Town Board Public Hearing – Local Law #3 May 2018

The Town of Rochester Town Board held a Public Hearing on the proposed local law # 3-2018: Economic Overlay District on May 3, 2018 at 7:03pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.
Councilman Drabkin Councilwoman Fornino Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy
Councilman Hewitt Supervisor Baden Town Clerk Gundberg
Attorney Christiana

Supervisor opened the meeting to the public.
Steve Fornal commend the Board for their excellence of a very comprehensive addition to the zoning law.
Zorian Pinsky expressed concerns of the proposed law.
Maren Lindstrom asked if there was a way to do an inventory of how many or what underutilized structures we have so we can see a scope of what needs to be done.
Sam Zurofsky stated he is excited to see creative ways the Board is allowing business to operate but expressed concerns of the way the law is written.
Rick Jones likes seeing Boards making it easier for an applicant to help boom the economy. He urges the Board to move forward.
Michael Moriello explained 2 ways of rezoning. He explained that this draft law provides more protection for the Town. This process works well in Rosendale.
Supervisor Baden stated that the EEO law seems like the best solution regarding this situation of re zoning.
Resolution # 138-2018:

A Motion was made by Supervisor Baden to continue with the public hearing on June 7, 2018 immediately following the public hearing on the Natural Heritage Plan.
Second: Councilman Drabkin
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 5-0aye, motion carried