Town Board Audit/Workshop Meeting – February 2020

The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on February 27, 2020 at 6:00pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.

Councilwoman Bea Haugen-Depuy Councilman Chris Hewitt
Councilman Adam Paddock Supervisor Michael Baden

Councilwoman Erin Enouen

The Audit was held on Abstract 14-2019 and Abstract 2-2020.

The Workshop meeting began at 6:45pm.

Councilwoman Bea Haugen-Depuy Councilman Chris Hewitt
Councilman Adam Paddock Supervisor Michael Baden
Town Clerk Kathleen Gundberg Town Attorney Marylou Christiana (7:30pm)

Councilwoman Erin Enouen

Supervisor Baden opened the meeting and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Resolution # 83-2020:
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy authorizing modification of the 2020 General Fund and Highway Fund budgets, as presented by the Town Supervisor.
Second: Councilman Hewitt
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried
Unallocated Insurance
DA 1910.430 Insurance $ 28,000 $ 31,000 $ 3,000
DA5010.410 Supplies/ Materials $ – $ 1,750 $ 1,750
Maintenance of Roads
DA5110.441 Professional Services $ – $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Permanent Improvements
DA5112.440 Professional Services $
Roadwork $ 80,000 $ 180,000 $100,000
DA5112.470 Culverts & Bridges $ – $10,000 $ 10,000
Brush and Weeds
DA5140.465 Parts $ – $ 250 $ 250.00
Highway, Equipment and Capital outlay
DA5197.211 Loader $ 150,000 $ – $(150,000)
DA5197.212 Pickup $ 50,000 $ – $ (50,000)
DA5197.213 Truck w/plow & sander$ – $ 210,000 $ 210,000
DA 5197.214 Track Bodies $ – $ 80,000 $ 210,000

RECONCILLIATION $ 308,000 $ 518,000 $ 210,000

State and FED aid
DA3501.000 Consolidated Highway $ 350,000 $ 560,000 $ 210,000

Municipal Court
A1110.440 Professional services $ – $ 100 $ 100
Law (Attorney)
A1420.470 Miscellaneous $- $ 300 $ 300
A1620.430 Insurance $ – $ 5,200 $ 5,200
Central Garage( includes all non highway Dept. on-road vehicles)
A1640.430 Insurance $ $ 5,100 $ 5,100
Special Items
Unallocated insurance$ 50,000 $38,500 $ (11,500)
AA-6-1990.400 Contingent $ 30,000 $ 28,700 $ (1,300)
Parks & Recreation Administration
A7020.430 Insurance $ – $ 1,200 $ 1,200
Joint Recreation Projects
Barracuda Swim Team$ – $ 900 $ 900
RECONCILLIATION $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ –

ABSTRACT 14-2019:

General Fund $ 6,563.90
Highway Fund $210,499.75
Street Lighting Fund $ 0.00
Grant Fund $ 0.00

ABSTRACT 2-2020:

General Fund $ 56,601.77
Highway Fund $ 41,016.19
Street Lighting Fund $ 413.05
Grant Fund $


Councilwoman Haugen and Councilwoman Enouen held an audit review reconciling 3 months worth of Justice court Records.

Overall Evaluation:

Cash receipts and cash disbursement records to be complete and uniform in nature.
Bank Reconciliations, two for each Judge, are kept in monthly folders. Folders are color coordinated, by Judge to prevent errors. When examining these folders we found records to be in precise order.
Questions asked were answered knowledgably with the offer to see a report if we needed.
We would like to thank our Court Clerk’s Anne Marie Ogle and LeeAnn Warren for assisting us in examining the court records and answering questions, helping us gather material for this years Town Boards Annual Justice Report to the State. We would also like to recognize their excellent work keeping the Court records.

Resolution # 84-2020:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy pursuant to Section 2019-a of the Uniform Justice Court Act, hereby accepts the report of Councilwomen Haugen-DePuy and Enouen, that all financial records of the Town of Rochester Justice Court were reviewed on February 10, 2020, pursuant to the annual checklist of Appendix 10 of the New York State Office of the State Comptroller Handbook for Town and Village and Court Clerks and found to be in compliance.
Second: Councilman Paddock
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Resolution # 85-2020:

A Motion was made by Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy authorizing the Town Supervisor to send a copy of the audit of the Justice Court records for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 to the State of New York Unified Court System
Second: Councilman Paddock
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

Resolution #86 -2020:

A Motion was made by Councilman Paddock Pursuant to the Town of Rochester Procurement Policy having submitted written requests for quotes and having received a minimum of 3 written quotes for same, the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to place an order with Versare for the purchase of wall cubicle dividers for the assessor’s office in the Town Hall.
Second: Councilman Hewitt
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried


Versare $ 3,172.00
3236 California St NE
Minneapolis MN 55418

Wayfair $ 4,091.74
4 Copley Place
7th Floor
Boston, MA 02116

Skutchi Designs, Inc. $ 12,959.65
171 Gardner Lacy Road Unit A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579


LGRMIF Grant – Town Clerk Gundberg, Supervisor Baden

Supervisor Baden and Town Clerk Gundberg are working on a grant for Records Management. The main focus at this point is the Building Department records. Currently the files are in paper form filed alphabetically making it very time consuming for Becky in the Code Enforcement Office. We are working on contracting with instream to do the work load of the Building Department scanning and digitalizing them by Section Block and Lot. Also part of the grant will be the purchase of a wide screen scanner so we can work towards digitalizing all records.


