2011 November Town Board Minutes


The November Town Board Meeting was held on November 3, 2011 at 7:05 pm at the Town Hall.
Supervisor Chipman              Councilwoman Archer     Councilman Cilenti(7:10 pm)
Councilwoman Michailescu   Town Clerk Gundberg                    Attorney Christiana
Councilman Spano
No comments made
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to approve the minutes of the 10/06/2011 Regular Town Board Meeting, the 10/20/2011 Budget Workshop Meeting and the 10/27/2011 Audit Workshop Meeting.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                3-0aye, motion carried
                                                                Spano & Cilenti absent
SUPERVISOR’S REPORT:  Filed with the Town Clerk
Councilwoman Archer read a letter submitted by Ward Mintz in reference to the Valley of the Giants. He stated how he would love to see local artists, critics& historians form a committee to see this idea through, “get together to seek proposals not only for folkloric sculptures but true masterpieces while respecting our sweeping vistas, and historic farms and Towns.”
Supervisor Chipman read a letter from Zali Win stating that the Rochester Residents Association donated $ 300.00 to the Thanksgiving Luncheon.
Supervisor Chipman also read a letter for Assemblyman Kevin Cahill. Both Supervisor Chipman and Assemblyman Cahill have voiced their opinions against the rate increase with Central Hudson, and the 2 % tax cap with no mandated funding from the State. Assemblyman Cahill voiced his support to Carl and to local Government and would be a voice of reasoning on his level of government.
Councilman Cilenti stated that he spoke with Councilman Spano who was unable to attend the meeting do to work related issues but Councilman Spano wanted to thank Supervisor Chipman and the Town Board for their efforts with the Budget and is in full support of the 2012 budget.
Attorney Christiana stated that the Mombaccus litigation was dropped. The Board thanked her for all her hard work and Supervisor Chipman nicknamed her “ Periwinkle Mason.” Attorney Christiana stated one more appeal is possible but she hasn’t heard if Mombaccus plans to file.
Councilwoman Archer: ECC: no meeting held. Planning Board: A new application was received from Verna Gillis. The Public Hearing for Penn Ulster remains open.  The Body of Truth public hearing was opened and closed. Councilwoman Archer stated that one member plans to resign by the end of this year.
Councilman Cilenti: nothing to report.
Councilwoman Michailescu: October 19 evening meeting was the Suicide prevention workshop with:
Detective John Dickson – Town of Ulster Police and~
Sherrill Silver – Four Winds Hospital Community Liaison.
The emotional presentation and discussion focused on statistics, real cases, warning signs, steps to take as community members, etc.
Special thanks to Carol Fischer for her invaluable contribution to the success of this meeting! Rent-a-Kid provided 2 referrals in October.
Children’s Halloween party took place right before the snowstorm, on Friday Oct. 28, but the Haunted Barn (October 29) had to be re-scheduled for Friday, Nov. 4. At the Halloween party I met a mother who also praised Carol and indicated the summer program was “God sent” for her daughter (she intends to write a letter to the Town Board). Well-deserved letter of appreciation for Recreation and Community Dept. Director Carol Dennin was received by the Town Board from Jimmy “Jazz” Flanigan, who performed at the Roaring 20s Luncheon. HPC: Veterans Park:
Discussion and unanimous vote that the Town Board takes over responsibility for events planning and preparation (like Veterans Day). They continue to be in charge of landscaping and what else needs to be finalized. Discussion about the placement of the Francis Gray plaque. Discussion about items to be included in next year’s budget – landscaping, a brochure, fixing the 1917 water trough?
Councilman Spano: Absent
Resolution # 81-2011:
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer adopt the 2012 proposed budget.
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                         4-0 aye, motion carried
                                                                Spano absent
Resolution # 82-2011:
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to allow the justice court to apply for the OSC grant for funding of improvement to the Town Court.
