Town Board Audit Meeting Minutes April 2014

The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on April 24, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall.


Supervisor Chipman Councilwoman Chackin Councilman Drabkin Councilman Spano Town Clerk Sergio

Councilman Cilenti Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and Councilwoman Chachkin led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


A Motion was made by Councilman Drabkin to approve the following bills as audited this date

General Fund Abstract 4 of 2014 $ 69,408.79
Highway Fund Abstract 4 of 2014 $ 27,263.43
Street Lighting $ 485.45

$ 97,157.67
Seconded by: Councilman Spano motion carried


Councilwoman Chachkin stated that the town website should have as accurate information as possible, In review some committee clean-up should be completed including formally dissolving the CZM Task Force, Cablevision Committee & the five committees established in early 2008?
Buildings and Grounds
Budget Review
Commercial Development and Support

We should set-up a new pathway for volunteers for Rochester’s Boards and Commissions;

“Volunteer for Rochester” (NavBar) and “Town Volunteers” (in drop down menu for “About Rochester” in TopBar) — instead of linking to “Short Term” and “Long Term” Volunteers, this will link to the following three choices (links) and explanatory language:
Commissions: “These commissions were established by local law or Town Board resolution. They usually have room for new members at any time. Check each commission’s listing for current openings.”
Boards: “These boards were established by local law. They have a set number of members. New members are needed periodically. Check each board’s listing for current openings.”
Committees/Task Forces: “Committees and task forces are established by the Town Board. They usually have a specific job to be completed within a certain amount of time, although they may continue for several years. Check each committee or task force listing for current openings.”

Click on “Commissions” will go to these three choices (links) and language:

Environmental Conservation Commission
3-9 members; 3-year term
Established by Chapter 14 of Town Code
There are currently ___ openings for volunteers.

Historic Preservation Commission
7-15 members; 3-year term
Established by Chapter 22 of Town Code
There are currently ___ openings for volunteers.

Youth Commission
5-12 members; 3-year term
Established by Town Board Resolution
There are currently ____ openings for volunteers.

Click on “Boards” will go to these four choices (links) and language:

Board of Assessment Review
3-5 members; 5-year term
Established by NYS Property Law, Title1a, §523
There are currently ___ openings for volunteers.

Board of Ethics
5 members; 5-year term
Established buy Chapter 17 of Town Code
There are currently ____ openings for volunteers.

Planning Board
7 members; 7 year term
1 alternate; 2-year term
Established by Chapter 37 of Town Code
There are currently _____ openings for volunteers. [specify member or alternate]’

Zoning Board of Appeals
5 members; 5-year term
1 alternate; 2-year term
Established by Chapter 140, Article 9 of Town Code
There are currently ___ openings for volunteers. [specify member or alternate]

Click on “Committees/Task Forces” will go to these two [or more] choices and language:

Wireless Telecommunications Committee
9 members
Established by Town Board January 2014
There are currently ____ openings for volunteers.

Time Warner Committee [needs a webpage link]
[any limit on membership?]
Established by Town Board February 2014
There are currently ____ openings for volunteers.

It was also suggested by Councilwoman Chachkin to have on the website for those interested in volunteering on boards and commissions a link for letter of intent.

Resolution # 60-2014:

A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman to accept these recommendations and to authorize Richard Miller to make proper corrections to the Town website.

Seconded by: Councilman Spano 4-0aye, motion carried


Supervisor Chipman read aloud a letter received from Town Resident Charlie Fischer;

“I think it is time to pass a law so woodstoves must be shut down from May 1st –October 15th of each year. My neighbor has asthma she can’t even sit on her porch in summer because of the smoke from the woodstove. I have to pay a high electric bill because I can’t open windows and you can smell the smoke in my vehicles all the time. My electric is higher in summer then in winter even when running heat and hot water and electric heaters.”


Supervisor Chipman stated that we need to look at all aspects because this law affects everyone.
Councilman Drabkin stated in this particular instance what is being burned is key to this confined area. They may want to seek legal advice.
Councilwoman Chachkin asked if the woodstove is in compliance with town code? Supervisor Chipman stated that it is very hard to enforce DEC law.
Councilman Spano suggested that Mr. Fischer records a log, takes pictures, and contact the CEO. The CEO should work with the DEC to litigate circumstances. Our CEO can play a key role with enforcing. We can also find out how many complaints are on file with the DEC.


Councilwoman Chachkin presented to the board a completed review of the proposed revision of the Town Zoning and Subdivision code.
Councilman Drabkin stated that the 85% is ready for Attorney Christiana to place into Local law format so the next step is going to a public hearing. They will be meeting with Jerry and Brenda from Code Enforcement & Becky from Planning and Zoning on Wednesday to discuss the 15%. Councilman Drabkin stated that he wants to have a full understanding of the 15% before being placed in a position to discuss it with anyone other than Attorney Christiana and Building and Zoning employees.

Resolution 61# -2014:
A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman and Seconded by Councilman Spano to accept the following proposed revision of the Town Zoning and Subdivision code.
4-0aye, motion carried


Supervisor Chipman stated that he would like to donate the large map in the Town Hall to the Friends of Historic Rochester. The Board all agreed that was a great idea.


Supervisor Chipman read aloud a letter submitted from Paul Rider Chief of the Accord Fire District.
It has been becoming a frequent problem of lengthy driveways that are over 1000 ft. long in the town. I would like the board to pass a law that would require any persons building s new driveway 1000ft. or longer to please have it posted with a metallic reflective sign stating that the driveway is over 1000 ft. long.
I feel that this information would speed up operations, and in turn could potentially save lives. The first five minutes of a fire can determine the next 5 hours.
The Fire Districts equipment at best can pump water effectively at 1000 ft. with the use of a relay pumper (second truck). Knowing this information when you enter the driveway would make things less complicated and more effective.

Paul Rider, Chief of the Accord Fire District

The board agreed that they need a little more clarification.
Councilman Drabkin suggested that we consult with attorney Christiana as to where this should be placed in the law if the board was to go with it.


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to adjourn the meeting at 7:12pm

Seconded by: Councilman Drabkin 4-0aye, motion carried
Archer- absent
Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Sergio
Town Clerk