Notice – Resolution #291-2022 Special District Accord First Aid Squad

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Rochester, Ulster County,
New York, at a Regular Town Board Meeting held on the 7th day of July 2022, duly adopted
the following Resolution, subject to a permissive referendum as provided by Article 7 of NYS Town law.
Resolution # 291-2022:
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen and seconded by Councilwoman Smiseth that;
Whereas the Town of Rochester, Ulster County, is desirous of providing and/or to arrange for ambulance services to its residents and the Town desires that such service have sufficiently trained and skilled emergency medical technicians serving on its ambulances available to serve persons situated in the Town.
Whereas the town has prepared a map, plan and report that is in such detail as is acceptable to the town board; and
Whereas the map, plan and report have been filed in the office of the town clerk pursuant to Section 209-c of the Town Law in advance of the adoption of this resolution; and
Whereas the town board has adopted an order and entered the same in the minutes of its proceedings reciting a description of the boundaries of the proposed ambulance district sufficient to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, the improvements proposed, the maximum estimated amount proposed to be expended annually for the improvement, and the cost of the district to the typical property, and the fact that a map, plan and report describing the same are on file in the town clerk’s office for public inspection and specifying the time when and place where said board will meet and hold a public hearing to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same; and
Whereas a copy of such order has been published at least once in the official paper of the Town of Rochester, the first publication thereof which was not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the date set therein for the hearing had preceding this resolution; and
Whereas a copy of the order was posted on the signboard of the town maintained pursuant to subdivision six of section thirty of this chapter, not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before the day designated for the hearing since had on this issue; and
Whereas a public hearing was held on the 7th day of July 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center with a street address of 15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY 12404: and

Whereas the board has determined that the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient; and
Whereas the Town Board adopted a SEQRA determination of an Unlisted Action and further determined a Negative Declaration; and
Whereas the board has determined that all of the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited by the proposed district; and
Whereas the board has determined that all of the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district; and
Whereas the board has determined that the establishment of an ambulance district. A description is as follows:
The area within the Town of Rochester identified by Ulster County Emergency Services as the boundaries of the Kerhonkson-Accord First Aid Squad (KAFAS) coverage area; and
It is hereby resolved that subject to permissive referendum, that the Town of Rochester establish an ambulance district for the benefit of all of the property and property owners in the proposed ambulance district; and
It is further resolved that such ambulance district shall include and be limited to the territory described above, being the entire limits of the District.
It is further resolved that such ambulance district shall become effective January 1, 2023 after approval of the voters or thereafter as may be required by law or in case no petition is successfully filed, after the time to petition for a referendum has expired.
It is hereby ordered that, the clerk of the Town of Rochester shall file this resolution in the office of the Clerk of the Town and make such resolution available for public inspection.
It is further ordered that, if, after the expiration of the time for filing a petition requesting that the matter be submitted to a referendum of the property owners of the proposed ambulance district, no such petition has been filed with the town clerk, the town clerk is directed to file a certificate stating such fact in the office of the Ulster County Clerk.
It is further ordered that, upon the filing of such a certificate in the office of the Ulster County Clerk, the Board shall adopt a final order establishing the ambulance district.