Town Board Audit/Workshop Meeting – July 2016

The July Audit/ Workshop Meeting was held on July 28, 2016 at 5pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.
Audit at 4pm
Supervisor Chipman Councilwoman Chachkin Councilman Spano
Town Clerk Gundberg


Councilwoman Fornino Councilman Drabkin Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Supervisor Chipman stated, “We are doing pretty good. The Court and Transfer station are ahead of the game with bringing in more then what is going out.”
Supervisor Chipman stated, “the ZRC reviewed the proposal presented to the Board by Mike Baden and Steve Fornal. Supervisor Chipman explained how the new proposal is less restrictive following the NYS model on solar. In regards to EMR no worries, direct current from the solar panels contains no EMR. On a homeowner level EMR is undetectable.”
Councilwoman Chachkin stated from comments made at the public hearing people urged the Board to consider a comprehensive all-inclusive law of both large and small scale solar.
There was a brief discussion on closing the public hearing on the small scale solar at the next meeting and decide whether to schedule a public hearing on the comprehensive solar.
Councilman Spano stated that whichever direction the Board choses to go in, we must go in. We shouldn’t delay much longer and it’s important that it complies with building and fire codes.
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to approve the following;
General Fund Abstract 7 of 2016 $ 64,166.19
Highway Fund Abstract 7 of 2016 $ 146,715.52
Street Lighting $ 404.04
$ 211, 285.75
Seconded by: Councilman Spano 3-0aye, motion carried
Drabkin, Fornino Absent


Supervisor Chipman asked the Board to review the RFP on Landfill solar. A Copy was sent to Attorney Christiana to make her recommendations.
Larry DeWitt, Town Resident has worked with Supervisor Chipman on this project. “It is so new that we don’t even know what to expect in its entirety, we don’t know what the future holds, what laws may change. There will be enough power to power the Town owned properties and then some.”
There were some clarifications made regarding the RFP.
Larry DeWitt explained, “ time is of the essence, we need to be closest to the front line as possible with this project because when is does come through we are going to have lines of people waiting to be connected.”

Highway Superintendent Wayne Kelder asked the Board to review his letter and asked the Board to meet with him to discuss what direction is needed going forward with the Audit.


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to adjourn the meeting at 5:45pm.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin 3-0aye, motion carried
Drabkin, Fornino, Absent


Kathleen A. Gundberg
Town Clerk/ Tax Collector