2008 December Town Board Minutes

December 4, 2008                                              3507


A Public Hearing regarding proposed Local Law 4-2008 amending Chapter
128 of the Code of the Town of Rochester (Taxation) to provide an exemption from real property owned by veterans who renderedmilitary service to the United States during the “Cold War”.




Supervisor Chipman        Councilwoman Archer       Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu  Councilman Spano          Town Clerk Sommer
Attorney Christiana


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.




One resident questioned the “Cold War” years that were applicable.




A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to close the hearing at 7:10pm.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC
December 4, 2008                                              3508


The Town Board Meeting was held immediately following the previous
public hearing.




Supervisor Chipman         Councilwoman Archer      Councilman Cilenti
Councilwoman Michailescu   Councilman Spano         Town Clerk Sommer
Attorney Christiana




Harry Hansen presented a slide show of old frame houses, etc. and the varied architectural styles that are within our Town.  It was a “taste” of things to come when the project of compiling the information is completed.




A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer to approve the minutes of
the following meetings as submitted:


November  6, 2008  Public Hearing
November  6, 2008  Town Board Meeting
November 20, 2008  Audit/Workshop Meeting


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved


SUPERVISOR’S REPORT:  Filed with the Town Clerk.




Councilwoman Archer reported that the $5000.00 grant was returned. A new
grant will be submitted at a later date for Rail Trail enhancements from
acquiring land on Lucas.


Councilman Cilenti reported that the Tower at the Transfer Station is not yet in operation.


Councilwoman Michailescu said the Youth Board met with Bob Conklin, President of the YMCA agreeing to accept the Rochester kids participation
in their program at $25.00 per day.  The Staff is trained and the facilities at Epworth will fill our needs.


Councilman Spano reminded everyone that the Commissioners vote is from 6 to 9pm on 12/9/08 at the Fire Halls.


Supervisor Chipman thanked Carol Dennin once again for organizing a very
successful Thanksgiving Dinner and thanked Zali Win, RRA President for their generous donation.  Eighty six dinners were served.




Local Law #4-2008 – Cold War Veterans
Resolution #137-2008


A Resolution was made by Councilwoman Archer, seconded by Councilman Cilenti that
Local Law #4-2008 amending Chapter 128 of the Code of the Town of Rochester (Taxation) to provide an exemption from real property taxes for real property owned by veterans who rendered military service to the United States during the “Cold War”.


Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Rochester as follows:
Section 1.


Section 458-b of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes a limited exemption from real property taxes for residential real property owned by veterans who rendered military service to the United States during the “Cold War”.


Section 458-b of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes municipalities to establish maximum exemption amounts.
December 4, 2008                                              3509


With regard to “Cold War” veterans who own residential property in the Town of Rochester, it is the desire of the Rochester Town Board to authorize the “Cold War” veterans exemption and establish maximum amounts for such exemption.


This local law is enacted pursuant to the authority contained in RPTL
Section 458-b.


Section 2.


Town of Rochester chapter 128 shall be amended to add the following:


Section 128-20 The maximum exemptions allowable pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Section 458-b shall be 15% of the property’s assessment, not to exceed $12,000.00 multiplied by the latest final state equalization rate for service during the “Cold War” and a percentage of the property’s assessment equal to one-half of any service connected disability rating, not to exceed $40,000.00 multiplied by the latest final state equalization rate.


Section 3.


This Local Law shall be effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State in accordance with the Municipal Home Rule Law.


Roll Call Vote:


Councilwoman Archer          aye
Councilman Cilenti           aye
Councilwoman Michailescu     aye
Councilman Spano             abstained
Supervisor Chipman           aye            Motion carried 4-0




Resolution #138-2008


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to schedule the Organizational Meeting on 1/8/09 at 7:00pm with the Town Board Meeting immediately following and further authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise same.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved






A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti that the Board enter into executive session with the Attorney for the Town at 7:45pm regarding pending litigation.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved


A Motion was made by Councilman Cilenti to reconvene the meeting at
8:04pm, with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken nor monies expended.


Seconded by:  Councilman Spano              Unanimously approved




Resolution #139-2008


A Motion was made by Councilwoman Archer authorizing the Supervisor to advise that the Town has no objection to the settlement of Ahlers personal injury lawsuit, as the Town has no lien proceeds of that lawsuit.


Seconded by:  Councilman Cilenti            Unanimously approved
December 4, 2008                                              3510


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm.


Seconded by:  Councilpersons Archer & Cilenti


                                                      Unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC
December 18, 2008                                             3511


The Audit/Workshop Meeting was held on December 18, 2008 at 7:00pm
at the Town Hall.




Supervisor Chipman     Councilwoman Michailescu     Councilman Spano
Town Clerk Sommer




Councilwoman Archer    Councilman Cilenti


Supervisor Chipman opened the meeting at 7:00pm and led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to approve the following bills as
audited this date:


                   General Fund        $ 91,665.34
                   Highway Fund         176,053.30
                   Street Lighting          370.55


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Motion carried 3-0
                                                      Archer  – absent
                                                      Cilenti – absent




Supervisor Chipman discussed the mortgage tax to be paid to the Town.
Farm land surrounding Domino Farms.
Ulster County Supervisors all agreed to support the Open Space program.
Verizon might not be connected to the cell towers until Spring.
The Board will advertise on the web-site in January for residents to
fill vacancies on various Boards.




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to enter into executive session at 7:15pm regarding pending litigation.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Motion carried 3-0
                                                      Archer  – absent
                                                      Cilenti – absent


A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to reconvene the meeting at 7:25pm with the Supervisor reporting no action was taken nor monies expended.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Motion carried 3-0
                                                      Archer  – absent
                                                      Cilenti – absent




A Motion was made by Councilman Spano to adjourn the meeting at 7:26pm.


Seconded by:  Councilwoman Michailescu      Motion carried 3-0
                                                      Archer  – absent
                                                      Cilenti – absent
Respectfully submitted,
Veronica I. Sommer
Town Clerk/RMC