Town Board Audit/Workshop Meeting – September 2016

The September Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on September 29, 2016 at 5:00pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.
Supervisor Chipman Councilwoman Chachkin Councilwoman Fornino (6pm)
Councilman Drabkin Councilman Spano Deputy Town Clerk Davis
Attorney Christiana

A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman to approve the following;
General Fund Abstract 9 of 2016 $ 72,043.96
Highway Fund abstract 9 of 2016 $ 87,000.22
Street lighting $ 418.84
$ 159,463.02

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 4-0 aye, motion carried
Fornino absent


The Board discussed the RFP for Solar at the Landfill. It was suggested to add in the sand mine as well because of location. Attorney Christiana stated there has to be some things added and nothing can be done until the Town passes the Solar Law. Supervisor Chipman is going to talk to the insurance company regarding the proposal and prevailing wages. The Board thanked Larry for all his efforts and are in favor of this proposal!


Councilman Drabkin stated that we need to have a procedure in place regarding bounce checks.
There was a discussion of having a credit card machine at the transfer station. The Board will discuss it more with Town Clerk Gundberg at the next board meeting.


Highway Superintendent Kelder asked for the Town Board to adopt a policy implementing stand-by time or waiting to be engaged rule & to hire part-time seasonal employees giving them the mandatory on call 4 hour pay time.
Supervisor Chipman suggested not paying the part-timers the 4 hour call-in pay but rather a higher rate of pay of $ 35 per hour.
Councilman Drabkin stated that if he was a union employee he wouldn’t be too happy because he isn’t getting the $ 35 per hour pay.
Councilman Spano stated the part-timer is going to be doing duties as a person covered under the collective bargaining agreement which may be an improper practice or a grievance amongst the union members as they are taking away their job. This is doing a duty that we have full-time collective bargaining members doing. If the Collective Bargaining agreement puts into their contract that part timers make a certain amount of money per hour and entitled to a certain amount of part-time call in pay then they are covered. Hiring a part-timer from the outside and giving them the same duties as a union member employee is setting the Town up for improper practice. The Board needs to be careful how they go about this. We can look at contracting plow routes.
Supervisor Chipman stated the Comptroller’s issue was that part-timers weren’t covered by the bargaining agreement but being paid the same as the bargaining agreement is wrong.
Councilman Spano stated that a conversation with the union needs to be made to see if negotiating part-timers to be included in the contract is possible.
Councilman Drabkin stated what if they prefer full-timers part-timers? Why expose ourselves if we don’t have a problem.
Councilman Spano stated we are exposed now, but we want to speak to the union and they either will support it or not. Without anything what guidelines do these part-timers follow? The part-timer is covered under our liability & comp.
The Board discussed paying with a 10-99.
Supervisor Chipman stated there is a union meeting on October 12, 2016 we can check with Michael Richardson on part-timer status.
Supervisor Chipman stated that the consensus of the Board is to include part-timers in the union agreement.
There was a discussion of having a pool of part-timers.
Highway Superintendent Kelder explained reasons of why it’s hard to find part-timers.
Attorney Christiana stated she would like to look through the agreement there is a section on part-timers & seasonal workers, part-timers may be covered under this agreement.
Attorney Christina stated she will talk with Michael Richardson on wording clarification regarding “benefits” and research what rights part-timers have.

Resolution # 119-2016:
Supervisor Chipman would be willing to pay waiting to be engaged time but that time will be deducted from overtime.
Highway Superintendent Kelder stated he is trying to run his department the way people expect it to be run and it can’t be done with his hands tied.
Councilman Spano stated we the Board answer to the taxpayer and would have to explain why we are paying an employee to go home and rest.

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to continue to pay stand by time as customarily done in the past.

Seconded by: Councilman Spano


Councilwoman Chachkin nay
Councilman Drabkin aye
Councilman Spano nay
Supervisor Chipman nay 3-1, motion not carried
Fornino, Absent

A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman to approve stand by time with the understanding that when they are called back in that standby time will be deducted from the employees overtime.

Highway Superintendent Kelder suggested the Board reject the previous motion because there is no way the Union Employees are going to agree to that.

Resolution # 120-2016:

A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman to agree to waiting to be engaged practice like it has been done in the past and that period to end on December 31, 2016 and from 2017 on it be negotiated in the contract.

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin


Councilman Spano stated he is not paying an employee to be home.


Councilwoman Chachkin nay
Councilwoman Fornino nay
Councilman Drabkin aye
Councilman Spano nay
Supervisor Chipman aye 3-2, motion not carried

A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 pm.
Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 5-0aye, motion carried

Shaye Davis
Deputy Town Clerk