Plowing Snow from Private Property onto a Roadway
The Town of Rochester Highway Department discourages private property owners from depositing snow on a Town roadway. The ridge and loose snow left in the road causes a very dangerous situation for travelers and once frozen can damage snowplow equipment. We understand that in some situations that this may be
the only option. Snow must be placed out of the traveled roadway and no ridges are to be left in the roadway. If you perform snowplowing across a Town roadway you do so at your own risk and you will assume responsibility for any damages that are caused to public property, private property and utilities. Also, please be advised that creating an obstruction on a public roadway is unlawful and you could be held liable for any damages or claims. Please be responsible and help keep our roadways safe.
Abandoned Vehicles
Abandoned and parked vehicles in the right–of-way may be towed at the owners expense if they are blocking the roadway. Also the road may not be plowed until the vehicle is removed. We will make every reasonable effort to contact you before this happens.
By order of the Superintendent of Highways.