Town Hall Office Renovation:
Supervisor Baden stated the renovations that have been completed thus far in the meeting room are
Electric: $ 675.00
Phone: $ 250.00

Once the walls are purchased we will have the new office for the Assessor complete for approximately $ 4,000.00

Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy presented the punch list of work that is needed in order to complete the Courthouse annex. She and Chief Miller did a walk through of what needs to be finished and what needs to be fixed. Chief Miller thinks it can be completed for under $ 3,000.00
Supervisor Baden stated he will get 3 quotes and bring it back to the Board hopefully by the next Board Meeting. There is some grant money to be spent. Supervisor Baden stated that the new roof construction will begin tomorrow.

Community Center:
The roof on the quonset hut behind the Community Center collapsed over the winter. Thank you to the Highway crew for cleaning it up.
The Food Pantry is moving along slowly. The gutters were redone to match the plans. The Community Center front doors have arrived and plan to be installed next week. We are working on an agreement with the Food Pantry to use the building, they were told they have to have volunteer liability insurance and received a quote of $ 300.00 which our insurance company reviewed and were satisfied with.
The Board discussed various ideas of a potential Town Hall location. Supervisor Baden considered the old Provident bank located on Route 209. The sale of the building would be
$ 350,000.00 or a $ 2,800.00 lease. Additional cost for upgrades would be required to make it operational. The ultimate goal would be to have all the Town departments in the same location. Supervisor Baden discussed with Highway Superintendent Frey having the highway department take down the Agway Barn next to the Community Center. The barn is in rough shape and needs to come down anyway but once it’s removed we will know what we are working with regarding size of another building.

Culverts and Bridges:
Highway Superintendent Frey stated that he is waiting on finalized plans from Barry Medenbach for the Boice Mill Rd Bridge. Currently it is yellow flagged with a monitored weight ton limit of 13 tons. Highway Superintendent Frey guesstimates this project to cost around $ 300,000.00.
The Mill Hook Bridge will need a concrete culvert.
Old Minnewaska Trail will need an oval steel pipe the approximate cost is $ 3,000.00
Most of this work is scheduled to be done this summer.

Procurement Policy
The Board reviewed the draft procurement policy. Attorney Christiana stated the draft version seemed more like a manual than a policy, the Board will review more at the Board meeting.

1. Policies – Supervisor Baden
• Procurement draft
• Best Value Local Law draft
2. Parks and Recreation – Councilman Paddock
Councilman Paddock has been in contact with Ashley and Rich Miller regarding playground Equipment. There are some micro grants out there the Town can apply for. Councilman Paddock sat with the Board of Indian Valley Little League where he received overwhelming support in revamping the Town Baseball field. Fortunately the fencing and bleachers aren’t in terrible shape. There is a need for a storage shed to store equipment like rakes, bases and portable mound. With the help of the Highway Department we are hoping mid- March we can start working on scraping the field .
Supervisor Baden asked that Councilman Paddock and Town Clerk Gundberg work on a policy that will be charging large groups to utilize the park.

4. Watershed Educational Park – Councilman Hewitt
Supervisor Baden stated that there is $ 10,000.00 in the Park line budget so we can take
$ 2,600.00 out to use for the mapping of the watershed Education park. Councilman Hewitt is going to work on a resolution to bring before the Board at the March Town Board meeting.

5. Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Code Review Committee– Supervisor Baden
Supervisor Baden stated the first meeting will be held on March 10, 2020 at 7pm

6. General Code update – Supervisor Baden, Attorney Christiana
Supervisor Baden stated that the board may hold a special meeting in March to discuss updates. The deadline is April 1, 2020.

7. Alternative Energy Company – American Power and Gas
Supervisor Baden stated that he isn’t unhappy with Central Hudson but would the Board entertain the idea of looking at other alternatives.


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy to enter into executive session at 8:22pm
For a series of matters listed below;
Second: Supervisor Baden

Discussion of matters leading to the discipline of a particular person (Invite Town Clerk Gundberg and Attorney for the Town Christiana to attend)

Discussion of matters regarding the employment history of a particular person
(invite Town Clerk Gundberg Attorney for the Town Christiana to attend)

Supervisor Baden recused at 8:35pm for second executive session.
Supervisor Baden joined second executive session at 9:05pm.

Discussion of information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense which would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed (invite Chief Miller and Attorney for the Town Christiana to attend)

Discussion of matters regarding the employment history of a particular person (invite Chief Miller and Attorney for the Town Christiana to attend)

A Motion was made by Councilman Hewitt to reconvene the meeting at 9:40pm stating no action taken nor monies expended.
Second: Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried

A Motion was made by Councilman Hewitt to adjourn the meeting at 9:41pm
Second: Councilwoman Haugen-Depuy
Aye: 4 nay: 0 abstain: 0 motion carried