2008 May Town Board Minutes

May 1, 2008                                                 3464


The Town Board Meeting was held on May 1, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Town




Supervisor Chipman       
Councilwoman Archer    
Councilman Cilenti (7:05)
Councilwoman Michailescu                        
Councilman Spano
Town Clerk Sommer        
Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and resident, Ed Lamon led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




Marty Roberge, Cliff Road resident requested that the Town Board form a
committee making Cliff Road safe for future building.


Highway Superintendent Kelder said they would need a 50′ right of way
before the Town could take it over.




Councilwoman Michailescu attended the Travel & Tourism Conference at
the Emerson Resort and Spa, Mt. Tremper and gave a report on the character, charm and impact on local economy and the travel industry.


Resident, Cindy Tacti, representative of the Rondout Bulldogs said the baseball team needs at least 3 acres of property to build 2 fields, she
requested the Town Board help.


Councilman Cilenti suggested Ms. Tacti join the Buildings and Grounds Committee.




A resident suggested that the property left of the skating rink might be
available for the baseball fields.


It was suggested that NO LITTERING signs might help thwart the pollution.


The Historic Preservation Commission was thanked for the hamlet signs in Cherrytown.


The Town Board and Mike Baden were thanked for their work on the website,
the calendar is full and should be looked at.


Any information for the website should be forwarded to Michael Baden.


It was felt that the Town deserves a strong unbiased assessor.


The Fire Company was thanked for all their hard work, especially during
the recent forest fires.




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to approve the following minutes
as submitted:
April  3, 2008  Town Board Meeting
April 23, 2008  Audit/Workshop Meeting


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved


SUPERVISOR’S REPORT:  Filed with the Town Clerk.


CORRESPONDENCE:  Filed with the Supervisor




Supervisor Chipman publicly thanked the Fireman and the Commission for their hard work.  The Town supplied both local and State with water and food during the recent forest fire.  Supervisor Chipman spoke with State


May 1, 2008                                                 3465


and local officials regarding lack of communication.  When the fire changed, it became a local problem and more communication is vital for our safety.  A control burning plan never came to fruition and must be put in place.




Supervisor Chipman and the Councilpersons shared the highlights of the meetings they attended as liaisons and committee members.


The Task Force met on Monday with Tom Shepstone.


Historic Preservation Commission Chairwoman, Alice Cross read a letter
on behalf of the whole Commission regarding the Veteran’s Park proposal
and approval of a site.






Resolution #82_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Town Board change the
Audit/Workshop Meeting from the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm to
the last Thursday of the month at 7:00pm, and further authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




Resolution #83_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the sole bid of $25,999.00 submitted by Robert Green Truck Division for one 2008 Chevrolet Silverado
K2500 Regular Cab LT1 4WD Pick Up be accepted by the Board.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved






Resolution #84_2008


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that the Town Board approve
the plans as presented by the Historic Preservation Commission for the proposed Veterans Park.  The site to be as originally proposed and expenditures not to exceed $5,000.00.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano
There was discussion for and against the proposal.


Councilwoman Archer      aye
Councilman Cilenti       nay
Councilwoman Michailescu nay
Councilman Spano         aye
Supervisor Chipman   abstain
                                               Motion not carried 2_2


A workshop will be held on May 29, 2008 between the Town Board and the
Historic Preservation Commission.


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Resolution #84_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Gerald Fornino be appointed volunteer Emergency Management Coordinator for the Town with powers and duties as prescribed by the Town of Rochester Emergency Plan.  The term
expires 12/31/08.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




Resolution #85_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that Robert Garrett be appointed
volunteer Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator for the Town with powers and duties as prescribed by the Town of Rochester Emergency Plan.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved




Supervisor Chipman stated that Michael Sommer submitted his resignation
as Assessor since he could not be in attendance in two towns on Grievance Day.  The Town must have a certified Assessor in place.




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to enter into executive session at 8:12pm with Attorney Christiana regarding the Assessor’s office


Seconded by:  Supervisor Chipman            Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to reconvene the meeting at 8:30pm with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken nor monies expended.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved




Resolution #86_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Sharon Hornbeck be appointed Acting Assessor from 5/22 to 5/29/08 as Assessor at the contracted rate of $1250.00.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu
Discussion :  Councilman Spano said it is clear we have to do something, that position has been vacant for 5 months, but not this.  He stated that three out of the eight candidates interviewed met the criteria to be Assessor, and he moved to amend the motion on the table and appoint Steven Ryan, Assessor.  Councilwoman Archer seconded the amendment. However, they were told that only the person making the motion can amend it.  After a heated discussion, the vote was taken.


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                 Motion carried 3_2


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Resolution #87_2008


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that Steven B. Ryan be appointed
Assessor, he is an experienced candidate with a different perspective.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano
Councilwoman Archer       aye
Councilman Cilenti        nay
Councilwoman Michailescu  nay
Councilman Spano          aye
Supervisor Chipman        nay
                                                  Motion not carried 3_2




Resolution #88_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Michael Sommer be reappointed Acting Assessor for the Town from 5/29 to 7/2/08 at the contractual rate of $5000 a month as previously agreed upon in his original contract with the Town of Rochester.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      


Councilwoman Archer      aye
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                  Motion carried 4_1




Resolution #89_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Board appoint Michael Sommer Assessor for the Town effective 7/3/08, at the rate of $2000.00 per month including all civil service and benefits as afforded all Town employees.  His term to expire 9/30/2013.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu
Discussion: Councilman Cilenti said he is a knowledgeable and viable candidate.  Councilman Spano and Councilwoman Archer asked what is his accessibility to the residents and they both strongly feel a full time Assessor is necessary considering the 4700 parcels in our Town.


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                    Motion carried 3_2




A few residents stated that Assessor Sommer was very helpful to them.


One resident questioned a revaluation for the Town and did not believe
a reval was ever conducted in Wawarsing.


One felt an out of towner would be better and quickly learn the area.


It was suggested that property values should be lowered due to the economy.


It was felt by one resident that the former assessor caused this problem.


A resident felt that all wars and conflicts should be named on the proposed Veterans Park plaques.  He was told that is the plan.


Another resident felt the Veterans Park should be expedited.


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A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to adjourn the meeting at 9:08pm.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC
May 29, 2008                                                3469


The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on May 29, 2008 at 7:00pm at the
Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman                       
Councilwoman Archer (7:04)
Councilman Cilenti (7:09)                 
Councilwoman Michailescu
Councilman Spano        
Attorney Christiana         
Town Clerk Sommer


Councilman Spano


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and invited Bill Collier to lead
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to approve the following bills
as audited this date:


                    General Fund             $125,551.49
                    Highway Fund              146,564.03
                    Street Lighting               339.35


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Motion carried 4_0
                                                       Spano _ absent




Chairperson Alice Cross of the Historic Preservation Commission reported
on the Veteran’s Park _ where the plans were & where they are going. They
are proposing a monument for the Veteran’s be placed by the Town Hall and
the Veteran’s Park behind the Museum be planned as a place for quiet




Michael Callen and Dan Davis reported on the Natural Resource Inventory Grant they received for $18,750.00.  Mr. Davis to meet with Nancy Beard of the DEC with an updated proposal.




Cliff Road
Lyon’s Lodge/DEC Land Swap
PB/ZBA Training
Website Policy _ Business Listings & Organizations
Commission/Board Attendance Policy
Town Board Business Meetings Procedures




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to adjourn the meeting
at 9:03pm.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Motion carried 4_0
                                                       Spano _ absent


Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC