Notice – Planning Board Public Hearing 7/12/2021 7PM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Town Law, the Planning Board of the Town of Rochester, will hold a public hearing for the following matters at its meeting on July 12, 2021 commencing at 7:00PM at the Harold Lipton Community Center, 15 Tobacco Rd Accord, NY 12404
PB 2020 – 07 SBD Continued Application Susan Cusack (Owner & Applicant)Applicant proposes eight lot (8) subdivision on Upper Cherrytown Road, Kerhonkson, NY
Parcel is located on Upper Cherrytown Road, Kerhonkson, NY S/B/L 68.1-1-27 +/- 108 acres and is in the AR-3 Zoning District. Parcel and proposed subdivision parcels contain lands within a FEMA 100 year flood plain, contain a named stream (Mombaccus Creek) and an unnamed tributary stream, hydric soils, prime farmland and farmland of statewide importance, are in the Ulster County AG-3 agricultural district, contain Ulster County Habitat Core lands and are within the UC DOH Aquifier Zone. Proposed new subdivision lots are all to have separate driveway access onto Upper Cherrytown Road and are proposed to be 5 and 3 acres in size.SEQRA: TBD

Persons wishing to be heard at such public hearings may do so in two ways;

via email to until 4pm on the day of the meeting
attend the meeting in person

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, in person attendance will be permitted and due to public health concerns, the Town of Rochester will follow CDC guidelines of requesting unvaccinated individuals to wear masks and social distance. The public will be fully able to observe the meetings via computer, smartphone, tablet, or other electronic device. The public may view the meeting proceedings via YouTube:

Planning Board meeting agendas will be available online in advance of the meeting at

Distribution of Notices:

Shawangunk Journal, July 1, 2021 Edition
Kathleen Gundberg, Town Clerk
Mary Lou Christiana, Town Attorney, Via Email

Bounding Owners within 500’ of 68.1-2-45.100 : (See backside of paper)