2008 February Town Board Minutes

February 7, 2008                                            3437


The Town Board Meeting was held on February 7, 2008 at 7:00pm at the
Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman         
Councilwoman Archer     
Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu   
Councilman Spano        
Town Clerk Sommer
Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting and Councilwoman Michailescu led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Supervisor Chipman asked for a moment of silence for Patti Kershaw, wife
of Wayne Kershaw, our Transfer Station Attendant.




Rondout Valley Central School Representative, Mike Redmond gave a
presentation regarding the upcoming building expansion vote on March 11, 2008.


Town of Rochester Justice Babcock gave a presentation on the needs of
the Court, eg: security, size, lighting, etc.




Resident, Mike Miszko presented a proposal to the Board to enact a local
law to increase the Veteran’s Exemptions.


Resident, Michael Baden said he can help the Board with the background checks and procedures with a time line.


A Resident suggested grants available for the Courthouse.


A Resident said our Town was turned down from Cabela’s since we are in
a red line district, meaning we’re losing our value due to businesses leaving the area.  We need jobs and industry he said.




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to approve the following minutes
as submitted:


January  3, 2008  Organizational Meeting
January  3, 2008  Town Board Meeting
January 24, 2008  Special Town Board Meeting re: Assessor’s position
January 24, 2008  Interviews & Audit/Workshop Meeting


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved


SUPERVISOR’S REPORT:  Filed with the Town Clerk.


CORRESPONDENCE:  Filed with the Supervisor.


LEGAL MATTERS:  Attorney Christiana reported that the case of Singh
against the Town has been withdrawn.




Supervisor Chipman and the Councilpersons shared the highlights of the meetings they attended as liaisons and committee members.


February 7, 2008                                            3438






Resolution #35_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the following Standing Committees be dissolved:


Zone Code Task Force
Building Development Committee
Rural Character Committee
Planning & Zoning Committee
Economic Development Commission
Telecommunications Advisory Committee
Property Tax Committee


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu
Discussion:  Councilman Spano & Councilwoman Archer expressed their
feelings against the dissolution of these committees, especially the
Zone Code Task Force. Councilman Cilenti expressed his views as to why the changes should go forth.


                                                       Motion carried 3_2
                                                       Archer _ nay
                                                       Spano  _ nay


Resolution #36 _ 2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano that the Code Task Force Committee not be dissolved as he feels it is a disservice to the Town.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye            Motion not carried 3_2




Attorney Christiana said work has to be done on the proposed local law
before a public hearing can be scheduled.




Resolution #37_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the fee for all fire safety
and property maintenance inspections are $50.00, effective immediately.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to enter into executive session at 8:10pm to discuss pending board vacancies.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to reconvene the meeting at 8:50pm with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken nor monies expended.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved
February 7, 2008                                            3439




Resolution #38_2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to appoint William Collier and
Jeanne Greene to the Historic Preservation Commission.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to appoint Alice Cross, Chairperson and Jeanne Greene, Vice Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved






A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to appoint Lillian Green to the ECC.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to appoint Laura Finestone to the ECC.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano
Councilwoman Archer      aye
Councilman Cilenti       nay
Councilwoman Michailescu nay
Councilman Spano         aye
Supervisor Chipman       nay
                                                 Motion not carried 3_2




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to appoint Wendy Monk to the ECC.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Motion carried 4_0
                                                    Michailescu _ abstained




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Michael Callen be Chairman
and Kristin Marcel, Vice Chair of the ECC.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Unanimously approved






A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to appoint Brian Drabkin to the


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                                Motion carried 3_2


February 7, 2008                                            3440




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to appoint Brian Drabkin Chair and Beatrice Haugen DePuy Vice Chair to the ZBA.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                      Motion carried 3_2






A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to appoint Michael Baden to the
Planning Board.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              


Councilwoman Archer      aye
Councilman Cilenti       nay
Councilwoman Michailescu nay
Councilman Spano         aye
Supervisor Chipman       nay
                                                    Motion not carried 3_2




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to appoint David O’Halloran to the Planning Board.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailescu aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                     Motion carried 3_2




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu that Mel Tapper be Chair and Shane Ricks Vice Chair to the Planning Board.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            


Councilwoman Archer      nay
Councilman Cilenti       aye
Councilwoman Michailesu  aye
Councilman Spano         nay
Supervisor Chipman       aye
                                                        Motion carried 3_2




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that appointments be tabled until
background checks are completed.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Motion carried 4_1
                                                       Chipman _ nay




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that Sue Matson be Chair and
Pamela Stocking be Vice Chair of the Youth Commission.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Motion carried 4_1
                                                       Spano _ nay


February 7, 2008                                            3441






A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that each Councilperson submit the names of two persons of their choice to serve on the Comprehensive Plan Zoning Code & Map Task Force.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved






A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to establish a committee of volunteers to work on the Memorial Day Parade and other events.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to develop a committee to
bring business to our area.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti
Discussion:   Councilman Cilenti feels we would be duplicating the charge of the Chamber of Commerce.  We should support them, not duplicate.
Councilwoman Archer feels we need parameters before we pursue this.


