Town Board Audit/Workshop Meeting – March 2016

The Workshop Meeting was held on March 31, 2016 at 5:03pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.


Supervisor Chipman Councilwoman Chachkin Councilwoman Fornino
Councilman Drabkin Councilman Spano (5:20pm) Town Clerk Gundberg Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman discussed returning the $ 200.00 ZBA hearing fee for an applicant regarding concerned signage at property located off Queens Highway. Supervisor Chipman stated that there was a discrepancy in the law on Home Occupation. Supervisor Chipman stated if the law was written better than it would be a different story.

Councilman Drabkin stated that the structure for the Zoning Board of Appeals should be changed since it meets so infrequently.

Attorney Christiana stated that the appeal is time sensitive so waiting is not an option.

Resolution # 77-2016:

A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman to return the $ 200 Zoning Board of Appeals hearing fee to applicant Fappes.

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 4-0aye, motion carried
Spano Absent


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to approve the following bills;

General Abstract 3 of 2016 $ 61,491.65
Highway Abstract 3 of 2016 $ 45,938.39
Street Lighting $ 436.47
$ 107,866.51

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 4-0aye, motion carried
Spano Absent


Supervisor Chipman asked Councilwoman Chachkin if she had any updated information.
Councilwoman Chachkin said she reviewed the Association of Towns and sees a lot of similarities but uncertain because of Michael Richardson’s comment of violating employee rights.
It was agreed that Attorney Christiana and Councilwoman Chachkin will work together to create a policy and bring it before the board.


Attorney Christiana stated she was reviewing the contract with General Code to make sure the board can use the format.


Chief Constable Miller presented to the Board a detailed traffic accident report dating 2011-2015. The report consists of name of road where the accident occurred, date it occurred, type of accident, weather conditions, age of the driver & brief synopsis of the accident. The Board agreed that the report was excellent and thanked Rich for all his hard work. The report is filled with a wealth of information that the Board can use to make their determinations for traffic safety.


Supervisor Chipman wanted to clarify any misunderstandings in the duties of the Constabulary. In regards to criminal investigations Supervisor Chipman was referring to instances where the aluminum was stolen, the golf cart was vandalized or the Giles Edward property. Whether it was misuse of wording or communication by no means is the constabulary arresting people or bringing people in for arrest.
Councilman Spano: Thanked Supervisor Chipman for his clarifications but we want to make sure that everyone is clear on what the duties are of the Constabulary. Open communication with external & internal agencies is a must. These agencies need to know what they can expect from our Constabulary.
Rich Miller clarified the incident where he showed up on a 911 call. This incident was brought to the attention of new station commander of the Ellenville Barracks who didn’t know anything about the Town of Rochester having a Constabulary.
Steve Peterson, Director of Ulster County 911 sent a letter to the Town of Rochester Constabulary stating the Constabulary was never given written permission to use the 911 radio system frequency and was denied further access.
Rich Miller called the next day and was told the Rochester Constabulary was in the system.
Councilwoman Chachkin asked what the status was on getting it restored.
Councilman Spano stated the Board needs to memorialize in writing to all the primary agencies that the Town of Rochester has established a Constabulary and these are their duties. A Letter should be sent to the DA Office, Trooper Barracks & Ulster County Sheriff’s Department. The Board also needs to write a letter to Ulster County 911 requesting reasoning behind denial or abandonment of privilege to utilize the 911 frequency. Why after two years of using it, it is now an issue? We should also put in the letter why it is important & necessary to obtain the privileges to use the 911 system frequency.
Councilman Drabkin suggested including examples of the importance of having the 911 radio frequency and express a large portion of the Town still doesn’t have cell phone service.

Resolution # 78 -2016:

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to direct Attorney Christiana to put together a letter to local agencies of what the Town of Rochester Constabulary is authorized to do & a letter asking for reason why the Town of Rochester Constabulary was denied access to the 911 radio frequency.

Seconded by Councilwoman Chachkin 5-0aye, motion carried

Councilman Spano stated we need to plan accordingly, we need to know what equipment is needed and figure out what the needs are for the Constabulary and budget for the tools necessary.

Supervisor Chipman asked the Board to review the packet on the O&W Inter-municipal Agreement for the Town Board Meeting scheduled next week.


Rich Miller is generating paperwork. The Board needs to assign a parcel of property to the grant. The grant expires 6/15/2016. There was a discussion on the best location for the Courthouse on Town owned property.

It was agreed upon that the Town Board review Town owned properties and make a decision for a location & decide if the Town wants to sell these parcels.


A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to adjourn the meeting at 6:28pm.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino 5-0aye, motion carried