Notice of Hearing 05-15-2014

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Town Law, the Zoning Board of
Appeals of the Town of Rochester, will hold public hearings at its meeting
on the 15th day of May 2014, commencing at 7:00PM, at the Accord Fire House,
22 Main Street, Accord, NY, on the following matters:

*	Robert Rominger, Appeal of CEO Determination requiring a
Miscellaneous Permit as per Zoning Permit  #10 of 2014 for indoor riding
facility for Diane Schoonmaker located at 235 Airport Road, Accord

*	A Joint Public Hearing by two separate Applicants: Applicant #1:
Robert Rominger,

Applicant #2: Diane Schoonmaker and Patrick Williams:  Appeal of CEO
Determination requiring Site Plan Approval as per Zoning  Permit  #15 of
2014 for indoor riding ring for riding lessons and educational spot for year
round teaching for Diane Schoonmaker located at 235 Airport Road, Accord

The above noted applications are open for inspection at the offices of the
Town Clerk and the Zoning Board of Appeals, Accord, NY.

Persons wishing to appear at such hearings may do so in person or by
attorney or other representative."