Youth Commission Minutes Sep. 2014

September 25, 2014

The meeting started at 9:40 am.
Present: Sandy Chipman, Jessica Knapp, Sue Matson, Manuela
Michailescu, Pam Stocking, and Recreation/Youth Department Assistant
Directors Rita Harkins and Shaye Davis. Also participating, Jon Dogar-

First, Shaye Davis was introduced by Rita Harkins as the new Assistant
Director – a great example of a youth who was in the town’s after-
school program, then counselor, now employee.

After establishing that there is a quorum for the meeting, the minutes
of the June 26, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Pam Stocking made a motion
to approve the minutes and Sandy Chipman seconded the motion, which
was approved unanimously.

The Director’s report was presented by Rita Harkins. Among the

— SUMMER PROGRAM – The final participation number of children
registered in the Summer Program was 80 and the program closed with a
money surplus (which had to go to the General Fund but hopefully can
be allocated towards getting a new bus).
To the question asked by Sue Matson “why 80?” the answer was that word
of mouth – regarding how excellent our program is – was one of the
main reasons for the high number of youth registered this year. It
takes years to get the word out…

— “Why the NEED FOR A BUS?” was the main topic of the discussion
which followed:
• the quality of the summer program would not be the same without the
• development of children, enhancing the educational elements
• broaden the recreation experience beyond our immediate community
but keeping it within the surrounding area
• examples of educational trips (Albany Museum, Howe Caverns,
Kaleidoscope, Children Museum) and physical activity trips (Belleayre
Beach, Bounce place, Lake Taghkanic, Ice Skating)
• some of the 8-9 yrs. old never been to a Fair or to ice skating
• parents don’t have the time and the resources to offer so many
diverse trips
• the bus is also used for Community Trips (Zoo trip cancelled
because of the condition of the existing bus)
• the Summer Program and Community Trips offer an opportunity to
experience events and activities that open up the world.

Sue Matson stressed that the bus transportation was a critical
component of the program from its initial design, in the early 80s
(recreation, education, service), and it’s “part of who we are.” She
also indicated that thanks should be sent to those offering the
replacement bus (when ours broke down, during the trip to a NYC Museum
– bus breakdown was a costly event, $1,500).

It was suggested that parents and/or the Seniors Group write to the
Town Board to support the idea of a bus; ask people and get
testimonials from those affected in a positive way by participating to
bus trips.

Jessica Knapp proposed to formulate a collective letter, including
testimonials. There are known cases of youth who go skiing because of
our program; Shaye Davis confirmed she never went anywhere as a kid/
youth except to the places included in our town’s program!

— The AFTER SCHOOL program – 50 sign ups to date (more anticipated),
including a lot of new kids

— Basketball Program is in sign-up mode

— Help was needed for the Halloween Dinner Theater on October 4
(subsequently cancelled, with only 20 people interested)

— Fall Festival (Oct. 11) – to head an activity (face painting,
craft?) was desired; Jessica Knapp to check her availability

— Haunted Barn – October 25 – Jessica, Shaye and Jon Dogar-Marinesco
went to check the barn and potential changes, improvements.

OTHER ISSUES discussed:

— Sue Matson proposed for the Commission to check out the Utica
Children’s Garden and talked about the idea of playing in the mud. Sue
Matson made a motion to have an “International Mud Day” (when the
weather is warm); Sandy Chipman seconded the motion which was approved
unanimously. Sue also suggested to have a “wall of signatures” and/or
a “wall of photos.”

— Reminder from Manuela Michailescu regarding the Mary Lee Friend of
Youth Award and Sue Matson Distinguished Youth Award – to follow up on
potential nominations (Tana Miller, Dylon?), getting applications;
form to be emailed to Sue.

The meeting adjourned around 11:10 am (with Jessica, Shaye and Jon
visiting the barn and discussing this year’s “Haunted Barn” till after
12 noon).

Next meeting: October 16, 2014, 9:30 am at the Community Center (as
Pam Stocking cannot attend it if on the regular 4th Thursday, Oct. 23).