Application Permit for Driveway


  • Complete all highlighted areas on application for driveway permit. PLEASE PRINT name, mailing address, email address and telephone number. A $50.00 application fee must be paid at time of application submission.
  • On back of application, please draw a detailed sketch of your lot (with landmarks and dimensions) showing where the purposed driveway is to be and show bounding owners to enable us to locate property. Please indicate Town road that driveway will be entering.
  • Once application is received, the Highway Superintendent will conduct inspection and make recommendations as to how the driveway must be completed. An approved copy of permit along with recommendations if any, will then be sent to applicant for commencement of driveway construction.
  • When driveway is complete, applicant must notify the Highway Superintendent for final inspection.
  • After inspection, the Highway Superintendent will send a letter to applicant indicating if there are any revisions needed or signed approval for construction of driveway.
  • If any revisions are required, applicant must notify the Highway Superintendent once complete for final inspection. Once inspection is complete, the Superintendent will send signed approval of driveway construction or revocation of permit.
  • Upon final approval, a copy of approval letter along with application will be forwarded to the Code Enforcement Office. The Code Enforcement Office will not issue a Certificate of Occupancy without final letter of approval from Highway Superintendent.

Driveway Permit Application