NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Town Law, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Rochester, will hold a public hearing at its meeting on October 19th, 2017 commencing at 7:00PM, at the Town of Rochester Community Center, at 15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY, on the following matter:
2017-03 AV – Area Variance
Willfred and Susan Neff/Rondout Creek Solar, LLC
12 Pompay’s Cave Rd, Tax Map #69.4-2-7.116 AR-3 Zoning District. 91.6 acres.
Area Variance – As per “Large Scale Solar Energy Systems shall not be permitted to
be constructed on areas of prime farmland as designated by the US Department of
Proposing development of a 20-acre utility scale community solar farm using ground mounted
solar panels.
2017-05 AV – Area Variance
Town of Rochester (owner) and PV Engineers, PC (applicant)
Proposes a change of use and new construction on a ±30-acre parcel
Off Airport Rd., SBL 69.3-2-41.1, R-5 zoning district, Adjacent to Ulster County Ag District #3
SEQRA: Type I Action, Neg. Declaration, 7/6/2017
The above noted application is open for inspection at the offices of the Town Clerk and the Planning Board, Accord, NY.
Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person or by attorney or other representative.