained the proposal, the property will be a day camp from July-August, the rest of the year it will act as a bed and breakfast Thursday-Sunday for religious trips, the golf course will also get demolished and turned into a playground. Member Pinsky “The narrative needs to be updated to reflect the number of guests. We also need well and septic approval from the department of health. We also need a lighting plan and fire department approval.” Chair Grasso explained what we need to see on the lighting plan and from the fire department letter. Member Pinsky expressed concerns regarding safety with the number of boys they are proposing to put into each room, he explained that the significant increase could cause safety issues, he also asked what the single-family structure will be used for. The applicant explained that the house will be used for staff during the summer and while during the winter it will be empty. The board discussed their concerns with the applicant and advised them what information is needed to alleviate the concerns. Chair Grasso set ESCROW for $7,500.
Application # PB 2024-22 Applicant/Owner: Spencer Santosky Type: Minor SBD Representative: Terry Ringler, Ringler Land Surveying Zoning: R2 Property Location: 25 Wood Rd SBL: 68.2-1-67.110 SEQRA: Undecided Status: NEW APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a 4-lot subdivision off Wood Rd, all of which meet applicable zoning requirements. Existing dwellings do exist on the property.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Mr. Ringler went over the map as well as the proposal. The board discussed what is needed from the applicant and what needs to be added to the map.
Application # PB 2024-26 Applicant/Owner: Metta Lake LLC / Eric Liftin Type: Major SBD Representative: Matthew Towne, Willingham Engineering Zoning: R5 Property Location: 481 Mettacahonts Rd SBL: 68.4-2-18.120 SEQRA: Undecided Status: NEW APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes an 8-lot Major subdivision, which will include an HOA, 2 common area lots and utilization of existing curb-cut off Mettacahonts.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Mr. Towne went over the proposal. The board discussed their concerns with Mr. Towne and advised him what is needed to move forward. Chair Grasso set ESCROW for $7,500.
Application # PB 2024-27 Applicant/Owner: Gilda Mancini Millelot Children’s Trust
Type: Minor SBD Representative: Matthew Towne, Willingham Engineering Zoning: R5 Property Location: 55 Ginger Road SBL: 77.4-2-3 SEQRA: Undecided Status: NEW
APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a 4-lot subdivision of 24.5 acres off Ginger Road in a R5 zoning district.
Chair Grasso introduced the application. Mr. Towne explained the proposal. The board discussed their concerns with Mr. Towne. Chair Grasso set ESCROW for $3,000.
– Annual Training Hours Requirement
Chair Grasso discussed with the board how many training hours they have and how many they need for the year.
– Approval of July 8th, 2024, Meeting Minutes
Member Jarvis made a motion to approve the minutes. Member Nelson 2nd the motion. All in favor, 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Member Duda made a motion to adjourn at 10:11pm. Member Jarvis 2nd the motion. All in favor, 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain.
Respectfully submitted,
Jazmyne Wilhelm,