Press Release – Skate Time Tour And Referendum Info

***For Immediate Release***
Contact: Mike Baden, Town Supervisor 845-626-3043

Town of Rochester
Opportunity to Tour Skatetime 209 and Referendum Information

The Town of Rochester Town Board invites Rochester residents to the first of two public viewings of Skatetime 209, 5164 US Highway 209, Accord, NY on Tuesday, October 12th from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. The second viewing will be held in November with a date to be determined.

The property is proposed for purchase by the Town of Rochester for use as Town Hall and to combine town offices and record storage in one location. The roller rink and snackbar area are proposed to remain as an area for the town to use recreationally and also for larger size gatherings or rentals of the space. Besides roller skating, this area could allow for things like basketball, roller hockey, music events, dancing, exercise classes, community dinners, and other large group functions. This informational session and viewing will give residents the opportunity to view and tour the building and to hear information about the proposed purchase and plans for use.

The purchase is subject to approval by town voters in a referendum vote to be held December 7th, 2021, with ballots being cast at the Harold Lipton Community Center from 12pm to 9pm. If the voters approve the purchase the town will finalize the purchase contract. If the vote fails, the property will remain with the current owner to do as they wish with the property.

The special Town election proposition will state: “Shall the bond resolution dated September 2, 2021 authorizing the issuance of $2,060,000 bonds of the Town of Rochester, Ulster County, New York to pay the cost of the acquisition of an approximately 5.96 acre parcel of land and the building thereon, including appurtenances thereto located at 5164 Route 209 in Accord, New York for use as a Town recreational and administrative facility in and for said Town, at a maximum estimated cost of $2,060,000, providing that the period of probable usefulness of said class of objects or purposes is 30 years, and that the maximum maturity of such serial bonds will exceed five years, delegating to the Supervisor the power to sell and issue such serial bonds and to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of and sale of such serial bonds, pledging the faith and credit of said Town to the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations and providing for an estoppel provision, be approved?”