Town Board Workshop Meeting – May 2022

Town of Rochester Town Board held their Workshop Meeting on May 18, 2022 at 6:30pm at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Road, Accord NY
Livestream Broadcast on YouTube

Supervisor Baden called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Alligence to the Flag


Councilman Michael Coleman Councilwoman Erin Enouen
Councilman Adam Paddock ( 6:50pm) Supervisor Michael Baden
Deputy Town Clerk Christina Ferrara

Councilwoman Charlotte Smiseth Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg

Resolution # 229-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen that the Town Board accepts the agenda, as prepared by the Town Supervisor
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Gary Miller, Bill DeGraw & Wilton Duckworth gave a presentation on the Palentown Schoolhouse need of repairs.
Woodshed siding: structurally sound, frame appears intact. Siding needs to be replaced around lower portions of the building.
Schoolhouse Foundation: Foundation is sinking away from structure. Approximatel 8 feet of the right, front of the building is not supported by foundation. Original foundation possibly compromised when the “ National Historic Landmark” stone was installed.
Schoolhouse drainage: water is running under the structure in the rear of the building. Drainage to allow accumulating water to flow away from foundation should be installed.
Outhouse/ Privy: framing under floor of structure needs to be replaced, actual floor boards may be saved, siding on lower portion of exterior walls needs to be partially replaced. Entire structure is sinking into soil; needs to be lifted in order to allow air flow under structure.


Memorial Day Ceremony
Public Hearings – May 25
Local Law A-2022, Comprehensive Plan Addendum, Local Law B-2022

Resolution # 230-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen that the Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the shared services agreement between the Town of Rochester Highway Department and the Town of Marbletown Highway Department.
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried
Resolution # 231-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilman Paddock that the Town of Rochester Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor, in the capacity of Budget Officer, to modify the General Fund budget, as presented.
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried
Resolution # 232-2022:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen that the Town of Rochester Town Board, on recommendation of Councilwoman Enouen, appoints Seth Woodbury to the position of Laborer, Transfer Station at a rate of $16.00 per hour with a regular work week of 32 hours per week, effective May 20, 2022, subject to acceptance of the appointment by Ulster County Personnel.
Second: Councilman Coleman
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried


ARPA Ulster County Municipal Water and Sewer Funding:

The Board discussed Ulster County pre-application for ARPA funding on water/ sewer projects. Supervisor Baden asked the Board if they would like to do a pre-aplication for a section in Kerhonkson and Accord. The Board agreed to send in applications for both locations.

Revize Contract:

Supervisor Baden asked the Board to review the contract and send any concerns or questions to the Supervisor.

Local Law Referal Responses :

Local Law A-2022, Comprehensive Plan Addendum, Local Law B-2022

EEO – Walnut Brook, SEQRA Part 1:

The Board reviewed part 1 of SEQRA. There are 3 areas that still need to be completed and the Board needs to know the status of SHPO letter.

Zoning Law updates:

The Board reviewed 6 potential local laws based on recommendations from the ZRC.
– Schedule of District Regulations
– Animal Husbandry
– Agricultural use
– Specific Definitions
– Prohibited uses
– Lot development standards

Noise Ordinance:

The Board discussed the idea of a Noise Ordinance.
Councilman Coleman would like to see something in place regarding , stereos, PA systems.


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Enouen to adjourn the meeting at 10:00pm.
Second: Councilman Coleman motion carried


Christina Ferrara

Deputy Town Clerk