Town Board Meeting – November 2016

The Regular Town of Rochester Town Board Meeting was held on November 3, 2016 at 7:00pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.
Deputy Supervisor Spano Councilwoman Chachkin Councilwoman Fornino
Councilman Drabkin Deputy Town Clerk Davis Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman Town Clerk Gundberg


Deputy Supervisor Spano opened the Meeting and Richard Miller led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Mike Baden wanted to address the Board the 30 day public comment notice regarding Ulster County Agriculture District 3. Mike recommended that the Board look to see if any parcels are no longer agricultural and should be recommended for removal.

Steve Fornal suggested the Board send Brenda Striano flowers. She fell and is currently in the Hospital.


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to approve the minutes of 10/6/16 Public Hearing, 10/6/16 Regular Town Board Meeting, 10/14/16 Special Meeting

Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino 4-0aye, motion carried
Chipman Absent

Supervisor Chipman is suffering an illness wishing him a speedy recovery.


Attorney Christiana sent an e-mail to the Board regarding litigations & working with a relator and property owner regarding a special use permit and a portion of the property was sold resulting in a violation.


Councilwoman Chachkin: 10/13meeting: approved a lot improvement for Spruce and Taremac Lane intersection involving a transfer of a small amount of acreage. Continued Public Hearing for agricultural/ tourism enterprise hard cider production and tasting facility at Westwind Orchards. There was a concern expressed by the public and Board about the traffic situation on Lower Whitfield. There’s requests to have signage placed there for people crossing the road. ZRC: no meeting will meet on 11/4/16 to discuss proposals on digital signs.
Councilwoman Fornino: Youth Commission held the field of screams on 10/29/16 with a huge success. Thanksgiving Luncheon is scheduled for 11/24/16 11:30-1:30pm, donations are greatly appreciated.
Councilman Drabkin: nothing to report
Councilman Spano: nothing to report
Supervisor Chipman: absent


Resolution # 127 -2016:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin that;

WHEREAS, the Town of Rochester has entered into a subrecipient agreement with the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, an office of the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation, that provides funds for eligible Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) expenditures; and

WHEREAS, the subrecipient agreement requires procurement activities funded in whole or in part with CDBG-DR funds to be conducted in compliance with applicable United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) procurement regulations as well as applicable state and local law; and

WHEREAS, on December 26, 2013, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published (at 78 Federal Register 78608) the “2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards” that superseded the HUD procurement provisions of 24 CFR Parts 84 and 85; and

WHEREAS, HUD has issued new procurement standards as set forth in Notice: SD-2015-01: Transition to 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Final Guidance and in Notice: CPD-16-04 Additional Transition and Implementation Guidance for Recipients of Community Planning and Development (CPD) Funds for 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Rochester desires to revise and amend its procurement procedures to be consistent with the HUD Notices on 2 CFR Part 200; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Rochester desires to apply the amended and revised procurement procedures to future CDBG-DR procurements.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the Town of Rochester that for CDBG-DR procurement actions undertaken on or after January 1, 2017, the Town of Rochester shall comply with the procurement standards as set forth in 2 CFR Parts 200.317 through 200.326. In the event of a conflict between State or local laws and regulations and the procurement requirements of 2 CFR Part 200, the more stringent requirements will apply.

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 4-0aye, motion carried
Chipman absent

Resolution # 128-2016:

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to schedule a public hearing regarding the proposed 2017 budget for 11/09/2016 at 6pm and for the Town Clerk to advertise the same.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin 4-0aye, motion carried
Chipman absent

A MOTION was made by Councilman Drabkin to approve the following bills as audited by the Town Of Rochester Town Board.
Highway Fund abstract 10 of 2016
General Fund abstract 10 of 2016
Street lighting
Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino 4-0aye, motion carried
Chipman absent


Councilman Drabkin announced that the Veteran’s Day ceremony will take place at 10:30am in Kerhonkson at the old standing Chimney between Swim King and Cancellerie’s pizzeria.


It was agreed that Highway Superintendent Kelder can hire part-time employees as long as the money is budgeted and they are paid the hours worked.


Legislator Lapp is holding a free community Narcan training at the Accord Firehouse on 11/9/2016 at 6:30pm.
Legislator Lapp stated it is about an 1 ½ hr. training course of the dos and don’ts of opioid abuse and dealing with someone going through high blood pressure or septic shock.

Deputy Supervisor Spano stated that we have an opioid epidemic. The Narcan blocks the receptors from the heroin entering the brain receptors. It’s very important training and it is important to get this information out.


Attorney Christiana stated that applicant of Westwind Orchards spoke to the Highway Superintendent regarding signage for cross walk. It is the Town Board’s decision to authorize placement of signage and the Planning Board request that the Board consider doing so.

Councilman Drabkin stated if the Planning Board wants it, it makes sense for safety why wouldn’t the Town Board go along with it.

Highway Superintendent Kelder stated from the Highway stand point once the Town Board agrees to put that sign up not the Town Board is liable and required to maintain it. Plus there are a number of businesses in this Town that operate on both sides of the road that have monitors there or place the sign up during the business hours. There are already children at play signs there now. Its event orientated signs can go up when there is an event.

Mike Baden gave some background on how this came about. In the initial meeting with the applicant it was discussed the concern of parking on both sides of the road. The applicants have verbally agreed and he expects that it will be a condition of the approval to place signs for pedestrian that are crossing that they know they are passing a highway. Mike was informed by attorney Christiana that this approval has to be authorized by the Town Board and on behalf of the Planning Board a request was sent to the Board.

Councilwoman Chachkin stated that it is feasible, this is a new application and there is a safety concern with pedestrians crossing. If this can be done is a safe manner than Councilwoman Chachkin is in favor. We should keep track of these signs along with other signs within the Town. The safety consideration should be more paramount rather than our liability for letting a sign fall down.
Attorney Christiana stated if you are going to authorize it you should make it contingent to this particular application.
Councilman Drabkin stated that we should wait for Carl because he was involved in this and has an opinion to it too.
The Board agreed to table this discussion.

Resolution #129 -2016:
A MOTION was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to schedule a special meeting on 11/09/2016 immediately following the scheduled Public Hearing on the 2017 Preliminary Budget( 6pm) and for the Town Clerk to advertise the same.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino 4-0aye, motion carried
Chipman Absent


One resident whose property borders Westwind Orchard stated that at the Planning Board meeting the owner of Westwind Orchard stated that he isn’t bringing anymore people in from the area and money doesn’t have to be wasted on a cross walk. Also it was mentioned that the owner is placing a 2500 gallon tanks in the construction that he wants to build. In the law he can only produce 1500 gallons a year, so who is going to monitor all that? For tax purposes how do you divide up what is residential and which is not? It’s only fair for everyone to pay their fair share.


A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to adjourn the meeting at 7:40pm.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino 4-0aye, motion carried
Chipman absent


Shaye Davis
Deputy Town Clerk