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Michailescu to rescind the previous motion until such time a charge is written and presented by the Supervisor.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved




Supervisor Chipman explained he wants a committee to help explain the budget, etc.  Tabled.




Supervisor Chipman requested that Attorney Christiana write an amendment increasing the Ethics Board from 3 to 5 members.






A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Board advertise for a volunteer Emergency Management Director and further authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved






A Motion was made by Supervisor Chipman that all Boards and Commissions
be required to submit attendance records on a yearly basis to the Town Board.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved




A Resident volunteered to help with the Memorial Day Parade, and stated that the Chamber of Commerce supports the Town of Rochester businesses,
we didn’t receive much support from the former Board.  It was suggested
a liaison would be very helpful for the Chamber and the Board.
February 7, 2008                                            3442


A Resident said the time line for the proposed local law is 3/1/08 and
suggested the Town amend according to the State Law for the Veterans exemptions.


It was suggested by a resident that the Veterans Park needs to be expedited, cut through the red tape and get it done.


A Resident feels we should build upon our own local and business economy.
The Board was commended for keeping up the website by providing information to local business owners. We need community development and the Board was commended for finding committees, find the best and not stack.


A Resident was disappointed in the liaison report re: the Fire Company.


It was suggested that Jerry Davis and especially Brenda Striano of the Code Enforcement Office be included in the Code committee since they were very valuable members of the former committee.


Supervisor Chipman said they are working as quickly as possible to find a new planner for the Town since Chazen withdrew their services.


Another resident volunteered for the Parade Committee and offered to teach parents and residents about gang awareness.


A Resident encouraged the new committee members to help community development and suggested streamlining ideas to the Board.


Another resident said gangs are already in our Town and we need to know how to protect our families.




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to enter into executive session at
9:50pm regarding the Assessor’s position.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to reconvene the meeting at 10:24pm with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken nor monies expended.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved






A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Assessor Aide’s
probation be extended 6 months.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Archer           Motion carried 4_0
                                                    Michailescu _ abstained




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer that the Board advertise for
Sole Assessor as per the guidelines of ORPS, and further authorize the
Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved


February 7, 2008                                            3443


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to adjourn the meeting at


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC
February 21, 2008                                           3444


A Special Meeting of the Town Board was held on 2/21/2008 at 7:00pm at the Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman           
Councilwoman Archer     
Councilman Cilenti                      
Councilwoman Michailescu     
Councilman Spano


The meeting was opened with the pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Supervisor Chipman explained that the meeting was called for the entire Town Board to meet with the Acting Assessor.




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to enter into executive session at 7:08pm with Acting Assessor Michael Sommer involving personnel both past and present.


Seconded by:  Supervisor Chipman            Unanimously approved
A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to reconvene the meeting at 9:20pm with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken, nor monies expended.


Seconded by: Councilman Spano               Unanimously approved




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to adjourn the meeting at 9:21pm.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Gundberg
Deputy Town Clerk
February 27, 2008                                           3445


The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held at 7:00pm on February 27, 2008
at the Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman          
Councilwoman Archer     
Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu    
Councilman Spano
Deputy Town Clerk Gundberg


Supervisor Chipman called the meeting to order and Councilwoman Michailescu led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to approve the following bills as audited this date:


General Fund   Abstract 14 of 2007           $  16,962.46
                          Abstract 02 of 2008           $ 205,133.44
Highway Fund   Abstract 02 of 2008           $  94,769.36
Street Lighting                              $     329.54


Seconded by: Councilwoman Michailescu       Unanimously approved
The Town Board held lengthy discussions on the proposed topics for the March Town Board Meeting.


                I  Security order in the Courthouse
        II  The hiring of Special Prosecutors for criminal law
  III  Level of background checks for the Youth Commission
        IV  Veterans exemptions
                V  Business development
        VI  Expansion of the Ethics Committee
  VII  Status of cell towers


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to adjourn the meeting at 8:50pm.


Seconded by: Councilman: Spano              Unanimously approved


Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen A. Gundberg
Deputy Town Clerk