Town of Rochester Residents:
Snow plow season is upon us! The Highway Department may inadvertently hit a
mailbox or the weight of the snow may damage the mailbox or post. At this
time we will no longer be replacing mailboxes that may have been damaged or
knocked down due to snow plowing and ice removal. Please be aware that
mailboxes are placed in the town right of way, mailboxes that are properly
installed and maintained generally do not interfere with snow removal.
The U.S. Postal Service has specific policies regarding mailbox placement
for safety reasons. Please contact your local postmaster for any questions
on mailbox placement. You may also contact my office with any questions or
We also would like to remind residents that it is unlawful to plow/move snow
across town roads. If snow is placed in the roadway the individual doing so
becomes legally liable. Snow left in the roadways is hazardous and can do
extensive damage to a vehicle. In addition to the above we would also like
to kindly remind our residents that garbage bins placed too close to the
roadway are subject to being hit by the snowplow. It is very difficult to
navigate around such obstacles.
Although we do our very best to maintain the roadways during inclement
weather please use extreme caution while navigating the roads.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Wayne F. Kelder