Town Board Public Hearing – Local Law #3-2018

The June 7, 2018 Continued Public Hearing on proposed local Law # 3-2018: amending the Town of Rochester Town Code Chapter 140: Zoning re: Establishment of an Economic Enterprise Overlay (EEO) zone to foster economic development, diversification of land uses and employment generation through the reuse and/or redevelopment of underutilized properties
was held at 7:12pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall immediately following the scheduled public hearing on the Natural Heritage Plan & Open Space Inventory.

Councilman Drabkin Councilwoman Fornino Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy
Councilman Hewitt Supervisor Baden Deputy Town Clerk Ferrara
Attorney Christiana

Town Clerk Gundberg

Supervisor Baden opened up the Public Hearing on the proposed amended Local Law # 3-2018. The establishment of an Economic Overlay District Zone.
The Town Board received comments and suggestions to the proposed law from the Ulster County Planning Board.
The County Planning Board had one advisory comment regarding agriculture districts and the Board accepted that and incorporated it into the Local Law. There were uses that were removed from the prohibited uses section of the proposed law.
Based on the changes discussed at the workshop meeting there was an amended copy posted on the website and in the office of the Town Clerk.

One resident asked if more information was available.
Supervisor Baden stated more information is available on the website. It is an overlay zoning district that will overlay parts throughout the Town. It was modeled after the Town of Rosendale. This law allows the Town Board to address underutilized properties/buildings that have fallen in to unusable condition and wouldn’t be allowed to be utilized under the current zoning but with this EEO law it is a way for people who have different ideas about things reusing existing stock rather than knocking it down and building new buildings.
Councilman Hewitt thought about the fast food restaurant more and in the Town of Rochester Planning Board recommendation it says chain in parenthesis, it could say franchise food establishment.
Supervisor Baden stated that it is not separated in the current zoning law so he’s reluctant to start to refine definitions based on this law. We can look at it at a later date. It is something to think about. The first public hearing there were a number of recommendations and most of those recommendations came from Planning Board members as individuals.

Resolution # 171-2018:

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to close the public hearing on proposed Local Law # 3-2018 at 7:15pm
Second: Councilman Hewitt
Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Resolution #172 -2018:

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, as noted, plus additional support information, there are no impacts as this Local Law amendment to Chapter 140 Zoning of the Town of Rochester code. .
Therefore, this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and therefore an environmental impact statement may not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued.
Second: Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy


Councilman Drabkin aye
Councilwoman Fornino aye
Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy aye
Councilman Hewitt aye
Supervisor Baden aye

Aye: 5 nay: 0 abstain: 0

A negative declaration will be filed with the Town Clerk and posted in the Environmental Notice Bulletin.
After changes made at last week’s meeting the proposed law was re referred to the County Planning Board and Supervisor Baden stated he received e-mail stating no county impact.


Christina Ferrara, Deputy Town Clerk