Town Board Public Hearing – November 2016

The Public Hearing on the 2017 Proposed Budget was held on November 9, 2016 at 6pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.
Supervisor Chipman Councilwoman Chachkin Councilwoman Fornino
Councilman Spano Town Clerk Gundberg Attorney Christiana
Councilman Drabkin
Supervisor opened the meeting and Gerry Fornino led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Supervisor Chipman stated that the proposed budget shows a decrease in the general fund of 5.9% and an increase in the Highway fund of 3.5% giving an overall tax increase of 0.01%.
The budget proposes a 2% salary increase for all employees.
The reduction in retirement is due to employees retiring and new employees are placed in tier 5 or 6 financially benefitting the Town.
There are no program changes or cuts to any services. There is an increase in human resources regarding the youth program
Barry Lane is paid off. By 2017 the BAN on the Highway Columns will be paid off and the Town will be debt free.
Supervisor Chipman stated it was a good year with a $ 200,000.00 surplus carryover.
The Board discussed the highway fund. The preliminary budget had a proposal of $ 260,000 toward capital projects. Supervisor Chipman decreased it stating, “It’s the duties of the elected officials to look for better ways to generate money and more money from Capital projects can be found by applying with PAVENY and CHIPS.”
Councilwoman Chachkin questioned the reduction of $ 3,000 in central processing on the General Fund side.
Councilwoman Chachkin questioned the huge increase in public safety.
Supervisor Chipman explained that is the Constabulary. You will also find an increase in the personal service line for the Court.
The Board discussed the Health Insurance Plan for family & single plans.
The Board discussed the Highway budget.
Supervisor Chipman stated that next year the Town will go with a decompressed budget. This budget will consist of a line by line of what everything and everyone costs the Town.
The Board agreed they want a list of what gets repairs, Highway maintenance plan on trucks, projected projects so it is easier reviewing the budget and the Highway Superintendents requests.
Mike Baden thanked the Board for the decision with the Health Insurance. He would hate to see the Town loose long term employees leave due to the insurance. Mr. Baden also asked if there is a change in assessed value from last year to this year because there have been a number of upscale subdivisions in Town.
Supervisor Chipman stated that next years decompressed budget will go a long way improving oversight of the budget line.
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to close the public hearing on the 2017 proposed budget at 7:48pm.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino 4-0aye, motion carried
Drabkin absent