Town Board Meeting Minutes October 2014

The October Town Board Meeting was held on October 2, 2014 at 7:25pm at the Town of Rochester Town Hall.



Supervisor Chipman                Councilwoman Chachkin        Councilwoman Fornino

Councilman Drabkin               Councilman Spano                  Attorney Christiana

Town Clerk Gundberg



No comments made.



A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to approve the minutes of the 9/04/2014 Public Hearing on Chapter 125 (Subdivision) 9/4/2014 Public Hearing on Chapter 140 (Zoning) 9/4/2014 Regular Town Board Meeting, 09/25/2014 Audit Workshop Meeting.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin                                             5-0aye, motion carried




The Town Board held an interview with Maren Linstrom for a vacancy on the Planning Board.





Supervisor Chipman stated despite rumors there is no black mold in the Town building. There is a problem with ventilation and moisture in the closets of the Assessor’s office. There is some work to be done, and everything will be tested for Asbestos.

Finally the sale of the Rainbow Diner went through. The first priority is to clean up the debris. Clean up began today and the owner has 60 days to clean it up.

This has been a long hard battle with the owners, we’ve been in litigation and the constant pressure by the board and our legal advisor was a big part in the sale. We are finally moving in the right direction.

We are currently looking for remedies throughout the town dealing with dilapidated homes and structures.  We understand that this structure are dangerous, and affects the town as a whole.



Nothing to report


UC LEGISLATOR Lynn Archer stated it’s been a busy 9 months and quite the learning curve. In regards to the rail trail in August Resolution # 275 “Rail with Trail” was passed. This is going to form an integrated trail system. There is still a segment of the trail that we need to approach.

This resolution allowed for a multi-use approach, there is still use for the rail with the train rides too.

With help from Attorney Christiana we’ve made progress with Broadband. There is still work to be done in filling gaps in the Town of Rochester. Currently we are working on a policy establishing broadband for the entire county. Legislator Archer met with the head of broadband to discuss ensuring connectivity.  There is no reason we shouldn’t all have access. High speed internet is included in the 2015 budget.

The 2015 Tax levy reduced 1%. There have been real challenges since the building of the county jail. Currently we are restoring the fund balance. Currently Ulster County is in the best shape in the Mid-Hudson region.



Councilwoman Chachkin: HPC: the commission was pleased with the Town adopting their sign recommendations. They are currently still working on the Alligerville district project.

Planning Board: they met with Town of Wawarsing for the shared public hearing on Dollar General, that public hearing remained open and they will continue to discuss that next month. There was an application for 1 antenna on City Hall Rd cell tower. An application for a Bed and Breakfast on Cherrytown Rd was submitted.

Councilwoman Fornino: nothing to report

Councilman Drabkin: ZBA; nothing to report, Hwy: designs for signs were submitted and will gather prices within the next few days.

Supervisor Chipman: TS: nothing prepared for the transfer station. Youth Commission: the dinner theater was cancelled. The Children’s Halloween party is scheduled for 10/30/2014 5-7pm. The Haunted Barn is 10/25/2014 from 6:30-10pm. The After school program is in full swing.

NYRising: paperwork to begin next week.




Resolution # 101: 2014:


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Chachkin to appoint Fred O’Donnell to serve as Vice-Chair to the Planning Board.


Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                                       5-0aye, motion carried

The board decided to wait till the October audit workshop meeting before they appoint anyone to the Planning Board and the ZBA. A decision will be made before the planning board November meeting.



Resolution # 102-2014:

A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin that the Town of Rochester respectfully request from the Ulster County that the maximum rate of speed on County Route 1 also known as Lucas Avenue starting at County Route 1 and US State Highway 209 in Accord, NY and ending at the Town line ( Pompey’s Cave Road) be 45 MPH and be properly posted as such.

Seconded by: Councilwoman Chachkin                                            5-0aye, motion carried


Supervisor Chipman stated that he is tired of seeing memorials on the side of Lucas Ave. There are too many blind spots, no proper shoulder, and basically not safe for bikers, walkers and drivers. It is really important that we send a request to the DOT reconsidering a reduction in speed.



Councilman Drabkin asked for clarification on adaptive reuse. After a brief discussion with the board and the town attorney he was more understanding of the definition.




Lynn Archer stated she was pleased with the request to reduce the speed limit on Lucas Avenue.

Gerry Fornino thanked the board for the Volunteer Appreciation Day!







A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm.


Seconded by: Councilwoman Fornino                                               5-0aye, motion carried


Respectfully Submitted,


Kathleen A. Gundberg

Town Clerk