Youth Commission Minutes Nov. 2013

November 21, 2013


The meeting started at 9:50 am.
Present: Jessica Knapp, Pam Stocking, Susan Matson, Manuela Michailescu and Recreation/Youth Department Director Carol Dennin.


Absent: Sue Bruck, Tim Bruck, Martha Roberge.


After establishing that there is a quorum for the meeting, Carol Dennin presented the Director’s report:
– Two referrals were made in Oct-Nov for Rent-A-Kid
– Basketball numbers are over 130 youth, with the largest group increase in the 7 and 8-yr old group
– the Halloween party and Haunted Barn were a huge success again this year
– “Commitment to Kids” is again sponsoring gifts for children in need within the Rondout School District
– everybody is wished a Happy Thanksgiving and invited to our Thanksgiving at the Recreation/Community Center (less people than in previous years made reservations, probably because the Gander Inn restaurant is also offering Thanksgiving meals for free)
– “extra hands” would be needed and appreciated for the December 14th Christmas parties (Seniors Brunch followed by Santa coming to the kids party). Not all Youth Commission members can participate on Dec. 14.


The main discussion focused on the December 14 events, when the Mary Lee Friend of Youth Award and the Youth Recognition Award are traditionally presented. Considering the fact that, despite all efforts made, NO new applications were received, Pam Stocking made a motion that these awards are skipped for the year 2013.
Motion was seconded by Jessica Knapp and approved unanimously.


The meeting adjourned around 11:30 am.