Town Board Public Hearing #3– September 2022

The Town of Rochester Town Board held public hearing on proposed Local Law O on September 29, 2022 at 6:00pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, NY 12404.
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Adam Paddock Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth
Supervisor Michael Baden Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg

Supervisor Baden opened the public hearing and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Proposed Local Law O-2022 § 140-14.2, Kennels:

PUBLIC COMMENT: no comments made

Resolution # 387-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen to hold the public hearing open with a date to be determined.
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Gundberg
Town Clerk

The Town of Rochester Town Board held public hearing on proposed Local Law P on September 29, 2022 at 6:03pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, NY 12404.
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Adam Paddock Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth
Supervisor Michael Baden Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg

Proposed Local Law P-2022 § 140-14.2, Transfer of Density Rights:


Marc Grasso: The Planning board reviewed this and we thought it was just best to rid of it all together.

Resolution # 388 -2022:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Smiseth to hold the public hearing open with a date to be determined.
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Gundberg
Town Clerk

The Town of Rochester Town Board held public hearing on proposed Local Law Q on September 29, 2022 at 6:13pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, NY 12404.
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube
Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Adam Paddock Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth
Supervisor Michael Baden Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg

Local Law Q-2022, § 140-10, Lot Development Standards:
Marc Grasso: you guys are doing an unbelievable job on these local laws this is very mundane stuff between the ZRC committee and the Town Board you are doing a phenomenal job. Clearly under Mike’s leadership we’re seeing a lot of very good things going that’s very good. Local law Q there’s some concern. Page 2 item 5: I suggest relooking at this section because the way it’s written with parcels of 7500 square feet or greater it would be impossible. Every person would have to go before the planning board for site plan approval. A suggested solution would be 1 acre or less limits of disturbance is adequate but also required by zoning districts. For example if you own 30 acres in AR3 you should only be able to clear 3 acres or 20 acres in R2 you should be able to clear 2 acres. If you own a whole plot of land in a less dense district but 7500 is not the number. In my opinion your housing districts; the hamlet, R1, R2 and AR3 should be at that max anything more than that we should have a number. Page 4 letter E item 1-3: minimum lot frontage. Although I think you have the right idea and are on the right path but you’re using the wrong number. I think a standard number across all the districts is more accurate. Letter F: Flag lots. This is a huge problem, although I don’t like a flag lot either you guys are pro-affordable housing and without flag lots affordable housing does not exist. People that want to have affordable housing need to break off of existing ones and the only way they can do that is by saying you have 3 acres in a R1 district and breaking off a piece of that so I can build a house for my family. We have to have Flag laws. You’re over constricting it. 140.10 E 1-3 needs to go away, make a road requirement of how much space that you have to have on the road frontage and that’s it. I agree with you, you can’t flag a flag lot. A maximum of 500 feet in length is a problem, it creates very long skinny lots. There is no land to be had, people aren’t selling and those that are, are very overpriced. In order to have affordable housing which is our goal, the flag lots need to be less constrained. The minimum driveway grade for a flag lot is excessive but I think it should read; shall not exceed a certain percentage because some lots do have various terrain that will make a lot increased at one time and then flatten out at other times. Right of way: if you’re going to have a flag lot you should have your own access points. It shouldn’t be on road maintenance agreements or shared driveways. If you’re trying to reduce curb cuts fine but this opens up the Town for more review by our legal counsel for them to review the RMA and we have enough going on that it’s not necessary. 14: no more than one flag shall be created from the existing parcel. I think this should depend on the zoning districts. I understand that you don’t want clear cut lots but in order to do so and if we had a Town Planner, I would put it to them to see what they say regarding how much limits of disturbance we want on each lot but it’s probably worth the conversation to reach out to an engineer. I know for a 1350 square foot double wide with 150 driveway an in-ground septic and a well you need an acre and anything under an acre it’s very tight for them.

Resolution # 389-2022:
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen to hold the public hearing open with a date to be determined.
Second: Councilwoman Smiseth
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Gundberg
Town Clerk
The Town of Rochester Town Board held public hearing on proposed Local Law R on September 29, 2022 at 6:15pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, NY 12404.
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Adam Paddock Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth
Supervisor Michael Baden Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg

Local Law R-2022, § 140-15, Landscaping Standards

PUBLIC COMMENT: no comment made.

Resolution # 390-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilman Paddock to hold the public hearing open with a date to be determined.
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Gundberg
Town Clerk

The Town of Rochester Town Board held public hearing on proposed Local Law S on September 29, 2022 at 6:15pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road Accord, NY 12404.
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Adam Paddock Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth
Supervisor Michael Baden Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg

Local Law S-2022, § 140-18, Overlay Districts, § 140-18.1, Economic Enterprise Overlay District, and § 140-18.2, Historic District Overlay District

PUBLIC COMMENT: no comment made.

Resolution # 391-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilman Coleman to hold the public hearing open with a date to be determined.
Second: Councilwoman Enouen
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Gundberg
Town Clerk