2010 February Town Board Minutes

The Town Board Meeting was held on February 4, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.
Supervisor Chipman                      Councilwoman Archer     Councilman Cilenti Councilwoman Michailescu             Councilman Spano                Town Clerk Gundberg    Attorney Christiana
Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and Town Clerk Gundberg led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
David O’ Halloran Chairman of the Republican Committee wanted to clarify the reason behind the e-mail sent by a committee member last month. It wasn’t intended to be cronyism but to express a new direction the committee is headed towards supporting Republican candidates.
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to approve the minutes of the 1/07/2010 Organizational meeting, the  1/07/2010 Regular Town Board meeting and the 1/28/2010 Public Hearing re: “Rail Trial”,  1/28/2010 Audit workshop meeting.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                           Unanimously approved
RVCS Superintendent Agostaro gave a brief presentation of the 2010-11 School budget.  He discussed the student enrollment numbers, possible course offerings at locations in our town.   More information can be found @ Budgetinfo@Rondout.K-12.NY.US
SUPERVISOR’S REPORT:  Filed with the Town Clerk
Supervisor Chipman announced that Legislator Terry Bernardo is going to e-mail quarterly reports, and updated him on the sheriff car dispute taking place at the County level.
Queens Estate: Supervisor Chipman discussed with the board possible gifting of property to the Town located off Queens Highway. The Board agreed to wait on Attorney Christiana to report costs to the town before legal action takes place.
Attorney Christiana has been in contact with Attorney Coan representing Mombaccus Excavating. Under Article 78 the Town is given an extended time of 3/15/2010.  
Councilwoman Archer: The ECC sent recommendations to Supervisor Chipman for Scenic Byway. Rondout Clean up day is tentatively scheduled for 6/12/2010 from 9-12pm.
Councilman Cilenti: met with Assessor Stokes to discuss the reports that are sent from the building department for updating property inventory. Councilman Cilenti stated he
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would go into further discussion about the communication between the two offices at the audit workshop meeting.
Councilwoman Michailescu: The Youth Commission discussed working with the YMCA again or possibly going back to half day summer programming. The Community Center is holding US Census Bureau testing for Business employment opportunities in our area. The Youth Commission would like the Town Board to adopt a local law regarding changing expiration dates on appointments when necessary, to avoid a majority of Commission members having their terms expire at the same time.
Councilman Spano was unable to attend the Fire department meeting and asked Fire Commissioner Len Bernardo to give any updates. Fire Commissioner Bernardo stated there was discussion on the insurance plan and they are waiting for the quotes to come in.
Mike Baden gave a brief synopsis of the Ulster County Planning Board meeting. He asked the board to carefully read the CDBG grant located in his handout.
Supervisor Chipman announced he is hosting the Rondout Watershed Council on 2/22/2010.
Resolution #29 -2010
A Resolution was made by Councilwoman Archer, seconded by Councilman Cilenti that Local Law #1-2010 prohibiting the operation of motorized vehicles on the “Rail Trail”
Section 1.
The use of motorized vehicles on the public trail located in the Town of Rochester and commonly known as the “Rail Trail” is prohibited.
Section 2.
Any person to be in violation of Section 1 above is subject to a fine in the amount of $ 250.00.
 Unanimously approved
Resolution #30-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to authorize Supervisor Chipman to apply for the UCLGE grant for highway services. This program formerly known as the Shared Municipal Services Incentive Grant Program is for municipalities that have received SMSI study grants and are ready to implement a shared service initiative.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                             Unanimously approved
Resolution # 31-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to authorize Supervisor Chipman to write a letter to The Ulster County Legislatures reiterating the Town Board’s support to appoint Mike Baden to the Ulster County Planning Board and Leon Smith to serve as an alternate, representing the Town of Rochester.
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                        Unanimously approved


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Code Enforcement Officer Jerry Davis submitted specifications to the Town Board pertaining to the Giles Edwards Demolition Bid SBL # 77.1-2-1.3. The board agreed to send a certified letter to the homeowner prior to sending out bid.
Resolution #32-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that Shane Ricks be appointed to the Planning Board term to expire 12/31/16
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                        
Roll Call Vote:
Councilwoman Archer             aye
Councilman Cilenti                      nay
Councilwoman Michailescu                aye
Councilman Spano                        aye
Supervisor Chipman                      aye                             Motion carried   4-1
Resolution #33-2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Bruce Schoonmaker be appointed to the Board of Assessment Review, the term to expire 09/30/2014
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
Resolution # 34-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Councilman Spano be appointed to the Board of Ethics, the term to expire 12/31/2013
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                           Motion carried 4-0
                                                                        Councilman Spano -abstain
Resolution # 35 -2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that John Cross be appointed to the Board of Ethics, the term to expire 12/31/2012
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                        Unanimously approved
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Resolution # 36 -2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that Veronica Sommer be appointed to the Board of Ethics, the term to expire 12/31/2014
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                                 Unanimously approved
Resolution # 37-2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Jeffrey Davis be appointed to the Board of Ethics, the term to expire 12/31/2011
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
Resolution #38-2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Michael Callan be appointed to the Environmental Conservation Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2012
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                                 Unanimously approved
Resolution #39-2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Walter Levy be appointed to the Historic Preservation Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2012.
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                                 Unanimously approved
Resolution #40-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Maggie Dulka be appointed to the Historic Preservation Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2012
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Fred O’Donnell be appointed to Zoning Board of Appeals, the term to expire 12/31/2014.
                                                                        Motion not carried
Resolution #41 -2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Beatrice Haugan- DePuy be appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals, the term to expire 12/31/2014.
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                                 Unanimously approved
Resolution # 42-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Mary Lee be appointed to the Youth Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2011
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Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                        Unanimously approved
Resolution # 43-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Haley Swift be appointed to the Youth Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2012
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
Resolution # 44-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Jessica Knapp be appointed to the Youth Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2012
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
Resolution # 45-2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Sue Matson be appointed to the Youth Commission, the term to expire 12/31/2012
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                                 Unanimously approved
Resolution # 46 -2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Michael Callan be appointed to serve as Chairman and Laura Finestone to serve as Vice Chairman of the ECC.
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
Resolution #47-2010
A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu that Alice Cross be appointed to serve as Chairman and Jeanne Greene to serve as Vice Chairman of the HPC.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                        Unanimously approved
Resolution #48 -2010
A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman that Mel Tapper be appointed to serve as Chairman and Shane Ricks to serve as Vice Chairman of the Planning Board.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                           Unanimously approved
Resolution # 49-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Brian Drabkin be appointed to serve as Chairman and Beatrice Haugan- DePuy to serve as Vice Chairman of the ZBA
Seconded by: Councilman Spano                                   Unanimously approved
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Resolution # 50-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Barbara Zaccai be appointed to serve as Chairman and Pam Stocking to serve as Vice Chairman of the Youth Commission.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu                           Unanimously approved
Resolution # 51-2010
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the Crushing of Town owned gravel. Specifications are available at the office of the Town Clerk, Accord N. Y. 12404. Bids to be received on or before 2 /24 /10 at 11:00 am at the Town Clerk’s Office, at which time they will be opened and read aloud. The Town Board has the right to reject any and all bids.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Archer                                        Unanimously approved
The Town Board directed Attorney Christiana to create a policy requiring all town vehicles to have a Town Decal sticker on it.


Several residents expressed concerns about the Queens Estate. It was asked that the Town Board look at all estimated cost and clarifications before any action is taken.
Several residents asked for clarification on the Shared Municipal Services Incentive Program.


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 pm.
Seconded by: Councilman Cilenti                                         Unanimously approved