Legal Notice – Planning Board Hearing – 12-12-2016 7PM


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Town Law, the Planning Board
of the Town of Rochester, will hold public hearings at its meeting
on December 12, 2016 commencing at 7:00PM, at the Town of Rochester
Community Center, at 15 Tobacco Road, Accord, NY, on the following
* 2016-05 SBD Minor Subdivision

William and Moira Sotirovich (owner)/Alex Kambouris (applicant)

Applicant Proposes

Subdivision of an 11.1 acre lot into 2 lots, ±3.01 acres and ±8.13
acres including a Lot Improvement – Transfer of ±0.21 acres between 2
contiguous lots

Route 209, S/B/L 69.3-3-25.1 and S/B/L 69.3-3-26, B zoning district

*2016-07 SUP New Application

Amendment to PB decision 1997-06 SUP

Sandy Krupp

Proposes amendment to PB decision 1997-06 SUP granting approval to
convert a dairy barn into a cabinet woodworking shop. 10 Queens
Highway, S/B/L 76.2-2-6.211, B and AP Overlay zoning district,
Contiguous to Ulster County Ag District #3.

The above noted application is open for inspection at the offices of
the Town Clerk and the Planning Board, Accord, NY.

Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person or by
attorney or other representative.”

Becky Paddock Stange,
TORPBZBA Secretary