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                         4-0aye, motion carried
                                                                Spano absent
Resolution # 83-2011:
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to approve the snow removal services contract between Donald De Graw and the Town of Rochester. The Town of Rochester Shall pay the contractor at a rate of $ 70.00 per hour for sanding and plowing.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                   4-0aye, motion carried
                                                                Spano absent
Resolution # 84-2011:
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to transfer budgeted monies for Time Warner Cable to the grant & preservation projects account.
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti
Councilman Cilenti asked for clarifications of monies. Supervisor Chipman stated that the money could be used for cable related situations i.e.: legal fees. He also stated that funds could be reverted back to the Town.
                                                                4-0 aye, motion carried
                                                                Spano absent
Some questions were asked in reference to Time Warner Cable.
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                   4-0 aye, motion carried
                                                                Spano absent
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Gundberg
Town Clerk
A Public Hearing was held on November 3, 2011 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall
Re: Proposed Budget 2012.
Supervisor Chipman              Councilwoman Archer     Councilwoman Michailescu   Town Clerk Gundberg            Attorney Christiana
Councilman Cilenti              Councilman Spano
Supervisor opened the meeting and young gentleman in the audience led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor Chipman reviewed the proposed 2012 budget line by line and no questions were asked during the presentation.
The tax levy for the Town will have a decrease of 2.15%.
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to close the hearing at 7:05pm.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                   3-0aye,  motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Gundberg
Town Clerk
The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on November 29, 2011 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall.
Councilwoman Archer     Councilman Cilenti     Councilwoman Michailescu                 
Councilman Spano                 Town Clerk Gundberg
Supervisor Chipman
Supervisor opened the meeting and Ward Mintz led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.     
                                                                Michailescu- abseAPPROVAL OF BILLS:
A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to approve the following bills as audited this date
                        General Fund 2011 Abstract 11           $ 43,220.37
                        Highway Fund 2011 Abstract 11           $ 71,202.27
                                Street Lighting                                             $ 405.81
                                                                        $          114,828.45
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                                           motion carried       
motion carried
Ward Mintz and Rebecca Shea met before the board with their own ideas of art in the Town of Rochester. Last month Ward Mintz submitted a letter to the Blue Stone Press and forwarded it to Councilwoman Archer stating he would love to see Artists and Historians in our community get together to form a committee to see Art bring a community together. The idea was first discussed by the Valley of the Giants who’s plan was to create fun, hip, folksy sculptures that reflect the diversity of the people while bringing revenue to our local communities. This idea became controversial in our Town. Several people voiced their opinions that the Valley of the Giants will take away from the true visuals of the Town and its Historical Heritage. Ward and Rebecca feel that taking a different approach to art in our community can make the Town an intriguing place to visit. Using visuals ( i.e.: the Storm King Center, Pavilion in the trees, Center City Philadelphia & many works of art created by famous artists that live right in the Town of Rochester.) Ward discussed possibilities of working with the land and environment that interacts with the resources in our Town to create beautiful works of art. Art can be created showing respect to our heritage and environment for examples locations to work with are the Rail Trail, Main Street Accord & lots of Agriculture landscape locations. Rebecca Shea concluded that this is just the beginning stage of the process. They would love to see some of our local artists work together to discuss ideas and grant funding to find out what art is right for our community.    
Councilman Spano thanked Ward and Rebecca for the presentation he stated that it opened his eyes and the presentation was refreshing and showed how artistry can work in Rochester with it’s rural character. They displayed art in its true form.
Councilwoman Archer also thanked them and stated that it was an inspiration to see how artwork can open our eyes and give a sense of pride to our community. People that take pride in our Town will appreciate the beauty not just in art but in our environment. There is a lot of learning opportunities and looks forward to hearing from them again.
Ward Mintz a member of the HPC asked for some clarification of the responsibilities of the HPC and the CEO. Ward read to the Board the law in the Codebook;
Ward stated on several instances the HPC wasn’t given timely notification on improvements to historic properties and asked what the proper sequence of events is while filing the permit to the approval of the application. Councilman Spano stated he would look into the application process and communicate with the CEO on ways to improve the process allowing the HPC enough time to make their recommendations before work is completed.
A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                         motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Gundberg                                                                                                                     
 Town Clerk