Youth Commission Minutes Nov. 2015

November 18, 2015

The meeting started at 9:45 am.

Present: Sandy Chipman, Jessica Knapp, Manuela Michailescu, Pam
Stocking, Recreation/Youth Dept. Assistant Directors Rita Harkins and
(later on) Shaye Davis, Town Board Liaison Cindy Fornino.
Absent: Sue Matson

The minutes of the September 23, 2015 meeting (and Notes of the
October 21 meeting) were reviewed. Sandy Chipman made a motion to
approve the minutes and Manuela Michailescu seconded the motion, which
was approved unanimously. The October “Notes” (of the non-quorum
meeting) were also approved (in order to be posted online).

Rita Harkins first talked about the December/holidays events:
• Tree Lighting is on December 4, 2015, 5 pm, at the Community Center
• Seniors’ Holiday Brunch – on December 12, 10 am – 11:30 am
For the Youth Awards to be presented during the Brunch:
— MaryAnne Gates, summer program director for the last 15 years
proposed for the “Mary Lee Friend of Youth Award”
Motion made by Manuela Michailescu, seconded by Pam Stocking, approved
— Annmarie Challener for the “Sue Matson Distinguished Youth Award”
Motion made by Sandy Chipman, seconded by Pam Stocking, approved

Jessica Knapp stressed that in 2016 we should advertise more
(newspapers, Town Hall, website) in order to have candidates for the
Youth awards. She is going to work with Timely Signs to get a new
plaque for the “Sue Matson Distinguished Youth Award” or adapt the
existing plaque to also feature this award and list all names of the
award recipients.
Motion made by Pam Stocking, seconded by Manuela Michailescu, approved

Rita Harkins presented a verbal Director’s Report, talking about the
Basketball program (about 130 youth registered), the Halloween
successful events (held for the first time outside of the
“traditional” Haunted Barn) and the preparations for the Thanksgiving
luncheon on November 26 (apple pies being baked already!).

The meeting adjourned around 10:35 am and continued as informal
discussions until 11 am.

The next meeting (originally scheduled for December 16, 2015 – when
only 2 members could attend), is on January 20, 2016, 9:30 am at the
Community Center.

Submitted by
Manuela Michailescu