The Town of Rochester Town Board held a public hearing re: proposed Local Law K-2024 Amending the Zoning Map on October 10, 2024, at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, New York 12404
Councilwoman Renee Ciardi Councilman Michael Coleman
Councilwoman Emily Dindial Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth
Town Supervisor Erin Enouen Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg
Supervisor Enouen opened the public hearing and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Craig Mersky: a resident of the Town for 10 years, I would like to thank the Town Board for their hard work, a lot has been accomplished but changes are coming rapidly. I would like to see the Town put a moratorium on Special use cases until proper changes are made in the zoning code and for the Planning Board to consider how the zoning map will affect business and resident homes.
Bea Haugen-Depuy: Do you know if the zoning map shows PL-10 in the 387 acres in Cherrytown off Mount Laurel Road.
Jeff Gagnon: Resident of Dewitt Road and I am affected by this change from a R-2 to an R-5. Owning 10 acres and looking to create healthy living spaces, using organic local building materials. These changes will change the vision of the property.
Kastuab Wahal: I have 2 parcels in Town, and I appreciate the efforts of the Town Board. But I have many reservations regarding this document. This document seems to have preferred bias in the language and Anti-competitive in nature and some of these changes can deteriate value of business or home. Changes are comprehensive I ask that you review again quite a bit. I don’t have trust in the documents that I am reading. The scheduled uses impacts everybody so a letter should be sent out to all residents.
Business or “B” Zoning District
As proposed, the Town’s zoning statute seeks to foster growth around the existing hamlets of Kerhonkson and Accord. However, as there are existing businesses along much of the Route 209 corridor, an overabundance of it is zoned “B.” As long as the 209 corridor is zoned in such a fashion, it will foster urban sprawl and draw potential commercial uses away from the hamlet areas. It is also noted that the area from the Northeastern town line with Marbletown and 209 West to Pine Lane in the Winfield Kyserike Road/CR-6 area are all zoned “B.” This area is mainly rural or residential and would be more appropriately zoned to match that land use type rather than create an opportunity for further development disconnected from the Town’s hamlet areas. Other examples can be found elsewhere along Route 209, where the “B” use type does not match the underlying existing use and does not meet the goals of the Town Comprehensive Plan or new zoning statute.
Required Modifications
The area from the Town of Marbletown, Town line to Pine Ridge Lane, would be more appropriately classified as part of the Town’s local agricultural or Agricultural Business zoning districts.
Furthermore, a review of existing land uses is recommended in the area where Lucas Tpke connects to Route 209 and Whitfield Road. Those parcels that contain existing residential are also recommended to be removed from the “B” district to a zoning category that matches their existing land use type. A similar review along the Route 209 corridor should be undertaken to ascertain whether parcels are more closely linked to the local agricultural or agricultural business categories with a focus on directing the development of the Town to the Town’s Hamlet areas.
Motion: Councilwoman Smiseth
Second: Councilwoman Dindial
The Town of Rochester Town Board hold the public hearing open and reconvene on 11/7/2024 at 6:30pm.
Motion: Councilwoman Dindial
Second: Councilwoman Smiseth
The Town Board adjourns the meeting at 6:52pm.